The record changer (Mar-Dec 1947)

Record Details:

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•FOR DISPOSITION' WANTED i First four l FOR aDC'~^5 lTTERS of coll see Pace 16. price if for sale; value if for trace: minimum bio if fop aucti:^ METHOD OF DISPOSITION: "SAL . FOR 5ALE AT PRICE INDICATED; TRA'.FOR TRADE ; nAUC", AT uct i on. Closing date for bids, SEE PACE 16. 'T-A" FOR TRADE or auction; "t— S" for trade OR SALE; "STA" FOR SALE,TRAOE OR AUCTION. CONOITION OF RECORD: N— NEW E— Cx CELLENT ; V— VERY GOOD OOP; F— fair; p-poc?. jc^~3LCj NUMBER :r I = E_ :f I : = _s:, homer uartet(Higoletto) SC ALLPLATTE 054117 V AUC 1.50 Corr BARR I Ef.TQS 4 HACKETT IL S0LL DELL'ANIUA(RlGOL.) CO4 7|002 N S-A 2.35 GILL 3. ?. c. Sf:"'r"\i A". FRED OVEHTURE(SCHUUANn) JUSSI 8J0ERLING H fuves/roueo SOPHIE BRASLAU 1Carwen}/( Carmen) ove you truly/Somebody lov iweetest story /love's old s< |r!ndisi(Lucrezia borgia) • NIGHT •eetest story ever told a— long i n 1 fo' vol iver of thee i'm dreaming Greatest miracle of all Just a little house of love P'UETTA LADDIE BOY -WINE DOOR |0ME DAY YOU *ILL MISS ME Iave 0L0 OEAR OL0 PLACE '.' CARLO B'.TI INM NANNA ^CAROVANE ENRiC' CARLSO : : - ,:<tz< ;f=vim a ! CARUSO. ALDA 4 JOURNET VI 1 1713 N JA,J HMV 6247 N AUC JA, J CO 156 V AUC Wend V|9 556 E AUC Wend N CO 2052 E AUC V/EtlD Vl'O 64468 E AUC '."END VI10 64540 E AUC PEND VI io 64708 V AUC V/ENO VilO 64747 E AUC '//END Vl'° 64883 V AUC VEND Vl10 64887 V A IC VIEND V ■ 1 0 64937 V AUC WEND V, io 64967 E AUC "END V,IO 64983 E AUC WEND VI IC 66044 E AUC Vend ijfj 10 661 15 V AUC '■''ENO 4,10 74681 E AUC WEND CO 14832 V AUC OELA VI 87053 V AUC Corr CI0(L01TSARDI ) -VERDI CARUSO 4 SCOTT I pleni 9521 I sal 3.00 Thom Vl 8S00I SAL 9 IN QUESTO{ FoRZA ) paslc :-s-l; e cygne/voment musical vl" 1143 v auc .'end iRAUVEREl/l ELOOY IN F Vl 1178 V AUC SEND h>ITE IN C MAJ0R(80TH SI0ES)C04>? 5782 E AUC WEND '|TANNKAUSER)/OUINTETTE 0 MAJ.CC4>9 5953 V AUC WEND ELOA CAVALIER I A SEVILLA (WHITE TEST) . : ■: IP DE FLEUR I C A " I v '.: .' RCLOGUE(P<GL|ACCI ) GERALD INE FARRAR Vl 64063 v auC 2.50 CORR Br4 30018 G s— A 1^5 Gill l4'e 8?|76 G S-A 75 GILL 873 I I SAL 87136 SAL I .50 Thom 1.50 Thom OVA USCIVA Dl CASA(ZAZA) 1/ CORSI NON Ml LASCIATE " :: r • MAJOR QUARTET-FUG'JE ' "eethoven) 74592 V SAL MAJOR Q'JART.-HIENUET(M0ZART)/i4<9 74596 E SAL major quartet-lentc(Dvorak)Vi4<9746I I G SAL BETT IMA FREEI.'AN I ITTLE IRISH GIPL/LITTE THIEF CO 856 E AUC 1.50 CORR GADSn 4 HOMER Ul LA SORTe(aida) 4-6 Vl 89024 E AUC RFEO VI10 8904 1 V AUC 3A LL I — C: ■ PC j. DE L'jCAfVET.ORCH. u/b SETTl'l IPOWETE/blTE ALL(TRAVIATa) "I4 8089 E S-A 3.50 GILL GALLI-CURCl. DEL C A , EGENER, JOURHET, CARUSO.BADA .35 WEND .35 WEND .25 WEND 3.25 CORR CURR ExTETTE (LUCIA) VI 95212 -SAL 2 ' ' I'ERGE BLICHICHES STANDCHEN GR 43404 E AUC 2 ALMA GLUCK ( Z I MeAL I ST, V I OL IN ) I've map i a f Gounod ) V|4 8S4 3 V s-a I LEO'"',: ~.-\-k\ ELODV IN F BR9 10050 V AUC : octurne E flat/Preludes Co4,9 5485 E auc I'ChOPIN ITEMS, BOTH SIDES) CO4'9 5597 E AUC [HOPIN 4 LESCHETIZKy/POLDIM 4 Rubinstein Co4»9 6013 V auc Iiantaisie ikpromptu(Chofin)BR4'10 30017 V AUC ARENTELLA(LISZT) BR4'10 30016 V AUC GEORGE NAHM HEM YOU'LL REMEMBER ME VI4, 6 74134 V S-A I .75 THOM .25 CORR . 10 Gill WEND WEND Wend Weno WEND Wend CECELIA HANSEN(violin) HEJRE KATl/KUJAwl AK VI 65540 N HANS KIKDLER ( CELLO 4 0RCH.) Fond recollecti ons( popper ) Vi 6486 V ANDRE KOSTENANETZ 4 ORCH. JA,J GILL MORS 245 E SAL 4.00 MORS Grand canyon suite album(4— 12" )Co 463 E sal 3.00 K0U5SEVITZKY 4 LONDON PH ILHARWOH IC(EUR0PE ) BEETHOVEN'S 5TH (5--I2") LA SCALA ARTISTS Giorni/ha quest(Trovatore) Vl' ECCOCl/C 'E MIMI (ROHEME) Vl' hulda lashahska Camzonetta songs my mother taught me Mighty lak' a rose thy beaming eyes HAPPY DAYS ANNI E LAUR IE GIOVANNI MART I NELL I CUEMA VOLX/'RACHEL (JUIVE) CLAUD 10 MUZ 1 0 35177 V AUC 68378 V AUC Vl 10 66021 V AUC Co'° 77719 E AUC CO10 77980 V AUC CO 1 0 76355 V AUC CO'0 79213 G AUC Co4, 10 49338 v AUC Vl 6545 G AUC LA FORZA ) /'( AOD I 0 DEL ) NEW YEARS EVE IN NEW YORK CO 9 1 OS N Victor Symphony, I 5 2 LILLIAN HOROICA 10 SON Tl TAN I a(Mi GNON) JOSE PA LET Di que es verdadIla Dolores) pol plancon Serenade mephi stoph( Faust) Song of the flea (Caj,:nati on) lily poms Pons in classic airs(album) operatic select i0hs( album ) CARI/ELA PONSELLE Love song/Cream faces Homing/Oh promise me '■ OONL' GH T/CalM AS THE NIGHT PONSELLE !. MART I NELL I OTERRA ADDIO (AIDA) MART I NELL I 4 HOMER CO 3066 1 E AUC 927 E S-A 2.0 Vl 81040 E S-A V l 3 81087 V AUC 756 702 5.50 6.50 CO9 CO9 3369 G AUC 3732 G A uc CO 20009 E AUC V I 3041 E AUC Al NOSTR I ,A'AL RE'.(TROVATCRE) VI 8105 N AUC PAUL RE IMERS TO MARY/PHYLLIS UND DIE MUTT VI9 45062 E AUC wohin/auf FLUGELN DES GESAN. VI9 45065 E AUC MEMORIEs/l WONDER HOW OLD FO Vl9 45134 V AUC SCOTT I fcONNAMBULA) Vl3 68028 E AUC LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI CAUCASIAN SKETChEs/PRI MCE IGOR VI 6514 fl RICCARDO STRACCIARI. Santa lucia Co10 78100 G auc Barcarolle! la gioconda) Co10 79636 G auc ELEGIE VI4'10 49333 E AUC there's a long long trail co4'10 49517 v auc Sunshine of your smile gladys swarthout Co4, 10 49590 E AUC SWARTHOUT IN SON G ( ALBUM) VI 679 T-S GEOGES THILL (LA TOSCA )/( PAGL I ACCI ) CO 7016 E (Carmen)/(Romeo et juliet) Co 1985 E ( L0HENGRUl)/( ALCESTE ) CO 39 M TOSCA SELECTIONS :.'AREK WEBER 4 ORCH, PARTS 1,2 V I 35909 N EVA TURNER D'AMOR SULL/O PATRAIA CO 2 1 56 t! AR I as( Turandot) Co 1631 N CYRENA VAN GORDON (le prophete)/(samson 4 Delilah) 60000 E auc (ORFEO 4 EURIDICE)/(AIDA) C04>° 622 1 V AUC WAGNER Tristan ano Isolde, Vol 2 Co 101 t-a iVAN WILLIAMS IF WITH ALL HEARt(ElIJAh) V I 4 74066 V S-A YAW Marriage of jeannette CLASSICAL AND OPERATIC VOCALS Want lists invited LISTS SALE LIST OF OPERATIC VOCALS V I 6 74092 E AUC CURR CURR Wend Wend wend wend Wend WEND CORR JA, J JA, J CORR GILL G I LL CURR THOM Thom Wend Wend Wend Curr CURR Weid Wen6 WEND CURR JA, J WEND WEND WEND ■ WEND WEND Thom ■ Ja,j Ja,j • Ja,j ■ JA,J • JA,J ■ JA,J • WEND • WEN0 ■ THOM i Gill • CURR ■ CORR • DELA PHONOGRAPH RECORDS CHEAP CATALOGUE FREE PARAMOUNT. 313 East Market St., Dept. 4A, WILKES-BARRE, PENNA. first four letters of collector For adqress. see page 16 PRICE OFFERED FOR RECORD. ATALOG NUMBER OF RECORD « 1 llABEL OF RECORD Selection. (Opera n parentheses). "Si S NAME. ^^^^ (E) LUC IEN BOYER Hands across/is it the singer E IDE NOREMA 4 V I LLA BELLA ROMEO & JULIETTE DUETS(3 RECORDS' ELIZ. SCHUMANN LlEOER REC I TA L( SCHUBERT ) (ALeUM) Vl TAUBER {ANY ON COLUMBIA AND ODEON; V) CATALOGS American Odeon 4 Okeh; any year, 1927-32 American Columbia, i 933 — Brunswick and Columbia German lists — FOREIGN RECORDS (Any recoreded in Argentina, Spanish; v) (many Br, Co, GermaVj series; V) — Dela CORR Thom NEWM NEWM NEWM ■ NEWM NEWM NEWM Am breaking up collection of 10,000 jazz records, all out of print and hard to get. Collectors' items. Inspection invited. Write or call. J. S. SCHNEIDER, 128 West 66th St.. N. Y. C. Trafalgar 7 9147 Australian Jazz Quarterly A new magazine featuring only strictly hot articles, and containing original material exclusively. No articles are reprinted •from other sources, and no articles appearing in "Australian Jazz Quarterly" will be printed elsewhere. First issue contains 32 pages, and features a biography of Marty Marsala, excerpts from Library of Congress recordings by Jelly Roll Morton, and many other pieces of great jazz interest. Edited by WILLIAM H. MILLER Subscriptions $1.00 Per Year (4 issues) Send subscriptions direct to the RECORD CHANGER 1219 Wisconsin Ave., Washington 7, D. C. Also available from the Record Changer are two booklets: 1. Matrix Numbers, their meaning and history. *A full explanation of matrix numbers, with particular reference to each of the major companies, plus a detailed guide to the dates of recording of the matrix numbers of all ttje major companies 65c 2. A Complete Discography of Red Nichols and His Five Pennies, by B. 0. V. Venables. Will not be published elsewhere in the world. A completely revised and augmented edition of Venables' Reminting the Pennies 35c (Allow six weeks for delivery.)