The record changer (Feb-Dec 1948)

Record Details:

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MOUL: WM. R. MOULT^ON, 22 1 GERRY RD., CHESTNUT HILL 67, MASS. PARR: SID PARRY 574 W. |76 ST., NY 33, NY PENN: ARTHUR PENN 5925 MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 37, ILL. PERK: ROBERO PERKINS RFD # 4 VALLEY RD., PATTERSON N.J. PIPE: JOHN M. PIPES BOX r 2 1 5 BIG SPRING, TEXAS. P'JRC: JOHN A. PURCHES |4 HARGROVE ST SEMAPHORE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA PYLE: DORIS PYLE 335 W. REPUBLIC ST. SALINA, KANSAS RITZ: FRANK A. RlTZ ||4 DEWEY ST., GARFIELD, NJ RUSSt WILLIAM RUSSELL 704 LEWIS ST., CANTON, MO. STEE: LEWIS STEELY 30 1 WATERFORD RD. SILVER SPRING, MD. STEF: BERT STEFFEY 2454 TORRA StTEBLVD TORRANCE, CALIF. 'STEl: FELIX STEINMANN, B I RKENHOF , FAHRWANGEN, SWITZERLAND. (IF MORE THAN 3 RECORDS ORDERED NO SHIPPING CHADGE. MANY REF. IN USA STEP : RUBY B. STEVENS I|7 4TH ST., S.E. MINNEAPOLIS |4, MINN. TRES: A. P. TRESCOTT, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, SWARTHMORE, PA. TERR: EZRA TERRY , DORSET , VT . |IR: VINYLITE JAZZ REISSUES 2|| E. |5 ST., NYC 'E ID : W. WE I DEL 840 CHflLK ST., AKRON 10, OHIO iZHDl ROY WENDELL ENGINE 4 MFD, RIVERSIDE AVE. , MEDFORD 55, MASS. EIG: LESLIE ZEIGER 1 056 SHERMAN AVE., NYC 56, NY NOTE 27 All persons -sing the medium of the Record Changer in the buying, telling or trading of phono graph records, do so lubject to these Rules and Regulations ™ I. A collec»or or person who solicits and receives advance remittance for a record must send the record within a period of four weeks. a A collector or person who orders and receive! a record prepaid must pay for it within a period of four weeks. j. A collector or person who obtains a record in trade must fulfill his end of the trade within a period cf four weeks. % 4. A collector or person who requests that a record be shipped C O D must accept the ahipment unless the shipment is damaged in transit. (A btd on an auction or an order from a sale which Hates that records will be shipped COD unless otherwise instructed, is considered a request for C O D. shipment ) The name of the person or collector who violate! the above rules will be printed in the Record Changer upon the first violation, and the violation will be described. (Exception: where breakage or over-grading is concerned, the record is to be returned promptly to the shipper. If the parties involved do not arrive at a settlement, the matter is to be referred to the American Record Collectors Board.) • • • When infractions of these rules occur, contact Jacob S. Schneider, Legal Dept., The Record Changer. u8 West 66th St.. New York. N. Y. CLOSING DATE FOR BIOS. On ad Records advertised for auction in this issue will be NOVEMBER 20, 1 948 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED FOR AUCTION OVER 200 JAZZ RECORDS SEND FOR FREE LIST DOROTHY OYER 43 EAST 25th STREET NEW YORK 10, N.Y. WANTED TRADES WITH AMERICAN COLLECTORS I OFFER NOBLES, HYLTONS, AMBROSES, BOWLLY'S AND ALL OTHER BRITISH BANDS & SINGERS IN E-N CONDITION. SEND YOUR WANT LISTS. I WANT OK 8000, CO |4000, AND OTHER RACE RECORDS 1924-1931. PREFERABLY NOT PRE ELECTRIC. V-E-N CONDITION, A.E. WATSON, 40 CONNAUGHT AVE. , EAST BARNET, HERTS., ENGLAND. UE TO THE FACT THAT OUR VOLUME OF USINESS IN DIXIELAND JAZZ HAS BEEN 0 GREAT OUR FR ESEflT LOCATION HAS ECOME TOO SMALL. WE ARE THEREFORE OVING TO BIGGER AMD MORE LAVISH UARTERS. WE ARE NO LONGER OPERATING AT 107 W. 47 ST. OUR NEW STORE S AT 782 EIGHTH AVE. (47-48 STS) NEW YORK C I TY. END YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO BE ON UR MAILING LIST. THE JAZZ RECORD CORNER (THE JAZZ CENTER OF THE WORLD) Jp? 1/cttr Convenience The Record Changer 1 25 U Salle Street, New York City 27, N. Y. f/eose enter my tubtcrlptton to your magazine tor □ I yeer; □ 2 years; □ 3 years, my remittance it enclosed United States I year $3.00; 2 years $5.50; 3 years $7.50 Canada I year $3.25; 2 years $6.00; 3 years $1.25 Fowign I y«ar $3.50; 2 years $6.50; 3 years $9.00 Name _ Address _ _