The record changer (Jan-Dec 1949)

Record Details:

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HOW THE RECORD CHANGER WORKS: 23 Abbreviations used in the Classified "Wanted" and "For Disposition" Sections are as follows: Col. I, Record Label: Ac Aeolian Aj Ajax AM .... American Music Ap Apex Ar Artiphon At Asch All Autograph At .... Aeolian Vocalion Ba Banner BB Blue Bird Be . . . Beacon Bl Berliner BN Blue Note BP ... Brunswick Polydor Br Brunswick Bt Beltona BS Black Swan Bu Buddy Bwy Broadway Ci Cameo Ch Champion CI Collectors Item CI Clarion Clg Clangor Cn Chantal Co Columbia Com Commodore Cp Capitol Cq Conqueror Cr Crown CRS Collectors Rec. Shop Cs Crescent Cx Claxtonola De Decca OF Discophiles Francoises Di Di«a Dl Dolmetsch Do Domino DP Decca Polydor Os Disc Dx Deluxe Ed Edison EB Edison-Bell El Electrola Em Emerson Ex Excelsior Fo Fonotipia FO Fonotipia-Odeon FRM Friends of Recorded Music Ge Gennetl GG ...... Grey Gull Gl General Gr Gramophone Gt Gamut Ha Harmony He Homochord Hg Harmograph When it is necessary to indicate nationality of the record, the following letters appear after the record label abbreviation: A Argentinan G •. . . . German Au Australian I Italian B Brazilian J Japanese C Canadian M Mexican E English S Swiss f French Sd Swedish In the "For Disposition" section the condition of the record is indicated by these abbreviation!: N (New): Surface noise equal to an unplayed record: no visible or audible wear perceptible: original finish intact. E (Excellent): Surface noise low. smooth, uniform. Not irregular or crackling. Easily disregarded in listening. No perceptible distortion. V (Very Good): Surface noise somewhat more prominent: light foreign noises, but slight distortion, if any; noises not seriously distracting. G (Good): A moderate amount of surface noise: background may be somewhat irregular and crackling: some foreign noises, and a little distortion; on the whole, reasonably satisfactory listening without undue distraction of attention. Foreign noises definitely less prominent than the music. F (Fair): Foreign noises, taken together, are about as prominent as the music, and there is considerable distraction of attention, and listening requires some effort and concentration; nevertheless, under these copditions. listening should be fairly satisfactory. P (Poor): Foreign noises, collectively, are louder than the recorded music: continuous concentration is required, and there is little satisfaction in listening. Hgl Hargail HMV. His Master's Voice HoW Hit of the Week HRS Hot Record Society Id Ideal Je Jewell Jl .... Jazz Information JM Jazz Man Kn Keynote Li Lincoln Lu Lumen Me Melotone Ml Melba Mo Monarch Mp Masterpiece Ms Master MV , Musique au Vatican MW . Montgomery Ward NMQ New Music Quarterly Ns Nordskog Od Odeon OL Oiseau Lyre Op Olympia Or Oriole .Pa Parlophone Pat Pathe Pd Polydor Pe Perfect Pm Paramount Pr Pro Musica Pu Puritan Ra Radiodisque Re Regal Ro Romeo Ry Royale RZ Regal-Zonophone SA Solo Art Sal Salabert Sbl Sonabel Sg Signature SI Silvertone St Sterno Su Sunshine Sw Swing Sy Syrena Te Technichord Tfk Telefunken TM Treasury of Music Tr Triangle UH United Hot Clubs II . ... Ultraphone Ve Velvetone Vi Victor ViE Export Victor Vo Vocalion Vr Variety Vs Varsity Vy Victory Column 4 of the "For Disposition" section shows the method by which each record is to be disposed. "SAL1': The record is for sale at the price indicated. "AUC": The record is at auction. The highest bid takes the record. Bid only what the record is worth to you. "TRA": The record is for trade only. If you are not familiar with the wants of the advertiser send for his want list. If you have certain records in which he may be interested, mention these in your letter. The extreme right column in both the "Wanted" and "For Disposition" sections shows the first four letters of the advertiser's name. His address is shown below. ADVERTISERS WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE NOT SHOWN ELSEWHERE ARGl AMALGAMATED RECORD GROUP P.O.BOX 34! COOPER STA.,NYC AVERtRAY AVERY REC RD ROUNDUP |630 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD., LOS ANGELES, 35, CALIF. BARR: DOLLY BA RR 26 ELM ST., MER I DEN, CONN, WIN ORDER 1.00 PACK I NG CHARGE I 50. BUTL: KEN BUTLER BOX 83 % RECORD CHANGER I 25 LASALLE ST. NYC 27, NY CARR: CONSTANCE CARR 436 MELBOURNE AVE • , BEVERLY , NJ CARV: OLIN G. CARVER 2||6 WEST AVE. H, TEMPLE TEXAS. CIAR: ANTHONY P. CIARDI 1119 LUZERNE ST., SCRANTON 4, PA. COHE: NORM A N COHEN 4622 N. WARNOCK ST., PHILADELPHIA, 40. CRAW! HARRY K. CRAWFORD |5 CHESTERWOOD A VE . ,M T VERNON, NY DUMC: ROLAND DUNCAN 2 1 2 SOUTH BOND, DALLAS TEXAS OWEN: GEORGE DWENGER 2 EDGEMONT RD. MONTCLA I R , NJ EDMO ! JACK L. EDMONDSON 75 1 5 STEVENS AVE., MINNEAPOLIS I 9, MINN. 250 PACK CHARGE. EMER: KEN EMERSON 2023 TREADWAY AVE. CLEVELAND OHIO FARM: MARLIN K. FARMER I 80 1 S.PENNSYLVAN I A ,LANS I NG MICH. GERO: GEORGE E. GEROLD 6930 HERSHE ST., HUSTON I 0, TEXAS GI-LB: C. GILBERT 4927 ARGYLE DEARBORN, MICH. GLOB: GLOBE AENCIES 55 W. 42 ST., NYC |8, NY HAM I: MOSES HAMILTON 3956 V I NCENNES AVE. , CH I CAGO, ILL. HIRE: ELL I E HIRSCHMAN I 00 DUNCAN AVE., JERSEY CITY, NJ HIRS: BILL HIRSCH, FIFTH AVE. HOTEL RM 823, NYC HOFF: RUDOLPH W. HOFFART, E I 40 TH AUTO BODY, 887 E . I 40 TH ST. CLEVELAND, OHIO HOFM: DON HOFMANN I 666 ASH ST., DES PLAINES, ILL. JACO: NAT JACOBS |55-0| 90TH AVE. APT 4S., JAMAICA 2, NY JAME: FRED JAMES ROUTE 6 BOX 236 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN BIDS UNDER $2 ADD 250 POSTAGE. KAKE: STAN KAKEZ |3|7 CENTER AVE., SHEBOY GEN , W|SC. KEND : BYRON KENDIS 4927 BOUDINOT ST., PHILADELPHIA 20, PA. KRYS: WANDA KRYSIAK 672 HUMBOLDT ST., BROOKLYN 22, NY LEVI: FLOYD Levin 405 N. NORTON AVE,, LOS ANGELES 4, CALIF. MAD I: JOSEPH MADISON 2825 34th AVE., SAN FRANC ? SCO |6, CALIF. MARC: cy marcus 25|5 clarendon rd. BROOKLYN, NY MCKU: JAMES MC KUNE I 79 MARCY AVE. , BROOKLYN II, NY MILL: HAROLD MILLER 26 W. 47 ST., NYC 23, NY MOR I : EDWARD MORINGER lOlO INTERVALE AVE., 9X 59, NY MOUL: WILLIAM MOULTON 22 1 GERRY RD CHESTNUT HILL 67, MASS, NEVA: DONALD A. NEVARD , THORR I NGTON NR COLCHESTER ESSEX, ENGLAND ORLA: JAMES ORLANDO, D I CKERSON RUN PA. ORR: JAMES M. ORR, 600 LAFAYETTE AVE,,@UFALO 9, NY PANG: PEGGY ANN PANGBORN, PANGBORN RD. DECATUR, 3A. PARR: SID PARRY 574 w. 1 76 ST., NYC 33, NY PARK: S.R. PARKER, SOX 727 AMHERST, MASS, PIKE: G.L. PIKE 10 W I NNEMERE ST., MALDEN, MASS. PIPE: JOHN M . PIPES BOX 1 2 1 5 Blfi SPRINGS TEXAS PENM: ARTHUR PENN 5925 MICHIGAN AVE. , CHICAGO 35, ILL. PERR: ANTHONY PERRY 4252 W. VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO 24, ILL.