The record changer (Jan-Dec 1949)

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the record ^ changer DECEMBER 1949 VOL. 8, NO. 12 Editor-Publisher BILL GRAUER, JR. Managing Editor ORRIN KEEPNEWS Production JANE GRAUER Art Staff GENE DEITCH— Cover & Cat PAUL BACON— Design & Typography West Coast Representative PHILIP COBEY 811 Guaranty Bldg., Hollywood, Calif. CONTENTS Dixieland Jubilee The Loudspeaker Kansas City Man Jack Lewerke Dare & Woodworth Hot Lips Page Behind the Cobwebs Carl Kendziora, Jr. Records Noted Found Blues and Skiffle Bucklin Moon Edward Hill Mull and Nicklc 8 9 10 I I 13 The Cat Gene Deitch Record Exchange Section 17 20 COLLECTORS' DISPLAY ADS 1 column (1/3 page; 78 lines) $10.00 2 columns (2/3 page; 156 lines) .. $20.00 3 columns (full page; 234 lines) .. $30.00 No display ads for record lists less than one column accepted. SUBSCRIPTIONS United States: 1 year $3.00, 2 yrs. $5.50, 3 yrs. $7.50, Canada add . 25 cents per year for postage. Foreign add 50 cents per year for postage. To subscribe, send your remittance to The Record Changer, 125 La Salle St., New York City 27, New York. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Classified sections; 13 cents per record, submitted on our special ad forms. For a supply of these forms address a post card to The Record Changer, 125 La Salle St., New York City 27, N. Y. The rate for classified advertising not submitted on these forms is 20 cents per record. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING Address inquiries to The Record Changer, 125 La Salle St., New York City 27, N. Y. The Record Changer is published monthly by Changer Publications, Inc. 125 La Salle St., New York City 27, N. Y. Copyright 1949 By Changer Publications, Inc. lemME take this verse To all you cats : Noel, Noel ! With gusto whack the Yuletide bell. From both the Grauers, Jane and Bill, Sufficient Xmas cheer to fill Your stocking — be it large or small ; From Keepnews, O., and Bacon, Paul, Plus Bucklin M. and George Avak., Come hopes that you may never lack For items E, or even G, Or P, beneath your festive tree. And last, but far from least, adroit Gene Deitch (and Cat) send from Detroit Their fervent wishes for the best Of turkey gravy on your vest. And so to every groovey friend, We now, hereby, forthwith extend Wassail ! This goes for you, Lewerke, J., For Ertegun, N., and Ertegun, A., For both the Russells — Ross and Bill, The Dizzy One, and Edward Hill, Phil Cobey, Parent, and Dick Oxtot. A rag, a blues, a vagrant foxtrot, To Rudi Blesh and M. Delauney (Two gentlemen who are real gone, hey), To Downbeat's Tracy and Metronome's Barry, Hodes (Art) and Crawford (Harry), Murphy, Turk, and Thelonious Monk — And other fine fellows, sober or drunk. May this season be the tops For Robert Wilber and Foster (Pops), For Walter Wager and Cy St. Clair, S. Brun Campbell and Jack the Bear, For Thompson (Bob) and Thompson (Kay), Nickel, Mull, and Panassie, For Jacob Schneider and Robbie Thiele, Madison, Joe, and Madison, Ceil, Producer Maltz and Sammy Meltzer. Much Yuletide cheer and a Bromo-Seltzer To Louis, Barney, and Fatha' Hines, To Nick's and Condon's and Jimmy Ryan's, Kendziora and Simeon Locke And all musicians with horns in hock; Plus Peter Drew, Monte Ballou, Ory (Kid) and Bechet (Sid), Robbins (Fred) and Nichols (Red), Yardbird Parker and Blue Lu Barker, Jelly-Roll Greene and Linda Keene, Illinois Jacquet and Bobby Hackett, Johnson, Lonnie, and Hodges, Johnny, Davison (Bill) and Chippie HillTo all of which jazz cognoscenti We wish an open horn of plenty. To such good men as Smith, Charles E., To Pee Wee Russell and James P., Orin Blackstone, Stacy, Jess., Gordon Gullickson, and S. Finkelstein and Alan Merriam — A measure of joy just short of delirium. To Lester Koenig and Lester Young We shout good wishes with every lung: To Mahalia Jackson, Jackson T., To Firehouse Five (plus two or' three) Albert Nicholas, Albert Otto, And Hambone Kelly's righteous grotto. We pray that naught the joy will tether, Of Muggsy Spanier and Leonard Feather, Of Lewis, George, and Ventura, Chas., And other stalwarts of all tvpes jazz; Like Mrs. Rose's little boy Boris, Both the Da}' girls— Lady and Doris, And Mildred Bailey, too : All Hail ! {Continued on Page 19)