The record changer (Jan-Dec 1950)

Record Details:

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18 RECORDS WANTED I will buy collections outright. Anything from 10 to 10,000 Records. Jazz, Pop, Swing, etc. Send me a list of what you have with the condition of the Records indicated. You GEORGE RAAB JR. 1 JACOBUS PL. N. Y. C. JAZZ RECORD CENTER NEW YORK'S MOST FAMOUS JAZZ SHOP Everything from Bunk to Monk . . . Collector's Items Galore . . . All Labels, Reissue.s. RECORDS AT REASONABLE PRICES Send your want lists to: 107 W.47th St., N.Y. C. 19, N. Y. Beverly ibtlle Book & Record Shoppe We buy and sell records Jazz and Classical. We have that record you have been seeking at fair prices. Also innumerable out of print classical records. Open evenings. 236 No. Beverly Dr. BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. Phone CR6-2687 SPECIAL SALE GLENN MILLER & HIS ORCH. D0IN' THE JIVE/COMMUNITY SWING 1.50 HUMORESqUE/SLEEPY TIME GAL 1.50 AMALGAMATED RECORD GROUP BOX 34i COOPER STATION, NEW YORK CY RE-RECORD YOUR OLD RECORDS ON MICR0GR00VE DISCS 1 6 SiDES (|C) ON ONE 1 2" DISC, OR 12 SIDES ( 12") ON ONE 12" D ISC WE CAN NOW RECORD HiLL & DALE FULL FIEOLITY RETAINED ACC0UST1C & ORTHOPHONIC RECORDS ONLY $ 4.85 BELL MUSIC BOX, 847 6th AVE. NY I, NY books noted (Continued from Page 7) and from time to time I will keep you informed of its progress. My hope is that I will find the time to bring up specific points of interest — where personnels differ from other sources, special records which may not have been included in other discographies, in short those things which all of us want to know. My apologies for doing it this way; if any one has a better plan let me know. B. M. COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO AMERICAN RECORDINGS, 1895-1925; by Julian Morton Moses. The American Record Collectors Exchange, publishers; 200 pages; $3.75. Here is the definitive discography of American operatic recordings. Starting with Abott and ending with Zimbalist, Jr., Mr. Moses has succeeded admirably in setting down complete American discographies of every artist of any importance in the operatic and classical fields, in the thiry years covered. Don't feel, though, that the book is _ of interest only to classical cats — that just ain't so. Anyone interested in the histories and numbering systems of the various major and minor issuing companies will find this volume of immense value. The author deals with Victor, Columbia, B erliner-Zono phone , Vocation, Brunswick, Pathe-Actuelle, Fonotipia, Odeon, and a host of others, and goes to great pains to establish the basic historical truths concerning the beginnings of these companies. For one thing, we are pleased to note that Mr. Moses puts into print the fact that Colttmbia was the predecessor of Victor (contrary to the general impression that Victor is the granddaddy of them all). The entire Victor Red Seal listing, prior to 1926, is listed in numerical order, and the opus is rounded out by an opera and instrumental index. If you're only concerned with jazz music per se, then skip this book. But if records are your love and/or operatic waxings are your forte, then this is right up your alley. B. G. nieuw Orleans style (Continued from Page 9 ) die Safranski as the top men on his instrument, unless it's Schrier's coupling, as his favorite records, of Spanier's Dippermouth and Wanda Landowska's playing of Back's Second English Suite. At least the boys listen to a lot of sides. Only one of the group — van Dorsser, who has had a good deal of dance and swing band experience — is a full-time professional musician. The others work at a variety of jobs: among others, Kesber is a student, and Bakker works for the U. S. Information Service, at the American Embassy, in the Hague, which is home ground for the outfit. Just what all this means for the band's future would be difficult to guess at from these many miles away, but they have already produced some highly interesting and clean-cut recorded examples that rank with the best of the recent European Dixieland Revival efforts. And they have thereby done their bit to promote traditional jazz in one more country that's a long way from New Orleans. COLLECTORS!!! Before You Buy, Sell or Trade Another Record, Be Sure You Have— VALUE CATALOG NUMBER THREE These days no collector can afford to be without the most complete catalog of valuable records ever printed. Think of it — over 13,000 alphabetically and numerically classified items, each giving the disc's current market value. These values are not guess-work. They represent years of painstaking research and compilation. Any one listing could mean many times more to you in cash savings than the entire cost of the catalog. And don't forget — even without price values. Catalog No. 3 is the most complete list of valuablf popular records ever printed — truly a necessity for collectors. Don't be without this thoroughly revised collectors' catalog another week. Fill gut the blank below and send your order in today. Do it NOW! Price — S2.50 per Copy, Postpaid 10 or more to Dealers, $1.25 Each (No C.O.D.'s) HOLLYWOOD PREMIUM RECORD GUIDE Post Office Box 2829 Hollywood 28, California Hollywood Premium Eecord Guide: Please mail copies of Value Catalog No. 3 to: Name Street City State DOC EVANS in %the second of his "JAZZ HERITAGE" series DOCTOR JAZZ Doctor Jazz Blues Doctor Barbershop Chord Willie the Weeper Milenberg Joys Memphis Blues Ostrich Walk Walkin' the Dog sold at better jazz shops all over the country manufactured and distributed by JOCO RECORDS NORTHFIELD, MINNESOTA