The red network; a "who's who" and handbook of radicalism for patriots ([c1934])

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198 The Red Network Listed on the 1932 letterhead as "Par- ticipating Organizations" are: Am. Assn. Univ. Women; Am. Fed. Tchrs.; Am. School Citizenship Lg.; Church of the Brethren Bd. of Relig. Ed.; C.M.E.; Fell. Recon.; Gen. Alliance Unitarian Women, Com. on Social Serv.; Gen. Conf. of Religious Soc. of Friends; Intl. New Thought Alliance; Nat. Bd. Y.W.C.A.; Nat. Coun. Jewish Women; Nat. Coun. Jewish Juniors; Nat. Edu. Assn.; Nat. Fed. of Temple Sisterhoods; Nat. Reform Assn.; Nat. Worn. Tr. Un. Lg.; Peace Assn. of Friends in Am.; Soc. to Eliminate Economic Causes of War; Woman s Missionary Un. of Friends in Am.; W.I.L.P.F.; Cooperating Organizations: Central Conf. of Am. Rabbis; Council of Women for Home Mis- sions; Nat. Consumers Lg.; Intl. Soc. of Chris- tian Endeavor; United Synagogue of Am.; Womens Lg. of the United Synagogue of Am.; World Peace Union. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR PROTECTION OF FOREIGN BORN WORKERS Nat. Coun. for Prot. For. Bn. Wkrs. A Communist subsidiary (U.S. Fish Report; also P. 77 of Report of Exec. Com. of Communist International, issued 1924); claims 270,000 members, staged mass demonstration when Congress con- vened Dec. 6, 1930; agitates against alien registration, deportation of alien Reds, etc. The N.Y. World, Oct. 16, 1927, stated: "Jos. B. Dean, pres. of the Moving Picture Operators Union, is pres. of the National Council for Protection of Foreign Born Workers; Nina Samoradin is nat. sec., and among members of the board are James H. Maurer, pres. of the Pa. State Federation of Labor, Timothy Healey of the Steamfitters Union, W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, editor of the Crisis, Clarence Darrow, Albert F. Coyle, Robert Morss Lovett, Arthur Garfield Hays, and Fred Atkins Moore." Henry T. Hunt was legal advisor. The Communist Daily Worker, Dec. 19, 1927 told of a conference of the N.Y. Council addressed by Robt. W. Dunn and Dr. Edmund B. Chaffee of the Labor Temple (of the Presbyterian Church). Marvin says the advisory board of the N.Y. Council was in 1927 "Composed of Adolph Blumfield, Louis F. Budenz, August Burkhardt (gen. sec. Amalga- mated Food Workers), Stuart Chase, P. E. Cos- grove, Solon de Leon, Marion Finn Scott, G. E. Powers, Robt. H. Haskell, John Dos Passes, Joseph Freeman, Paxton Hibben, I. A. Kittine, Horace Liveright, Ludwig Lore, Scott Nearing, Chas. W. Wood, Arthur Calhoun, Rev. A. Wake- field Statin. "All of the above are Communists or Socialists or closely allied with the Com- munist-Socialist movement in the United States. Both the Communists and Social- ists openly state their purpose is to destroy the government of the U.S. ... On Jan. 9, 1926 a luncheon conference in opposi- tion" (to alien registration and deportation bills) "was held at Hotel Astor, N.Y. City. At this meeting the bills were denounced in no uncertain terms by Max J. Kohler, the prominent pacifist Sherwood Eddy, the Rev. Chas. K. Gilbert of the Federal Coun- cil of Churches and Florence F. Cassidy of the Y.W.C.A. of Bridgeport, Conn. A letter of denouncement from the Immi- grants' Protective League of Chicago, upon whose directorate appear the names of Jane Addams, Prof. Ernst Freund, Julia C. Lathrop and other equally well-known radicals was read." (Marvin Data Sheets, 56-16 and 34-2.) N.Y. officers and exec, com.: Pres.: Joseph Dean; vice-pres.: Max Orlowsky, P. Pascual Cqsgrove; sec.-treas.: Nina Samora- din; legal advisor: Henry T. Hunt; field sec.: Jeannette D. Pearl; Executive Committee: Tim- othy Healy, Max S. Hays, James Maurer, William Cohen, Fred Suiter, Percy Thomas, J. L. Studder, A. M. Allman, Carl Appel, Rebecca Grecht, A. G. Paul J. Zoretich, W. E. B. Du Bois, Clarence Darrow, Albert F. Coyre, Robert Morss Lovett, Arthur Garfield Hays, Alice Stone Blackwell, Francis Fisher Kane, Fred Atkins Moore. (1930 Fish Report of Investigation of Communist Propa- ganda, Part S, Vol. 4, p. 1321.) NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FREEDOM FROM CENSORSHIP Of the A.C.L.U.; to abolish censorship of obscene or seditious art, literature, and movies and for "freedom in schools and colleges"; fought in behalf of Corliss Lamont's Russian posters, held by author- ities as seditious matter. Hdqts. 100 Fifth Ave., N.Y. City. Chmn.: Hatcher Hughes; vice chairmen: Bar- rett H. Clark, Fannie Hurst, Elmer Rice; treas.: Harry Elmer Barnes; sec.: Gordon W. Moss; members: Helen Arthur, Bruce Bliven, Dr. Louise Stevens Bryant. Witter Bynner, James Branch Cabell, Henry Seidel Canby, Edward Childs Car- penter, Marc Connolly, Mrs. Mary Ware Den- nett, Walter Pritchard Eaton, Morris L. Ernst, Rabbi Sidney E. Goldstein, Paul Green, Dr. Louis I. Harris. Arthur Garfield Hays, Theresa Helburn, B. W. Huebsch, Sidney Howard, Rupert Hughes, Inez Haynes Irwin, Dorothy Kenypn, Kenneth MacGowan, H. L. Mencken, Lewis Mumford, Henry Raymond Mussey, George Jean Nathan, Rabbi Louis I. Newman, Rev. Robert Norwood, Eugene O'Neill. Maxwell E. Perkins, Llewelyn Powys, Aaron J. Rosanoff, Robert E. Sherwood, Claire Sifton, Paul Sifton, Harry Weinberger, Stewart Edward White, Dr. Ira S. Wile, Harry Leon Wilson. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Radical educational association which fostered the National Save Our Schools Committee; affiliated with N. C. for P. W.