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The red network; a "who's who" and handbook of radicalism for patriots ([c1934])

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Who Is Who in Radicalism? 299 Advocate," Feb. 10, 1927; sponsor Chgo. Wkrs. Theatre, 1933; spkr. Am. Friends' Religious Forum, 1933. LATHROP, REV. CHAS. N.: minister of Prot. Episc. Ch.; formerly Dean; exec, sec. Dept. of Chr. Soc. Serv. of Nat. Coun. Prot. Episc. Ch. since 1920; made typical Socialistic class-hate speech at A.C.L.U. meeting in N.Y.C., at which Harry F. Ward presided, June 9, 1927; expressed sympathy for Communists arrested in the Bridgman (Mich.) raid, and falsely re- ferred to first Christians as "communists"— likened Communists Foster, Ruthenberg, and the others to Saint Peter, Saint John, and the other Apostles; said "I want to take my stand on the basic right for anybody in the United States to be a communist who wishes to be one." (Whitney's "Reds in America"). LATHROP, REV. JOHN ROWLAND: Unitarian minister; Fed. Coun. of Chs.; dir. Nat. Cons. Lg.; Nat. World Ct. Com.; Non-intervention Citiz. Com.; signer of appeal for Sacco and V. (N,Y. Times, Aug. 22, 1927); Com. for Thomas 1929; nat. com. W.R. Lg.; home Brooklyn, N.Y. LATHROP, JULIA C: deceased; nat. com. A.C.L.U.; advis. com. A.S.C.R.R.; bd. trustees For. Lang. Inf. Serv.; N.C. for P.W.; vice pres. Nat. Cons. Lg.; W.I. L.P.F.; one of Jane Addams' Hull House group; Lg. of Women Voters; dir. Immi- grants' Prot. Lg.; on com. to aid Mrs. Kalinin, wife of Soviet Pres., when she sought to enter U.S. for agitational tour in 1923. LAUCK, WM. JETT: economist; em- ployed by Garland Fund; author of radi- cal pamphlets used by L.I.D. and other radical agencies; labor arbitrator; People's Legis. Serv.; Wash., D.C. LAWRENCE, GLENFORD: com. chmn. C.W.C. on Unemp.; Emer. Com. Strik. Rel., Chgo.; mem. bd. "New Frontier," or- gan of C.W.C. on Unemp.; mg. com. Chgo. Forum Council; dir. men's work Chgo. Commons (Graham Taylor) since 1917; pastor Tabernacle Congl. Ch. Chgo. since 1917; Conf. Prog. Pol. Act.; Am. Assn. for Adult Edu.; World Assn. for Adult Edu.; Conf. Prog. Lab. Act.; studied Union Theol. Sem. LAWRENCE, HILDA HOWARD: exec, com. Chgo. chap. L.I.D.; Emer. Com. Strik. Rel., Chgo. LEACH, AGNES BROWN (MRS. HENRY GODDARD): nat. com. A.C.L.U. 1932; was in Jane Addams' Woman's Peace Party; Civil Liberties Bureau; exec. com. A.A. for O.A.S.; endorser World Peace- ways 1932; W.I.L.P.F.; New Sch. Social Research, 1932; Cong. Exp. Radicals; Nat. Citiz. Com. Rel. Lat. Am. 1927; nat. coun. For. Pol. Assn. LEE, ALGERNON: infamous People's Council; pres. Rand School; Socialist Party nat. exec, com.; nat. com. Lg. Against Fascism. LEFKOWITZ, ABRAHAM: born Hun- gary; A.C.L.U.; Am. Fed. of Teachers; co-ed. "N.Y. Teacher," since 1922; Social- ist; dir. Nat. Urban Lg.; Brookwood Labor Coll.; Pioneer Youth of Am.; ed. "Am. Teacher"; Worn. Tr. Un. Lg.; mem. coun. Jt. Com. on Unemp.; chmn. Mooney Conf. 1931; Com. for Thomas, 1929; Nat. Save Our Schs. Com.; dropped as teacher in N.Y. Schools; Conf. Prog. Pol. Act. camp, com. 1934; home N.Y. LE GALLIENNE, EVA: actress; advis. com. A.S.C.R.R.; nat. com. W.I.R.; Nat. Com. to Aid Vic. G. Fascism. LEHMAN, LLOYD W.: exec. bd. A.C. L.U. Chgo. Com. 1933 (exec. sec. 1932) ; lives at Hull House, Chgo.; sponsor Ber- ger Nat. Found, dinner, 1931; atty. LEIGHTON, FREDERIC W.: A.C.L.U. Chgo. Com. LEISERSON, WM. MORRIS: born Russia; Prof. Economics Antioch Coll. since 1925; chmn. bd. of arb. men's clothing in- dustry, Chgo. from 1923; Conf. Prog. Pol. Act.; nat. coun. Berger Nat. Found.; Roose- velt appointee, 1933, as sec. National Labor Board; author of chapter on "Socialist Theory and the Class Struggle" in Laidler- Thomas book "The Socialism of Our Times"; contrib. to L.I.D. pub. "The Un- employed"; speaker at Brookwood Labor Coll. 1926; head O. State Commn. on Un- emp. 1932; chosen as arbitrator of socialist Conserve Co. (see article "Capitalism, etc."). LENIN, NICOLAI (ULANOV VLADI- MIR ILYITCH): died Jan. 21, 1924, of syphilis; Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader; overthrew the Kerensky Govt. Nov. 7, 1917 (October, according to Russian cal- endar; hence the term "October" is used by Communists for "revolution"); wife's name Nadoshda Krupskaya. LEONARD, WM. ELLERY: Prof. U. of Wis.; defender of "free love" students there; Sacco-V. Nat. Lg.; Am. com. W.C. A.W.; endors. "Professional Patriots." LE SUEUR, ARTHUR: lawyer, educa- tor; nat. com. A.C.L.U. 1920-33; was vice pres. of "Yours for the revolution" Peo- ple's Coll. 1916; Non-Partiz. Lg.; war time "peace" worker. LEVIN, SAMUEL: Socialist; sponsor