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The red network; a "who's who" and handbook of radicalism for patriots ([c1934])

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308 The Red Network "Religion Joins the Revolution," "What My Communist and Socialist Friends Are Doing and Saying," "The Revolt of the 'Tinted Races' (The White Man Steps Down, the Gandhis Up)," and "Revolution Just Around the Corner (What Causes, Helps and Consummates Revolution)," un- der the auspices of the Iowa Unitarian Assn.'s ninth annual Young People's Insti- tute of Liberal Religion; speaker at com- munist John Reed Club, Chgo. Apr. 30, 1933, on "Democracy Becomes Plutocracy and Patriots become Racketeers"; Am. Com. for S.A.W. and chmn. Chgo. com. for S.A.W.; Nat. Com. to Aid Vic. G. Fascism; see article "Jail or Asylum for Me." MONROE, HARRIET: Chgo. Com. for Struggle Against War; John Reed Club. MONTAGUE, WILLIAM P.: nat. coun. L.I.D. for N.Y. MOON, PARKER T.: Prof. Columbia U.; For. Pol. Assn.; Cath. Assn. for Intl. Peace; his book "Imperialism and World Politics," part of study course for socialist L.I.D., 1927-8, along with books by Com- munists and Socialists. MOONEY, THOS.: Anarchist-Commu- nist; labor agitator; now imprisoned in San Quentin (Cal.) Pen. for bombing the San Francisco Preparedness Day Parade, July 22, 1916, with W. K. Billings, killing ten and injuring fifty persons; trying to free him is a Communist agitation and fruitful source of income; see Nat. Mooney - Billings Com. for his letter to Stalin; a letter signed by Bob Parker, org. of the Y.P.S.L. of Cleveland, O., written to Geo. Smirkin, reproduced in Daily Worker, Sept. 12, 1933, says that Clarence Senior stated: "Tom Mooney was expelled from the Eng- lish speaking branch of the Socialist Party of San F. in 1913 for the very same thing for which he is now in jail, for the ad- vocacy of dynamiting. He later joined the Hungarian branch. In spite of this, the Socialist Party has and will struggle for the release of Mooney"; Lg. Strugg. Negro Rts. 1933. MOORE, FRED ATKINS: was Univer- salist minister; exec. dir. Chgo. Forum (and Adult Edu.) Coun. since 1925; A.C.L.U. Chgo. Com.; exec. com. Chgo. L.I.D.; Fell. Faiths; Nat. Coun. Prot. For. Born Wkrs. exec. com. 1927-31; home Oak Park, 111., where he conducts radical Community forum in public high sch. featuring Com- munist-Socialist spkrs. MOORE, JOHN W.: mem. Socialist Party; chmn. administration com. Fed. Coun, Chs.; minister. MOORE, RICHARD B.: Communist Party functionary; colored; as delg. repr. Am. Negro Labor Congress, went with Wm. Pickens and Roger Baldwin to Anti-Imp. Lg. at Brussels (Daily Worker, Mar. 9, 1927); gen. sec. Lg. Strugg. Negro Rts.; field org. I.L.D. 1933. MOORE, UNDERBILL: Prof. Yale U. since 1930; dir. A.S.C.R.R.; endorser of Hapgood's "Professional Patriots"; mem. of A.C.L.U. Com. of 100 (in behalf of dis- missed radical teachers). MOORS, JOHN F.: sec. Nat. Citiz. Com. on Rel. Lat. Am. 1927; Griffin Bill sponsor 1932. MOORS, MRS. JOHN F.: nat. coun. C. M.E.; II Nuovo Mondo Nat. Com. MORGAN, ARTHUR E.: Roosevelt ap- pointee as chmn. bd. Tenn. Valley Author- ity; pres. Antioch Coll., Yellow Springs, O.; Open Road, 1933; nat. coun. C.M.E.; Fell. Recon. Pet. Russ. Recog.; Lg. for Org. Progress; spkr. Pub. O. Lg. conv. Chgo. 1933; bd. dir. Prog. Edu. Assn. MORGAN, H. W.: nat. com. Nat. R. & L. Found. 1933. MORGAN, MRS. LAURA PUFFER: assoc. sec. N.C. for P.W.; exec. com. World Ct. Com. 1931. MORLEY, FELIX: exec. bd. N.C. for P.W. MORRISON, CHAS. CLAYTON: Proi. and lecturer Chgo. Theol. Sem.; Russ. Re- const. Farms. 1925; ed. ultra radical "Chris- tian Century" since 1908; A.C.L.U. Chgo. Com.; C.M.E. 111.; Chgo. Forum Coun.; with Sherwood Eddy delg. to Russia, 1926; nat. com. World Ct. Com.; petitioned for Sacco and V. Aug. 22, 1927; endorser Lane Pamphlet; Garland Fund Com. on Am. Im- perialism; nat. com. Nat. R. & L. Found. 1933; presided at communist mass meeting for Henri Barbusse, Oct. 23, 1933, and I heard him say that he was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Barbusse and that we would never have peace until our capitalistic system was abolished; Nat. Save Our Schs. Com.; chmn. Chgo. gen. com. Fell. Faiths. MORROW, FELIX: Communist; Am. com. W.C.A.W.; contrib. ed. "New Masses" and "Student Review"; writer for Intl. Pamphlets; arrested South Orange, N.J., 1932, for inciting to riot; Communist Lg. P. G. for F. & F.; Am. Com. for S.A.W. MORSE, JOSIAH: nat. coun. L.I.D. for S.C.; vice pres. Nat. Cons. Lg.; chmn. Univ. Commn. on Race Questions; Prof. U. of S.C.; Nat. Save Our Schs. Com. MORTON, MILES: alias Mike Morton, alias Kane, alias Daniels; Chgo. Hunger