Reel Journal (June 1931)

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DRAMAS With Kenneth Harlan and Josephine Dunn. The first picture of its kind. Action in the sky,revolving around the dramatic story of a new development in police pa¬ trol. Climaxed by a magnificent battle in the air! With Rex Lease and Dorothy Gulliver. The rugged virile ghost of the rowdy old West makes a hectic entree into the new, and then how the cactus does fly! Hard riding, hard fighting, woven ’round with a golden thread of romance. "IN OLD CHEYENNE "HELL BENT for FRISCO" With Charles Delaney, Vera Reynolds and Carrol Nye. Rival auto racers, competing for a pretty girl’s favors, run the gamut of incredible thrills. A sensational race reaches its climax in a death-rending crash! Action galore! From a magazine story by Michael L. Simmons. Ready for production. A stir¬ ring epic of the daily life and adventures of an ambulance surgeon. The clang of the gong takes this romantic figure thru a maze of heroic action and startling drama! A smashing exploitation special! A SPECIAL RELEASE