Reel Life (Sep 1914 - Mar 1915)

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Twelve REEL LIFE STORIES OF THE NEW PHOTOPLAYS BRANCH NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN— Majestic An Episode in the Romance of a Police Officer and a Plucky Girl January 8, 1915 Featuring Loretta Blake BECAUSE James, a mounted policeman, is too poor to marry yet, his sweetheart, Mary, gets a position secretly taking in bundles at a laundry. But one day the police officer comes to the place with his own bundle and, seeing Mary behind the window, is offended and goes away without speaking to her. That same afternoon an Italian chances to cast greedy eyes on pretty Mary. He goes into a saloon nearby and later, in a tipsy state, reaches for his laundry bundle to find that it contains celery. Someone in the saloon has exchanged bundles with him by mistake. However, in his befuddled condition, he goes back to the laundry branch to put the blame on the girl. Mary is just counting the money. He attacks her and she defends herself as best she can. Remorse, meanwhile, has overtaken her policeman lover. He calls up to ask her forgiveness and when the receiver is knocked off the 'phone by the Italian in the scuffle James hears the commotion and gallops to the rescue. Some brother officers hurry to his assistance. The Italian is arrested — and James, who had believed Mary lacking in spirit and proper pride, discovers that she is a heroine. CHECK NO. 130— Princess An Unusual Story With a Strong Sympathetic Appeal January 8, 1915 CAST Doris Hall Muriel Ostriche Boyd Mbrris Boyd Marshall Lawyer Morris Morgan Jones Mr. Dana Ernest Ward His wife Virginia Waite HARRY DANA'S married life is unhappy because his wife is suspicious and petulant. Discovering that his stenographer, Doris Hall, is ambitious to study art, he persuades her to accept a check for four hundred dollars to be spent for an evening course in modelling. Shortly afterward Mrs. Dana visits her husband's office and discovers in a bunch of vouchers, returned monthly by the banks, the check in favor of the stenographer. Convinced that Dana is faithless, she purloins the check as evidence and secretly prepares to begin divorce proceedings. Doris has witnessed the removal of the incriminating check, but she hesitates to inform Dana. Later she learns from the stenographer employed by Mrs. Dana's attorney that a divorce is impending. Determined to prevent the wrecking of Dana's family life at any cost, Doris goes to the attorney and makes a confession of crime, declaring that she forged the check. Dana receives a note from the attorney. Placing it in his wife's hands, utterly puzzled, he hurries away. She is now convinced of her error in suspecting him. Taking the checkfrom its hiding place, she chokes back a sob, permitting the bit of paper to slip to the floor. Before she can recover it the check is drawn into the fire and destroyed. Dana, meanwhile, has learned the truth. He is trying to dissuade Doris from her sacrifice when his wife bursts into the office and tells of the destruction of the check. As the evidence is lost no one now can be found legally guilty. Mr. and Mrs. Dana leave together. Then Doris, who has momentarily disappeared, returns to receive the earnest compliments of Lawyer Morris and his son, Boyd, who is in love with her. THE LOST RECEIPT— Reliance (Two Reels ) A Breathless Plot Involving Dynamite and a Doll January 9, 1915 CAST John Powers Eugene Pallette Colonel Stone Mr Cosgrave Lucy Anna May Walthall JOHN POWERS, a struggling young manufacturer of explosives, borrows money from Colonel Stone, giving him a bill of sale of the factory. Later, when the amount falls due and Powers cannot pay, Stone refuses to renew the loan. The young manufacturer manages to pawn and borrow enough to raise the money. He pays it to Stone's clerk, who credits it by mistake to the wrong name, though he gives Powers a correct receipt. In putting the receipt into the safe Powers is called away a moment and a gust of wind blows the slip upon the floor. His little sister, Jane, picks it up and makes it into a curl paper for her doll. Pozvers, noticing the child's new toy, asks Jane where her doll came from, and when he learns that Lucy Stone, the Colonel's daughter, has given it to Jane he snatches it away and tosses it upon a shelf. Meanwhile, Stone has discharged his careless clerk though without discovering that Pozvers' payment is wrongly credited. Supposing the bill still unpaid he takes possession of the factory. Powers has no redress because the receipt is missing. Thoroughly embittered, he determines to blow up the plant rather than see Stone profit by the business. Setting a lighted candle in a can of powder, he leaves the mill to its fate. Meanwhile, little Jane has been found by Lucy Stone and her father, crying for her doll. They go with her to the factory to recover the toy. Powers learns just in time where his sister is. Rushing back to the factory, he plucks the candle from the powder and hurries into the office. The receipt has been found in the doll's hair. Secure in his property, he and the Stones are reconciled. MARRIED BY INSTALMENT— Royal A Comedy in "Dismal Fractions" January 9, 1915 MRS. ACRE, a widow with ten children, reads the advertisement of a matrimonial agency and answers it, describing herself as "a widow with ten acres." Frits Snell, a waiter, sends her the photograph of a handsome friend purported to be himself. They meet at the agency — and though he does not come up to the picture, Mrs. Acre accepts him and they are married. She then conducts home the expectant Frits, who has visions of a fine little property awaiting him. He is introduced, instead, to the ten children, and after washing for them, helping feed them and administering variously to their tenfold little needs, he rebels. Jumping on a passing freight, he makes his getaway, leaving the widow and her ten Acres weeping beside the track. AN INSIDE TIP— Thanhouser A Strong Play of Graft and a Girl January 10, 1915 CAST Nell Mignon Anderson Jack Morris Foster WHITEY'S gang of crooks have flourished on waterfront robbery because Tom, the district attorney's secretary, has tipped them off from the inside. Jack Morrison, a police reporter for The Herald, joins the gang for (Continued Overleaf)