Reel Life (Sep 1914 - Mar 1915)

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Fourteen REEL LIFE STORIES OF THE NEW PHOTOPLA YS SHE NEVER KNEW— American A Story of Mother Love, Starring Louise Lester February 24, 1915 CAST Mrs. Conway Louise Lester Tom, her son David Lythgoe Alice, his sister Vivian Rich George Park.. Harry Von Meter Olga Charlotte Burton Jack Martin Jack Richardson Stranger Reaves Eason Policeman Joe Sampson Detective William Vaughn Bartender , William Tedmarsh TOM CONWAY robs his employer, Jack Martin, the ship chandler, and leaves town with Olga, a dance hall girl. Martin goes to Mrs. Conway and demands restitution. Tom's mother pays him with the savings of a lifetime. She tells Alice, her daughter, that some day Tom will be coming back. And every night just before going to bed, she places the prodigal's pipe and slippers near the fire, whispering, "Mother will wait for you always, Tom." George Park, in love with Alice, warns her and her mother against an escaped convict, who is lurking in the vicinity. Park insists upon loaning them a revolver for their protection. Meanwhile Tom has discovered that Olga is untrue to him. In a fit of rage, increased by drink, he kills her. Then he makes blindly for his home. At the moment that Tom stumbles in at the rear door of his mother's house, the convict enters from the front. Meeting Mrs. Conway, the convict retreats at sight of her revolver into the kitchen. There he meets Tom. They struggle and the convict escapes. .Mrs. Conway seeing the form of a man in the dark kitchen, fires the revolver and faints. Alice and Park return just in time to carry away Tom's body for secret burial. brother in the back. Rio is accused of the stabbing. Dick's wound is not fatal ; but before he has recovered Mercidio goes to the cabin and forces his attentions upon Madge. She is rescued by Rio, who compels Mercidio to confess to the knifing. They fight, and Mercidis is killed. Rio Ed decides to live up to Madge's idea of him. THE GRUDGE— Broncho (Two Reels) A Strong Western Play, Full of Action, Featuring William S. Hart By C. Gardner Sullivan and Thomas H. Ince February 24, 1915 CAST Rio Ed William S. Hart Dick Wayne Charles Ray Madge Wayne Margaret Thompson Mercidio Thomas Kurihara RIO ED and Dick Wayne get into a furious fight. Dick is a consumptive, and Rio, seeing that he is in no condition to finish the battle, carries him to his cabin in the mountains, where he nurses him with the single object of getting him in shape to fight it out with him later. Dick's sister, Madge, comes to town seeking her brother. She is directed to the cabin, where she finds Rio caring for her brother — from sheer friendliness, as she supposes. Nor do the men undeceive her. She persuades Rio to let Dick go back with her to the village. A little later, her brother and his enemy meet in the saloon to finish their feud. Mercidio, the owner of the saloon, who long has been kept away from Madge by Dick, takes this opportunity to knife Madge's THE MAN AT THE KEY— Domino (Two Reels) A Thrilling Incident, Dramatically Presented By C. Gardner Sullivan and Thomas H. Ince February 25, 1915 CAST Bob North Richard Stanton Mrs. North Ethel Ulman Baby North Thelma Salter BOB NORTH, station master at Crescoe, is so excited over the birth of a baby at his house, that he forgets to deliver a train order, thus causing a collision between a fast passenger train and a freight. He is sentenced to five years in State's prison for criminal negligence. During a mutiny in the prison yard, he attempts to make his escape, and is shot in the head by the guard. Nevertheless he succeeds in reaching Valley Junction, where he staggers up against the depot window. He hears within the telegraph instrument frantically clicking. Breaking into the station, he takes the train order, averting a terrible accident between the Flier and the President's Special. He is found afterwards by the posse from the prison and taken back to jail. A few days later, Myrtle North comes to the prison with a pardon for her husband. Also, the president of the railroad has him reinstated in his old position at Crescoe. This story is told in fiction form on Page sixteen of this issue of Reel Life. THE SHERIFF'S STREAK OF YELLOW— Kay Bee (Two Reels) Wherein a Man's Good Motives Cause Him to be Misjudged By Richard V. Spencer and Thomas H. Ince February 26, 1915 CAST Sheriff Hale William S. Hart Bill Todd Jack Nelson "Mom'' Todd Gertrude Claire SHERIFF HALE is suspected of cowardice, when he fails to capture a noted outlaw in the vicinity. Back of his apparent lack of pluck, however, lies his gratitude to Bill Todd's mother, who once had saved him from death in the desert. After she dies the sheriff discovers the true character of her son, but cannot bring himself to arrest him. He warns Todd, however, that if ever he returns to that part of the country, he will be shot. Meanwhile, the townspeople demand his resignation. Hale turns in his star and retires. Bill Todd and his gang attempt a raid upon the Gold Bar bank, where the miners' treasure is stored. It is only the bravery of the ex-sheriff that saves the gold and captures the bandits. Hale forces Todd, however, to commit suicide in order to escape being captured. The ex-sheriff receives back his star and his position, also the confidence of the community. ' ,