Reel Life (Sep 1914 - Mar 1915)

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Fourteen REEL LIFE STORIES OF THE NEW PHOTOPLAYS to help him home. On finding Bob shelterless, Holcomb invites him in, to sleep over night. Needing money to make his getaway — for the police are on his tracks for vagrancy and have given him twelve hours to leave town — Bob invades the library. He knocks a book from the table. Suddenly the lights are turned on. There, covering him with a pistol and commanding him to throw up his hands, stands his sister. The recognition is mutual. Grace drops the pistol and throws her arms about her brother. When her mother and husband appear upon the scene, the story of Bob's bravery of the night before is told The mother's faith is justified. IN THE HEART OF THE WOODS— American A Wildwood Romance, Starring Vivian Rich March 24, 1915 CAST Nance Morgan..., Vivian Rich Jack Daly David Lythgoe Ben Morgan Harry Von Meter Miriam Sterne Louise Lester Ranger. K. Morrison NANCE discovers that a deserted cabin near her grandfather's home in the wilderness is tenanted by a young stranger. She ventures to make herself at home in the cabin during his absence, and on one occasion tidies up the place and then creeps under the bed to see if her work will be appreciated on his return. Jack Daly is so absorbed, however, in reading a letter from Miriam Sterne, his sweetheart in the city, and in looking at Miriam's picture, that he goes out again without noticing all that Nance has done. Creeping out from her hiding place, the mountain girl gives vent to her resentful disappointment by wrecking the room. Daly hears her throwing things around and returns,, Though still jealous of Miriam, she becomes repentant. A few days later Daly receives news of the city girl's marriage to a rival. Defying the game laws he goes out with his gun to work off his chagrin, and unintentionally kills Nance's pet rabbit. Nance is inconsolable. At last Daly sends her his dog and a note tied to the animal's collar, telling her, that if ever she should want him she has only to send the dog for him. Several days pass. Then Daly's dog returns He hurries to Nance's cottage — to find her mourning alone over the body of her grandfather. TRICKED— Domino (Two Reels) A Very Unusual Drama of Two Brothers and a Forgery By Thomas H. Ince and William H. Clifford March 25, 1915 CAST Tom Hart B Jerome Storm t Sid Hart Edward Brennan Edna Boxley Elizabeth Burbridge I Mrs. Sid Hart Virginia Philley Mother Hart : . Gertrude Claire TOM and Sid Hart are brothers. Sid marries a wealthy woman, thus gaining a start in the real estate business. He rapidly becomes rich. y%om stays home and supports his mother, to whom Sid grudgingly allows five dollars a week. Sid is ashamed of his poor family, and when Tom pleads with him to raise the allowance for his mother, as she is ill and Tom out of work, his wife writes a cold refusalIn desperation Tom raises his brother's check from five to five hundred dollars, and sends his mother to the country by the doctor's orders. He then goes to Sid and tells him what he has done. Sid has Tom arrested. Their argument is overheard by Edna Boxley, Sid Hart's stenographer, who is in love with Tom without his brother's knowledge. She knows that her employer is living a double life, for he has made overtures to her and given her a key to an apartment, where he entertains women unknown to his wife. Edna contrives to entrap Sid in the apartment, having 'phoned his wife meanwhile to meet him at the address. She forces Hart to telephone the police exonerating his brother, if he would not have Edna expose his faithlessness. When Mrs. Hart arrives he is compelled to say that he has had the apartment prepared as a surprise for her on her birthday. JEALOUSY— Thanhouser A Timely Warning Effectively Dramatized March 26, 1915 CAST Arthur Compton Arthur Ashley Ruth, his wife Peggy Burke George, a rival A. Young John Sid White ARTHUR COMPTON is apt to drink too much some, times, but Ruth, his young wife, is forebearing with him, hoping that gradually he may overcome the habitOne evening he goes to the club, where, under the influence of a glass too many, he expatiates to John, his friend, about George, his rival before his marriage, and how he won the girl who now is his wife. Returning home, he drops into a chair in the library and dozes off. In a dream it seems to him that he has found George and his wife in the house together. The husband and the lover quarrel. Compton kills his rival. He is arrested and is on the point of leaving his wife and. his home forever, when he wakes up. The dream makes him realize what actually might happen if he continues to let his bad habit get the better of him. He promises Ruth that he will let the drink alone. HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER— Kay Bee (Two Reds) An Appealing Story of an Old War Veteran By Thomas H. Ince and Richard V Spencer March 26, 1915 CAST David Stokes Jay Hunt Amanda Violet McMillen Jeremiah Stokes Joseph H. Dowling Mrs. Malinda Stokes Gertrude Claire JEREMIAH STOKES and his wife, Malinda, make life miserable for David Stokes, Jeremiah's brother, who is an old veteran and too feeble to work on the farm. His only friend is Amanda, the little slavey, who is also mistreated by the close-fisted couple. David applies to Washington for a pension, and when a cash retaining fee of thirty-five dollars is required, Amanda comes to his rescue, paying the fee out of her savings. The grateful old man tells her that he will divide his first allowance equally with her. Soon after this, David is sent to the poor farm by his brother. When the pension attorney comes, looking for David, Jeremiah refuses to tell where he is. Amanda, however, steals the buckboard and drives the attorney to the poorhouse. The old man joyfully receives his money, and he and Amanda are able to have a little home together.