Reel Life (Sep 1914 - Mar 1915)

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REEL LIFE Nineteen "THE The Old Hag Threatens Zudora (■>< APTAIN RAD1 < cliff e's injuries from his fall off the freight train delay his: return to America, but Bruce takes pas ^^^^^^^^^rQ^rD^ffl^rD^. sage the next day. Tom Hunt and Jim Baird also answer, by first ship, the summons they have received from John Storm. The Captain, meanwhile, has recovered from his singular adventure with Baird, and is able to visit the mines. He returns from the open diggings with a quantity of diamonds, which he has gathered, in exultant good humor. No longer does he curse the fate which has left him behind in South Africa. Deciding to sail immediately, Radcliffe puts the diamonds in a rubber hot water bag and places it in his suit case. Then, on board the ship, he writes this wireless cipher message : "/. W . Bruce, New York, Sinbad X. Y. Z. Suntop Aurenia Looslyde Tunner Rispah Mecca Sib Lover. Radcliffe" . On the very day that this cabalistic message reaches Bruce in New York, Zudora, from her prison in the old hag's house on the island, wins her gaoler's consent to write the following note: "Mrs. Ramsay, 16 Willow Grove Ave., I am not permitted to tell the place of my imprisonment, but will you please give the bearer a change of clothing for me. Zudora". The old woman despatches Gyp with this. When he reaches Mrs. Ramsay's he is asked to wait until that lady can get Zudora 's things ready. As soon as she is safely upstairs with the doors carefully closed, she calls up Tom Hunt. "Come down here at once," she urges, with difficulty restraining her excitement, "and follow the man who leaves the house with a suit case. He will go to Zudora." Then, taking one of Zudora's skirts, she rips several inches of the hem, tucking in this message : "I have phoned Hunt to follow this man you have sent. John is crazy with grief and worry, but keeps on searching for you. Have courage." Basting the hem together again with white thread and putting a few stitches on the right side to catch Zudora's eye, she packs the skirt in the bottom of a suit case which contains everything to make the poor prisoner comfortable and gives it to Gyp. Already, from the porch, she has seemthat Hunt is coming down the street, and she sees him conceal himself until she has done with Gyp and the bag. As soon as he leaves, the detective follows, shadowing $20,000,000 Mystery" Episode Eighteen Reels Thirty-five and Thirty-six A Drama of Love and Adventure Produced by Thanhouser Beading Their Fortune in the Cards Zudora in Her Prison. {Insert Above) Storm Enters the Island House him with the greatest caution, for he realizes that he is sure to be suspicious. Then Mrs. Ramsay, with a sigh of ^^^^^^^^^^hlSrDSnl^nl relief, re-enters the house. Meanwhile Jim Baird, on watch outside Bruce's office, has seen him receive the wireless despatch. He sees him decipher the message and then slip it between the blotters of his writing pad. The moment Bruce leaves, Baird enters by a window and copies the words. But how is he to find the key? A bit of pasteboard projecting from under the blotter attracts his eye. The next instant he holds the secret code in his hand. Rapidly comparing, h e reads: "Arrive New York Steamer Aurenia. Will throw rubber bag of diamonds overboard before landing. Radcliffe." Rushing to Hunt's office, where also he finds John Storm, he shows the detective the wireless. They realize that there is no time to be lost. The "Aurenia" is due within two hours. Chartering a motor boat with an engineer at the wheel, and taking a row boat in tow, the three men make for open water. Hunt is relating how he has pursued Gyp to the dock, and through marine glasses seen him land with the suit case at Execution Rock. Leaving the motor boat and getting into the smaller craft, they row under Zudora's window. She has seen them coming. When the rope is thrown to her she seizes it. Five minutes later, the heiress and her lover are reunited. Hunt and Baird return to the motor boat which speeds down the bay. Already another similar boat is puffing harborward a few yards ahead. It contains Gyp, Bill and Ike. As the big liner is seen approaching, the small boats pick their positions with care. Then begins a keen scrutiny of' the deck for Captain Radcliffe. Hunt sights the figure of the wily adventurer first. He sees him come to the rail and throw a hot water bag overboard. Both motor boats dash for it. Leaning far out over the edge of the craft, in eminent danger of going into the sea, Hunt grabs the slippery rubber object. But before he can draw in his catch, Ike in the other boat knocks it out of his hands with a long boat hook, and the crooks turn tow and scuttle off up stream. Meanwhile, John Storm and Zudora reach Mrs. Ramsay's house in safety. '; The persecuted owner of the Zudora mines once more finds herself with friends.