Reel Life (Sep 1914 - Mar 1915)

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REEL LIFE Twenty-seven IF You Cannot Get An AUTOMATIC TICKETSELLING MACHINE From Your Supply Man Write Us ASK FOR BOOKLET Selling Ticketsjby Electricity THE AUTOMATIC-SALES DEPT. 1476 BROADWAY NEW YORK MACHINES and SUPPLIES EVERYTHING FOR YOUR THEATER. New and second-hand Machines. Liberal allowance on old machine when purchasing a new one. Carbons, all brands, Arco, Biograph and Bio. Second-hand Chairs. ILLINOIS THEATER SUPPLY CO. 124-128 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111 ROLL TICKETS SHIPPED IN ONE DAY At Lowest Prices REES TICKET CO. 404 So. 10th St., OMAHA, NEB. News of the Trade THE power of suggestion of the motion picture — and especially the Griffith product — is boundless. If you don't believe it, ask "Wen" Milligan, whose persuasive eloquence has lured many a recalcitrant advertiser to buy space in the Billboard, and he'll tell you. "Wen's" silver tongue, however, didn't always stand him in good stead. Fifteen years ago he was one of the most ardent admirers of a little rosy-cheeked lassie up in Stamford, Conn. Later, when "Wen" acquired long pants and the young lady blossomed into a lovely young woman, he continued to pay devoted court. But somehow, he couldn't quite gain her consent to enter into the contract he wanted. Indeed, it is rumored that he had a rival, upon whom the lady looked with some favor, and the thought made "Wen" desperate. He pleaded, argued, cajoled, but all in vain. His arguments were good, but not good enough, although couched in accents that would have put the pen into the hand of the most flinthearted, dollars and cents advertiser in the film business, while he signed a year's contract. But the young lady itill hesitated. Then it happened that "Wen" invited her to attend the opening performance of The Birth of a Nation, the marvellous Griffith photoplay, at the Liberty Theater. She came, saw,, and was conquered. The magic of the spectacle and the glamour of the tender romance of the "Little Colonel" and Ihis Northern sweetheart had a compelling effect. "Wen's" advertising experience served him in good stead. He realized that the psychological or ''sign here" moment had arrived. "Will you marry me tomorrow ? — answer yes, or no," he whispered, or words to that effect. Evidently, the reply was not in the negative, for on the day following the opening of The Birth of a Nation, "Wen"' was married to Miss Mildred Schultz of Stamford and New York by Dr. Wolfkin of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, while "Bill" Barry, bead of the Nicholas Power advertising department, acted as best man. Much activity is going on in the factories of the American Photoplayer Company, 62 West 45th Street, New York City, where, in addition to their regular style Fotoplayer, they are contemplating getting out several new style instruments. A number of orders have recently been received for the well-known Fotoplayer; among them is one for a Style 40 Fotoplayer, which has been installed in the Odeon Theater, 145th Street and Eighth Avenue, New York City. A Simplex Projector was recently placed in the sanitarium of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company at McGregor, N. Y., for scientific research work. This institution is in charge of Dr. Arthur B. Neeb. Cushman Lighting Plants GET THE CROWD Cushman throttling governed engines give steady voltage. It's cheaper to make your "juice" than to buy it. You get .a good light at arc, which makes clear, bright pictures. Extremely light in weight. 4 ,H. P. complete plant weighs only 575 lbs. Not the cheapest, but cheapest in the long run. Get information describing exclusive features. It's free. CUSHMAN MOTOR WORKS, 940 N. 21st St., Lincoln, Nebr. MOON It will make your Theatre once more a brilliant center of attraction! The "MOON SCREEN" produces a highly artistic lighting effect and cuts the cost of lighting in half. Prices have been reduced to a point where they bring the "MOON SCREEN" easily within the reach of all. Best Quality, 50c. per sq. ft. Write To-day for Small Sample Agents Wanted Everywhere The International Moon Screen Co. (Inc.) 3S7 Grand Street, New York A POSTALWILL BRING SAM PLES and PRICES n K1" SEAT . jfyOft 1 1 COUPON SAME AS MONEY MINT REGULATIONS GOVERN OUR OUTPUT FArcusTichetCo.! ? 633PLYM0UTH CT. CHICAGO | Exhibitor! Exhibitor! Exhibitor! DON'T WAIT! The GOLD KING FIBER SCREEN will advance in price after March 1, 1915, to 50 cents per square foot. Never in the history of the Gold King Screen has there ever been such a demand for it, and it is impossible to place it on the market at the present price (30 cents per square foot) and realize a profit. Take the advantage of this low price by sending your order before March 1. Sold" under a guarantee. GOLD KING SCREEN CO. Box 294 Altus, Okla. PHOTOPLAYWRtGHTS Have you failed to dispose of your scripts? We will typewrite, correct and revise and place your scenario on the market for $1.00. Stories put in scenario form, $1.25. Scenarios criticized, 50c, including plot and technique. Send for circular. REX LITERARY BUREAU 57 STOCKTON ST. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Gold King Pat. Dec. 23,1913