Reel Life (1916-1917)

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Three Part Mutual Star Features “THE SPIRIT | OF THE GAME” “LILLO OF THE SULU SEAS” “ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN” A three part Thanhouser drama of college life, starring Edwin Stanley. A story of the South Sea Isles in three parts, fea¬ turing Harold Lockwood. £ A L I STIC, bril¬ liant and spectacular i s The Spirit of the Game, a threepart Thanhouser drama based on the great Ameri¬ can game. Life at college, on the campus, in the “gyms” and the class rooms is de¬ picted on the screen with vivid realism, and throughout i s woven one of the prettiest stories of the heart ever presented on a motion picture screen. The Spirit of the Game deals with a college idol, who was forced to make the college “eleven” through his love for a pretty co-ed. Though having no great love for the game, he nevertheless sought and obtained a position on the team. But the best he could do was to be assigned to the left¬ over squad. It was the day before the big game, the winning of which meant so much A big scene from “The Spirit of the Game.” Dick . The Sweetheart The Left-over . . The Sweetheart . Edwin Stanley Kathryn Adams ..Morris Foster . ..Ethyle Cooke A STRIKING story of the South Sea Isles crowded with adventure, love, in¬ trigue and the lure of gold, is found in Lillo of the Sulu Seas , a three part Flying “A” drama pro¬ duced by the Ameri¬ can Film Company, Inc., for release by the Mutual Film Cor¬ poration. Harold Lockwood, popular star of American pro¬ duction and the beau¬ tiful May Allison, costars in many impor¬ tant productions re¬ leased by the Mutual, are the featured play¬ ers in Lillo of the Sulu Seas, Lock wood in the role of Ralph Holt, and Miss Allison, as Lillo. At the opening of May ^Allison, _ as the story Jeb Foster “Lillo,” in “ Lillo < persuades the pretty of the Sulu Seas.’ wife of Captain Rand to elope with him. They take with them the infant daughter of Rand. The latter retires to an island in the South Seas. Mean¬ while, Rand’s daughter, now sixteen, has grown into a beautiful young woman. to the college. That night the left-over stood at the window of his room, watching Captain Dick Thorton as he walked across the campus. The rules forbid Thorton, or any other member of the team, being abroad at night. Two hours later the left-over found Thorton drunk in the rear room of a notorious resort. Dragging Dick back to the campus, the left-over came upon the idol’s sweetheart. Quickly he rushed the drunken man behind a bush, keeping him there until the girl had passed. The big game was on. In the stand the girl watched the pathetic figure of the man she loved. She was quick to realize the cause. In the dressing room, the left-over sat alone. Suddenly Thorton collapsed. “Take my place,” he commanded of the left-over. Quickly the left-over stepped forward, then stopped. A desperate scheme suggested itself. He was the same size and build as Thorton! In a moment he had changed uniforms with Dick and at the bell took his place in the line up. That college game went down in history. The supposed Thorton seemed to suddenly come to life. His plays were not only snappy, but so puzzling to the other side that they could do nothing with him. Of a sudden the hero faltered, then fell pros¬ trate. His nose guard was knocked from his face. Then came the revelations. Ralph . Harold Lockwood Lillo . May Allison Jeb Foster . William Stowell She is known as Lillo. Ralph Holt, son of a wealthy pearl merchant in New York, visits the South Seas to study the fisheries and the business. He meets Lillo, with whom he falls in love. Near the end of a cruise the vessel is overtaken by a typhoon and wrecked. Foster escapes in a small boat, leaving Ralph and Lillo to their fate. Later they land on Captain Rand’s island. Foster recognizes Rand. Foster learns that Rand possesses a fortune in pearls and plans to get possession of them. In the act of stealing the money, Foster is seized by Rand’s faithful servant. Rand enters the room and recognizes the tattooing on the invader’s arm. Foster attempts to kill him without warning. Ralph carries Lillo to Rand’s house. Here they come upon the scene of Foster’s death. Rand explains the situation and re¬ lates the incidents of his early life. In the telling, he realizes that Lillo is his daugh¬ ter. Ralph decides that it is his duty to return and report to his father. Within a short time he returns to the girl whom he could not forget. Depicting an outlaw’s re¬ generation, starring Jack Richardson and Anna Little. REA TER I -*• love has no ^ man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15, 13). Ben Wolf, gam¬ bler, outlaw and general all round “bad man,” wan¬ dering into the town’s sole church during Sunday service, happened across this chapter from the Good Book. For the first time he realized that the life he had Jack Richardson, as been leading for “Ben Wolf” in “Ac years wasn’t the cording to St. John.” only thing worth while in the world. And Ben Wolf, strange to say, was falling in love. Between the two the “bad man’s” re¬ formation was accomplished. Then, when the supreme moment came, Wolf was ready. Here, briefly sketched, is the basis of Ac¬ cording to St. John, a three part Mus¬ tang drama, filled with suspense. Jack Richardson, famous heavy, appears as Ben. Dick . Tom Chatterton Bess . Ann Little Ben . Jack Richardson The story follows : Ben Wolf, outlaw, lives the life of a recluse far up in the mountains. Bess, the only child of the pastor of the town’s only church, is en¬ gaged to Dick. Bob, her brother, has fallen in with the town’s rougher element. Bob loses everything in a gambling resort. He appropriates the funds of the church, and loses all to Wolf. Wolf attends church services and is attracted to Bess, singing in the choir. Bob restores the church funds he had stolen. Just before the stage coach arrives after reporting a hold-up by a masked bandit. A cuff-button dropped by the out¬ law is the only clue. Wolf, in the woods, sees Bob hiding a mail pouch under a rock. Bess, riding one day with Dick, drops her handkerchief. They learn that “Wild Eyed” Bill and his gang are on the rampage. Dick sends Bess home and starts after the raiders. Bess’s horse falls, throwing her. Wolf assists her to remount. Immediately his inner self undergoes a complete change. He is lured to the church and hears Bess sing again. Opening the testament he comes upon the chapter quoted above. From his mountain shack he loves and worships Bess. In the town he comes upon the reward offered for the unknown out¬ law. From a comparison of the cuff but¬ ton with one worn by Bob, Dick learns the truth. But his love for Bess forbids him making the arrest. Wolf goes to his cabin, and writes an anonymous letter to Dick, telling him that Wolf is the outlaw wanted. Ben then waits for the sheriff. REEL LIFE — Page Seven