Reel and Slide (Mar-Dec 1918)

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REEL and SLIDE 31 Firestone Film Teaches Safety First H. S. Firestone and scenes from "Careless America," the most comprehensive propaganda screen campaign ever produced and distributed in the United States — It will appear in 14,000 theaters in the course of the year. Careless America was produced and distributed by the Industrial department of the Universal Film Manufacturing Co. By E. J. Clary [HE carelessness of automobile drivers coupled with the unmindful spirit of pedestrians is responsible for an everincreasing number of deaths and serious accidents. Last year in the state of New York alone, 25,000 people were hurt in automobile accidents. Investigation showed that the greater part of them could have easily been prevented had the drivers and pedestrians involved observed the traffic laws and the rules of the road. As many people are killed and maimed each year in America, through recklessness, as any one of the Allies lose in the same period in their struggle for liberty. Would Drive Lesson Home It is high time that this killing and maiming was stopped. But how? Figures and words do not impress the average American with the enormous loss that our country is sustaining through our arch enemy carelessness. Many attempts have been made to eliminate accidents by means of the law. The press of the country, in glaring headlines, has endeavored to bring the people to realize the terrible toll that carelessness takes from us daily. Leading citizens have made addresses on the subject and preachers have earnestly begged their congregations to heed the warning of those who have watched the growing figures of those killed and hurt, but the results 1,500,000 NEW YORKERS SEE "CARELESS AMERICA" ONE hundred prints of "Careless America" have been released and it will take more than a year to cover the United States. The film has just finished its run in New York, where 493 theaters have exhibited it before audiences aggregating 1,500,000 people. In the course of the year "Careless America" will be shown in 14,000 theaters in all parts of the country. obtained are negligible. The killing still goes on. It was plain to all those interested that the problem must be presented to the public by means more graphic, more striking, and in a manner which would drive the lesson home and impress it firmly on the minds of the people for all time. Through his close connection with the automobile industry, President H. S. Firestone of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company had the facts and figures regarding the terrible loss America sustains through the carelessness of motorists and pedestrians placed before him. And so, while others were working to conserve wheat, meat, and daylight he turned his energies to the conservation of America's most valuable asset during the war — human life. Knowing that the subject had been brought before the public by the newspapers and by word of mouth, and that these methods had not prevailed, he decided to present it in a manner which would drive home the lesson through the most sensitive organ of human reception — the eye. He engaged men experienced in the production of moving pictures and told them what its object was and his plan for achieving it. These experts heartily approved Mr. Firestone's public spirited move and worked enthusiastically for many months to produce what is probably the most unusual safety first warning that has ever been produced — "Careless America." The film received immediate recognition. During the period that it was in the course of completion the manufacturers had been in communication with secretaries of state and city officials throughout the country and had told them of the film and its object. It was immediately seized upon by thousands of state and city officials who saw in it the answer to the biggest question that confronted them, the safety of their citizens. Picture One of Many Thrills "Careless America" abounds with thrills. Its opening scene, a stirring picture characterization of carelessness, is followed through the swiftly moving scenes by accident after accident, which drive home to those who see it the fact that carelessness (Continued on page 32.)