Reel and Slide (Mar-Dec 1918)

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REEL and SLIDE Making Movies at Night ■]\/f OVING PICTURES, made on an Illinois farm on a •^ ■*■ dark night, is a trick of the movie man accomplished by the Atlas Educational Film Company in their newest "better farming" production. This picture is a two-reel feature showing the use of the power tractor on the farm. It points out various conservation and intensive farming measures for the farmer which, if adopted by all the farmers in America, would do a tremendous lot to help win the war. In making the movies at night, huge torches or flare^ by the score were enlisted and the country was lighted up for miles around. While this lurid light fell on the tractor. the camera man followed the farmer in an automobile and filmed the operation. It is pointed out on the screen that farmers may do much of their plowing after dark, thus using valuable time that would otherwise be wasted. While horses may tire after a hard day's work in the fields, the tractor never gets weary. This motion picture undertaking was a difficult one and required great skill on the part of the producers. It is also shown in this film how, by plowing closely to the fences and in the corners of the fields, farms are made more productive.