Report on blacklisting: II. Radio-television ([1956])

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*35. Is there or was there at one time a blacklist against conservatives and anti-Communists? Yes Can you tell me about that? No ANSWERS: All Top level Yes 5 1 Yes, but less official than current list 13 5 No 29 10 D.K., N.A. 17 4 64 "20 36. Just to give me some perspective, how important do you feel blacklisting is in relation to other problems in the industry? (Probe): And why is that? ANSWERS: All Top level Very important 18 9 Minor importance 25 7 No importance 6 3 D.K., N.A. 15 1 64 "20 How do you think most people in the industry feel about this? *37. Now just a few questions about yourself. Are you married? Married Single Have you ever been married? Yes No Do you have children? Yes — 35 No — 29 May I ask their ages? ANSWERS: Married-52 Single - 9 N.A., D.K. - 3 And where were you born? 59 in U.S.A.; 5 abroad. What is the name of the last school you attended? ANSWERS: At least some college — 45 Less than college — 14 N.A. — 5 Is (Radio) (TV) the main source of family income? Yes - 52 No - 8 N.A. - 4 For what network do you do most of your work? ANSWERS: ABC-10 CBS-25 NBC-23 Others - 2 Several - 4 Would you mind telling me what newspaper you read most often? How often is that? ANSWERS: 56 at least 4 times a week a daily paper. 4 less than 4 times a week a daily paper. 4 N.A. 278