Revised list of high-class original motion picture films (1908)

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TRAGEDY. G. D. 1689. DARKEST HOUR. Approximate Length, 617 feet. Price, $74.04. A very pathetic subject well dramatized. The scene is that of a doctor's office, and the clean-cut and frank expression of the doctor, earnestly engaged in ministering to the wants of his patients, bespeaks his character and manliness. One of his patients is a vagrant, and as the doctor makes the examination we see the facial expression of the man in direct contrast to that of the doctor. Interrupted for a moment, the doctor turns his back upon the patient and we see him taking a hurried survey of the office and contents. Leaving the office, the vagrant hurries on to some of his colleagues and we soon see another of the same class of patients enter the doctor's office to call him to the bedside of a dying man. The doctor responds at once, and we see a crouching figure of an accomplice stand back in the shadow of the portal as the doctor and messenger leave the home of the former. The two men pass out to the barn, where both get into the doctor's buggy and quickly drive away. Following the instructions of the guide, the doctor drives into a lonely lane, and shortly the doctor is attacked by his guide, and with the assistance of an accomplice 82