Revised list of high-class original motion picture films (1908)

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TRAGEDY. steps up to her and reaches out his hand, which she takes, signifying that she will be true to her oath. She now receives her instructions, and stepping up to a large map she is shown where she must take up her position. Receiving the good wishes of her fellow conspirators she takes the bomb under her cape and starts off. We next see the room of the Governor. Two attaches are present when the man enters and opens his mail. One letter is opened by the attache, and is to be cast aside, but the official demands it, and after perusing it throws it into the waste basket, and signifies his intention of answering in person the urgent request therein contained. His family is called, and when the wife and two children appear he takes an affectionate leave, and goes out and enters his automobile, bound for the destination indicated. Scarcely has the official departed when one of his attaches takes the note from the basket, reads it, and concludes to follow with a squad of police. On the outside his horse is waiting, and hastily mounting he commands the waiting guard to follow him. The auto is seen to follow the main road, and following it at breakneck pace is the bodyguard. At a turn in the road we see the woman step forward as she hears the approach of an automobile, and crossing in front of the machine she turns and throws the bomb directly into the car. The concussion causes an immediate explosion, the car is wrecked and in the smoking debris is seen the figure of the Governor. The guard comes upon the wreck just a moment too late. Several of the men clear the wreck away and release the Governor, who has been mortally wounded, and as they stand by with bared heads he expires. Others of the guards chase the fleeing woman, and soon come upon her as she stumbles along in her excitement and effort to reach safety. She is bound and brought back a prisoner and cast into jail. The dead Governor's wife and children, all dressed in mourning, visit the prisoner in her cell. The latter is at first defiant, but the misery she has brought upon the little ones soon softens her heart, and she steps forth weeping and embraces them. Upon dismissing the little ones the widow engages the felon in conversation, and the two then agree that if liberated the latter will avenge the death and misery she has caused. Removing her bonnet and cape, the widow gives them to the prisoner, who quickly dons them, and upon the entrance of the guard she steps out, and the widow remains seated on the prisoner's seat. Directly afterward she calls for the captain, and when this individual recognizes her he removes his hat and clears her way. The prisoner, disguised as she is, immediately reports to headquarters, where all are discussing the event in animated tones. As she rushes in all are attention, and she tells a story of escape, and when opportunity presents itself she snatches a bomb, which she throws against the ceiling, and thus wrecks the place and kills all the inmates. "Very thrilling and sensational throughout. G. D. 1683C. THE SMUGGLER'S Price, Colored, $93.59. WIPE. Approximate Leng-th, 367 feet. This picture was taken on a very picturesque part of a rocky coast. It is an extremely well staged drama. The smuggler is betrayed by a confederate and captured by the Coastguard. The smuggler's wife carefully spies on the informer and catches him in the very act of giving information. She swears to avenge her husband and watches for her opportunity. It comes. She follows the betrayer along the narrow and precipitous paths of the cliff. While he is watching for the incoming boats on a beetling crag, she steals up to him and thrusts him over the cliff. Her husband's betrayal has been avenged. Beautifully hand colored. S7