Revised list of high-class original motion picture films (1908)

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COMEDY. street. Helped to his feet he staggers along and enters a dance hall that looks inviting to him. After being knocked about considerably he falls to the floor with his partner and receives a good pommelling and is thrust out by an officer. He soon enters a little show where there are a number of acrobatic 5.nd gymnastic performances. A wrestler invites any one in the audience to step into the ring, and our Mr. Lark is the man of the hour, who promptly tumbles into the ring and in a few rounds is pretty well used up. Staggering along the street he collides with several pedestrians and is finally taken from a park seat by an officer a"nd loaded into a carriage, in which he is delivered to his home, where his wife is anxiously waiting supper for him. Receiving his tip the officer departs and leaves the man to his fate at the hands of his irate wife. He is remonstrated with, and when he becomes abusive he is severely beaten, and in the turmoil much furniture and china are demolished. As a finale the man is on the floor and, with her foot on his head, his wife, holding aloft the broom, proclaims herself victor and supreme master in the premises. P. D. 520X. BOX OF SARDINES. Price, $46.08. Approximate Length, 384 feet. An amusing comedy, well rendered and containing an element of sensation that maintains a lively interest throughout. A woman drops a box of sardines on the walk and the husband, wishing to play a joke, creates excitement by calling the attention of several people to what he alludes to as a mysterious appliance. An officer is summoned and, supplied with a pair of tongs, he cautiously picks up the can and takes it to the station. Here the commanding officers are alarmed and overawed by the probability of an explosion hurry the officer on to a chemical laboratory close by. The box is dropped into a bucket and deluged with water. The senior chemist is now summoned, who cautiously examines the can, then pries it open, while the officer and the assistant chemists are standing at the door with bated breath. The learned man soon determines the contents and, sampling it with much delight, brings the others back and they bravely step forward and help themselves. The woman in the meantime seeks her sardines and rushes in the direction taken by the officer. She reaches the station too late and enters the laboratory just in time to see the last of her dainty morsels vanish. The husband, who followed the wife, is now pounced upon by the woman, who administers a flogging all the way home. P. D. 525X. FATHER GOES TO MARKET. Price, $52.08. Approximate Length, 434 feet. A ludicrous presentation, depicting the experience of a peasant failing to heed the admonition of his wife not to indulge in liquor on his trip to town to do the marketing. The scene opens with father eating a lunch in the kitchen. His wife wishes him to go to the market and, taking the wine bottle and glass from the table, bids him hurry. After receiving instructions as to the provisions wanted, he takes his basket and, receiving another reminder not to drink while on his visit to town, he starts on his mission. Directly he meets a friend, and together they saunter to town. "When the market is reached they separate, and father looks after his marketing. After several purchases are made he meets his friend at an inn and they join in a drink. Farther down the street they stop at another inn and more grape juice is imbibed. At this point several urchins steal the basket of provisions while its owner and his friend are enjoying themselves with a recital of pleasant reminiscences. After a violent altercation upon the detection of the loss the two separate. At the first store father spends his last money in 174