Revised list of high-class original motion picture films (1908)

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TRAGEDY. P. D. 513X. FRA DIAVOLO. Price, $74.04. Approximate Length, 617 feet. A tragedy enacted with nature as a setting. The details are perfect and the play is well dramatized. A stage coach is wending its way through the woods and is met by a gentleman of genteel appearance on horseback, who directs them in answer to inquiries. As soon as they have passed he spurs his horse on and, branching from the road, he is soon met by a man who takes charge of his steed as he dismounts and starts for a shelter that serves as home for a gang of outlaws; he proves to be the leader of the band. Directing his party as to the stage coach they go off and he remains in the company of a young woman, who waits upon him and soon supplies a disguise for him. The outlaws are seen to rush out and intercept the coach, hold it up, kill the guards and take the passengers prisoners. When they appear before their leader he is not recognized as the same party. One of the outlaws, Fra Diavolo, falls In love with one of the lady prisoners, and during a momentary absence of the chiei is pressing his cause. He is surprised by the chief and in a violent duel slays the latter and then endeavors to escape. He is pursued, and his course leads through a very picturesque country, over ragged and precipitous cliffs. Finally eluding his pursuers he reports to the police and then leads a rescue party to the rendezvous. In a fierce battle the outlaws are worsted, but Fra Diavolo meets his death at the hands of one of his former confederates. Sensational clear through and certain to meet with universal approval. P. D. 512X. SOLDIER'S HONOR. Price, $96.00. Approximate Length, 800 feet. This subject is very beautifully rendered and depicts a romance, the nature of which is singular, in a manner that is not frequently encountered. Martha, the daughter of an officer of high rank, is in love with Hans, future non-commissioned officer. Hans is summoned for duty, which news is received with great regret by Martha. Before the departure of Hans, Mr. Wolmar, Martha's father, promises her hand to Hans and, with the hands of the betrothed in his, pronounces his benediction upon the two; they drink the health of the bride; Martha, however, is too heavy hearted to join, and Hans departs. The long absence of her fiance, together with the charm of the new uniform and the sauve manner of a lieutenant, cause her to forget her obligations to the former and receive the attentions of the latter. When Hans finally returns with his uniform and insignia of his rank he surprises Martha in the company of the lieutenant. When Hans and Martha are alone she receives. him kindly, but when he endeavors to show his affection she cruelly repulses him, with the explanation that she can be no more than a friend to him. Hans subsequently learns that Martha is in the quarters of the lieutenant, and calls there. During an altercation with the superior officer he is struck a blow with a sabre. Undaunted, he bursts into the room in which Martha is in hiding, and when he emerges from that chamber, his fears confirmed, he fairly staggers with distraction. Hans is arrested for his offense to a superior officer and indicted, to be tried by a court martial. At the trial Hans, a stately fellow, full of dignity and every inch a man of highest type, refuses to testify in his own defense. Martha is called and gives testimony. When Wolmar finds his daughter dishonored he springs toward 177