Richardson's handbook of projection (1927)

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772 HANDBOOK OF PROJECTION FOR then remove taper pin 70P, P. 2, and arm 117P, P. 2, and pull out shaft 116P, P. 2. Next remove screw 854P, P. 2, and shove upward on gear 103P, P. 2, thus raising both the gear and ball bearing above its supporting casting. Now remove screws 866P, P. 2 (four of them), whereupon part 137P, P. 2 and 3, can be pulled away, carrying with it the governor, gear 136P, P. 2, and link HOP, P. 2. INSTRUCTION NO. 30.— To remove castings IP, P. 1, and 2P, P. 3, which support the lens, follow Instruction No. 1, then take out taper pin 70P, P. 2, pull out shaft 116P, P. 2} and remove four screws, one at each corner of the casting, first pulling part 2P, P 3, in by means of knob 10P, P. 1, far enough to expose the two screws in lens end of casting. INSTRUCTION NO. 31.— To remove knob 10P, P. 1, and rod 9P, P. 1, look on the under side of casting immediately below rod 9P, P. 1, at the end next knob 10P, P. 1, and you will find a small screw. This screw engages a groove in shaft 9P, P. 1, and after it has been removed, rod 9P and knob 10P may be removed by screwing it out of the arm of part 2P, P. 3. In replacing this part do not forget to tighten up this retaining screw so that it engages with the groove in the shaft, or else the rod will not operate part 2P, P. 3. INSTRUCTION NO. 32.— Part 2P, P. 3, is the casting which engages or grasps tube 318P, P. 3, which holds the lens. The lens tube itself rests inside part 318P, P. 3, so that when the parts are assembled and the lens is in place, part 318P, P. 3, and the lens tube are tightly clamped together by screw 867P, P. 1 and 3; and since part 318P, P. 3, carries with it shutter blade 310P, P. 2, and shutter shaft 312P, P. 2 and 3, it follows that by adjusting knob 10P, P. 1, the lens and the shutter blade are both moved inward and outward when the lens is focused, and thus the shutter is maintained at all times at a fixed distance from the lens. INSTRUCTION NO. 33.— Top guide roller 19P, P. 1, is composed of inner flange 18P, P. 3, outer flange 20P, P. 3, and spreading rollers 19P, P. 1, these being held together by spindle 14P, P. 3, and spring 16P, P. 3. This part may be disassembled by removing set screws in the supporting casting just back of arrow head 18P, P. 3. The tension of spring 16P, P. 3, may be varied at will by loosening the holding set screw just back of arrow head 18P„ P. 3, and moving shaft 14P, P. 3, slightly in or out. INSTRUCTION NO. 34.— Aperture plate 5P, P. 1, is held in position by four screws. This plate is made of carbon