Richardson's handbook of projection (1927)

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MANAGERS AND PROJECTIONISTS 845 PEERLESS REFLECTOR ARC LAMP EQUIPMENT.— The Peerless Reflector Arc Lamp utilizes the ReflectorCondenser optical system, its condenser being eight inches in diameter, with a free opening ot slightly more than 7% in. after being mounted. The Peerless Reflector is of the parabolic type, its diameter being 7% in., the same as the free opening of the condenser. The reason for this is that being a parabolic reflector the light rays reflected from it are all parallel rays when the light source is at the exact focal point of the reflector, or in other words it reflects a cylinder of light the exact diameter of the reflector and the free opening of the condenser. The manufacturers claim that a parabolic reflector can only be operated at its highest efficiency when the light source is carried at its exact focal point, and when this is done the reflected light rays are theoretically parallel ; hence, the reflector should be the same diameter as the free opening of the condenser and likewise the cylinder of light reflected by it. It is also claimed that as the light rays enter the condensing lens in a parallel stream, the angle of light convergence and divergence is much flatter or less rapid than it would be if the light entered the lens from a converging angle, and by this flattening of the light angle' between the condenser, aperture and objective lens of the mechanism, a greater amount of light is passed through the projector objective lens. Also that by the use of a proper focal length condenser (which controls the diameter of the cooling plate spot), the lamphouse may be used still farther away from the mechanism and again obtain a further reduction of light convergence and divergence and a correspondingly greater amount of illumination is again passed through the projection lens. Each complete Peerless Reflector Arc Lamp equipment, as packed for shipment, is contained in two separate shipping cases, the larger of which contains the lamphouse, with the lamp assembled therein, and the converging lens, the reflector, light cone and stereopticon attachment. WARNING.— In packing the apparatus it is essential that you use great care in order to avoid possible injury to it. It is astonishing how careless some men are in this respect. Don't YOU be one of them. The apparatus in the larger case is held in place entirely by means of wooden cleats designed for the purpose. No excelsior or other packing materials is used. REMOVE THE NAILS HOLDING THESE CLEATS BY PULLING THEM FROM