Richardson's handbook of projection (1927)

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CINEPHORS are Screen Tested and with a reflecting arc at that — the most difficult of all tests. The rigid test to which every Bausch & Lomb CINEPHOR Projection Lens is subjected assures the projectionist of an unusually high degree of uniformity. It guarantees that every CINEPHOR lens is equal in quality to every other CINEPHOR lens — and that the field is flatter, the contrast between black and white is more pronounced and the intensity is greater than in any other projection lens obtainable. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co* 654 St. Paul St. Rochester, N. Y. m^!i | 1 (PB* The pPW^ Combination Ideal: j^'6-^ Mechanical Skill, Electrical Genius, Optical Science and Common Sense SEE PAGES The STRONG ELECTRIC CO. 875-8S1 3248 Monroe Street Toledo, Ohio