Richardson's handbook of projection (1930)

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MANAGERS AND PROJECTIONISTS The Exciting Lamp What does the exciting lamp do? 1103 Describe the exciting lamp condenser 1103 What is the purpose of the exciting lamp condenser? 1103 Is it absolutely essential to good results that the exciting lamp filament be in perfect condition?... 1057 Name the requisites for perfect performance, in so far as has to do with the exciting lamp and its optical system 1057 What attention will the conscientious projectionist give the exciting lamp every day ? 1057 Is it true economy to use an exciting lamp which has a blackened globe or a sagged filament? 1059 Why will a sagged filament work harm to the results? 1059 Should you and how may you have a spare exciting lamp ready for immediate use in case one fails?.. 1061 How would you proceed to test the exciting lamp filament image for correctness as to sidewise position? 1059 Describe the process of adjusting a Western Electric exciting lamp in the spare bracket so it will be ready for immediate use. 1061 What should you do when you have completed the adjustment of an exciting lamp in the spare socket? 1066 The Slit What is the "slit"? Describe it 1104 Name one prime requisite if the film sound recording (variable density) is to be picked up correctly 1104 Why is the slit assemblage sealed in position? 1105 What would happen if the slit were not in exactly its proper position ? 1105 Would the projectionist be justified in breaking the slit assemblage seal under any condition? 1106 What amount of space on the film does the slit light beam illuminate ? 1 106 Is the light from the slit of unvarying brilliancy when it reaches the film sound band ? 1106 Is the light on the photo-electric side of the film sound track of steady, unvarying brilliancy? 1106 What will the pick-up light beam on the P. E. side of the film sound track be a reproduction of?.... 1107 Western Electric Disc Record Pick-Up System What must be understood before the Western Electric Disc Record Pick-Up System can be itself understood ? 1 109