Ross reports -- television index. (1957)

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SATURDAY JULY 13(Cont'd) mnrnimmmmmmmmmmmmm COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE ABC 10pm Betty Ann Grove (s). JIMMY DEAN SHOW CBS lO.-JOpm Carl Smith(S). SUNDAY JULY 14 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm LAMP UNTO MY FEET CBS 10am Sad Song; (0) Terry De Bono; with Lila Lee, Kay Medford, John Marriott. FRONTIERS OF FAITH NBC 5P® Subject is the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran pastor; with Dr. Franklin Clark Fry, John W. Doberstein. ED SULLIVAN SHOW CBS 8pm Sal Mineo(A), Sue Carson(S), Rickie Layne( ventril ) , Don Cherry(S), Art Mooney & Orch., Diahann Carroll (S), Marvin Ralnwater( S) » Mitzi Green(s). STEVE ALLEN SHOW NBC 8pm Roger Price(c), Frankie Laine(S), Buddy Rich(M) . GOODYEAR PLAYHOUSE NBC 9pm Backwoods Cinderella; (o) Peggy Lamson ; with Martha Scott, Enid Markey, Larry Hagman, Peg Hillias, Abigail Kellogg, Tuesday Weld, Michael Allen, William Traylor, Joan Gray, Bill Berger; Dir Paul Stanley. The We b NBC 10pm After The Fact; with Keith Larsen, Philip Ober, (William Bryant) Tina Carver. ROSS REPORTS 7/8/57 Page C TALENT SHOWSHEET