Ross reports -- television index. (1958)

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OTHER NETWORK CHANGES ( Cont * d ) CBS Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Cont’d from previous page): (See Television Index card). Agency and sponsor info changes: Bristol-Myers Co (Bufferin, Ban, Ipana, Ipana Plus, Vitalis, Mum, Mum Mist); Bufferin thru Young & Ruhicam, Inc (NY, agency of record); Ban thru Batten, Barton, Durst ine & Osborn, Inc (NY); Ipana, Ipana Plus, Vitalis, Mum, Mum Mist thru Doherty, Clifford, Steers & Shenfield, Inc (NY). Production information changes: Prod Joan Harrison; Assoc Prod Norm¬ an Lloyd; Dirs Robert Stevens, Arthur Hiller, Paul He nr e id, Don Taylor, Norman Lloyd; Dirs of Photog Lionel Lindon, Jack Russell, Jack Warren; Story Eds(West) Mae Livingston, at Revue; (East) Art Semon, at MCA, NY). NBC Wagon Train (Wed, 7:30-8:30pm NYT & LAT) New series begins Oct 1; was seen in re-runs during the summer (see Television Index card). Sponsor information changes: ALTERNATE SPONSORS (one -hour alt weeks) Ford Division, Ford Motor Co thru J. Walter Thompson Co(Detroit); Acct Exec W. Eldon Hazard; TV Acct Rep Dan Seymour (NY). 2) (Half-hour alt weeks) National Biscuit Co thru Mc¬ Cann -Erickson, Inc (NY). Production information changes: Exec Prod Richard Lewis; Prod Howard Christie. Add: Dir of photog Benjamin H. Kline; Art DirHoward E. Johnson. The Ford Show; RETURN Oct 2; Thu, 9-*30-10pm NYT & LAT; LIVE from LA; no. of sta¬ tions not available. (Replaces Buckskin, last show Sept 25). § Tennessee Ernie Ford returns with his music -comedy show and weekly guests after summer vacation. (see Television Index card). Production information changes: No exec producer. Prod & Dir Bob Finkel; Music Dir Harry Geller; Writers Danny Arnold, Howard Leeds; Costumes Ret Turner. The Dinah Shore Chevy Show; RETURN Oct 5; Sun, 9 -10pm NYT & LAT; LIVE (COLOR) from LA. (Replaces the summer edition of The Chevy Show, last show Sept 28). § Dinah Shore returns with her musical variety show and top name guest stars after summer vacation (see Television Index card). Production information change: Prod & Dir William Asher. The Loretta Young Show; RETURN Oct 5j Sun, 10-10 :30pm NYT & LAT; FIIM. (Re¬ places Decision; last show Sept 28). § Loretta Young returns as hostess and frequent star of this weekly anthology drama series after summer hiatus. (See Television Index card). Production information changes: Pkgr & Film ProdToreto Films, Inc., at Samuel Goldwyn Studios, Hollywood, Calif.; Prod John London; Assoc Prod Jack Murton; Dirs Richard Morris, others; Music Dir Eerchel Burke Gilbert; Dir of Photog Norbert Brodine; Story Ed & Asst to Prod Ruth Roberts; Art Dir Frank Sylos; Writers Various. Northwest Passage (Sun, 7 : 30 -8pm NYT & LAT) Add alternate week sponsor: Radio Corp of America (All Products) thru Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc (NY); TV Acct RepClint Wheeler. Sponsorship was effective Sept 21; alternate week continues sus¬ taining. Twenty -One ; SCHEDULE CHANGE Sept 25; Thu, 8:30-9pm NYT & LAT; program was prev¬ iously seen Mondays, 9-9 :30pm NYT (see page 79, Peter Gunn). Production info changes (see Television Index card): Assoc Prod Gloria Anne Rade; Dir Grant Johnston. TELEVISION INDEX 9/29/58— IO/5/58 Page 91 OTHER NET CHANGES