Ross reports -- television index. (1960)

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ROSS REPORTS — TELEVISION INDEX SEPT 26 -OCT 2, I960 PROGRAMS • ADVERTISERS TALENT VOLUME 12 NUMBER 39 55 I Fifth Avenue • New York I 7 • MUrray Hill 2-59 1 0 EDITOR: Jerry Leichter WEEKLY REPORT PUBLISHED BY TELEVISION INDEX, INC. Receive 0 THIS WEEK - NETWORK DEBUTS & HIGHLIGHTS ^ 0 * I960 Monday (September 26) ALL NETS 9:30-10 :30pm NYT & LAT, 1st of k programs; SP^^ALS Al Egnnedy-Nixon LIVE from Chicago (premiere): to the ABC, CBS & • NBC nets. (Preempts all programming on all three networks during the time periods). § Telecasts of four joint or split-screen appearances of the major Presidential nominees. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts and Vice President Richard M. Nixon, in network studios with no audiences present. The first and fourth programs will be dis¬ cussions, the others news panel interviews. The first program will deal with "Domestic Policy," with the fourth program, from New York, on "Foreign Policy." The full schedule: Sept 26, Mon, 9:30-10 :30pm NYT; Oct 7> Fri, 7:30-8 :30pm NYT; Oct 13, Thu, 7:30-8 :30pm NYT; Oct 21, Fri, 10 -11pm NYT. Network production was chosen by lot, with CBS producing the first program, NBC the second, and ABC the third and fourth. Howard K. Smith of CBS will moderate the first program. § Sustaining, public service, all nets. § PKGR CBS News (first program); Prod & Dir Don Hewitt; production personnel fof other programs to be named by the respective networks responsible for each. ABC 7:30-8 :30pm NYT & LAT, Weekly; RETURN The Cheyenne Show FILM; 1^2 sta¬ tions net and delayed. § Sixth season Begins for the Western adventure series, starring Clint Walker in the title role. This season, Sugarf oot and Bronco episodes will also be seen under the new, modified program title. Will Hutchins stars in Sugarf oot and Ty Hardin in Bronco. The two series alternated on Tuesdays on the net last season. Cheyenne summer reruns, March 12 thru Sept 19. § SPONSORS 1) The Procter & Gamble Co thru Benton & Bowles, Inc (NY). 2) Ral¬ ston Purina Co thru Gardner Advertising Co(St. L. ). 3) Bristol-Myers Co thru Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, Inc (NY). ^) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co thru William Esty Co., Inc(NY). 3) AC Spark Plug Div, GMC, thru D.P. Brother Sc Co (Bet). 6) Union Carbide Consumer Products Co thru William Esty Co., Inc (NY). 7) Brillo Manufact¬ uring Co., Inc thru J. Walter Thompson Co(NY). 8) Dow Chemical Co thru MacManus, John & Adams, Inc(Det). 9) Peter Paul, Inc thru Dancer -Fitzgerald -Sample, Inc (NY). 10) E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc thru N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc (NY). § PKGR & Film Prod Warner Bros. TV Division, at Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank, Calif.; Exec Prod William T. Orr; Prods Burt Dunne (Sugarf oot ), Sidney Biddell (Cheyenne, Bronco); Dirs Various; Story Ed Jim Barnett; Casting Dir Ed Rhine. NBC 4 .*30 -5 pm NYT, 2: 30 -3pm LAT, Mon thru Fri; DEBUT Here ' s Hollywood TAPE, recorded in LA; 139 stations net and delayed. (Replaces Adventure Time, last show Sept 23). § Host Dean Miller and co-host Joanne Jordan interview top name personalities of the entertainment world in Hollywood, discussing varied subjects, including stars' backgrounds, hobbies and other business interests; recorded via a mobile tape unit in various locales in the Hollywood area. § Participations. § PKGR 0 & 0 Productions with NBC-TV(LA); Prods Jess Openheimer, Peer J. Gppenheimer . TELEVISION INDEX 9/26/6O--IO/2/6O Page 107 (MORE)