Ross reports -- television index. (1962)

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NBC SUNDAYS 1011pm NYT & LAT WEEKLY SERIES THIS WEEK Regular Network Specials DUPONT SHOW OF THE WEEK FILM or TAPE SPONS: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc (Various Products) thru Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc (NY). 16th Program March 4; Regards to George M. Cohan, the story of the life, times and tunes of the great song-and-dance man, with old film footage, stills-in-action, a clip from the film biography starring James Cagney and taped recreations of his songs and dances starring Peter Lind Hayes as host, with Dorothy Loudon, Danny Meehan, Paula Hayden and Lester James. Pkgr: NBC Special Projects (NY); Prod & Writer William Nichols; Dir James Elson; Music Dir Bernard Green; Music and Dance StagerFelisa Conde. TELEVISION INDEX Page 22 2/26/62--3/4/62