Ross reports -- television index. (1962)

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AMERICAN BANDSTAND JACK PAAR SHOW TODAY CAPTAIN KANGAROO ACCENT Perry Mason Tales of Wells Fargo Room for One More GOLDEN SHOWCASE Leave It To Beaver The Tall Man Saturday Night at the Have Gun, Will Travel (Richard Boone) Gunsmoke LOOK UP AND LIVE CAMERA THREE FRONTIERS OF FAITH DIRECTIONS >62 MULTIPLE AND ACROSS THE BOARD SHOWS MARCH 19 MARCH 23 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ABC 4pm NBC 11:15pm NBC 7am 3/19-Barbara George; 3/20-Solomon Burke; 3/23-John¬ ny Crawford. 3/I9 Charles Laughton, Milton Kamen, Betty Johnson, Alexander King; 3/20-Carol Channing, Jean Kerr, Jayne Mansfield, George Kirgo; 3/21-Van Johnson, Hermione Gingold, Paul Weiss; 3/22 Buddy Hackett, Jennie Smith, Senator George A. Smathers, Phyllis Diller. 3/20 The Jimmy McPartland Quintet; 3/21-Gloria Lynn(S); 3/22 The Chad Mitchell Trio; 3/23 Amy Da rlich( pianist ) . SATURDAY MARCH 24 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Movies CBS 9am CBS 1:30pm CBS 7:30pm NBC 7:30pm ABC 8pm CBS 8:30pm ABC 8:30pm NBC 8:30pm NBC 9 pm with the Houcs (jugglers). Interview at Weehawken; with Alexander Scourby, Sam Wanamaker, Lori March, Hiram Sherman, Pamela King, Donald Harron; SD. The Case of the Melancholy Marksman; ( 0 )Robert White; with regulars and Paul Richards, Mari Blanchard, William Schallert, Jeff Donnell, Ann Rutherford, Peter Baldwin, Wesley Lau, S. John Launer, Jesse White, Cindy Robbins , John Harmon, John Straub, Jon Lormer, Betsy Hale, Shari Lee Bernath, Lester Dorr; Dir Jerry Hopper. Who Lives by the Gun; with regulars and Bart Patton, 'Judith Evelyn. Strength Through Money; with regulars and John Hiestand. Tommy Farrell, Maxine Stuart. Tonight in Samarkand; (0) Jacques Deval ; (A )william Kendall Clarke; with James Mason, Janice Rule, Mar¬ tin Gabel, Betsy Von Furstenberg, Paul Valentine, Juki Arkin, Frank Milan, Reynolds Evans; Dir Garry Simpson. Beaver's Laundry; with regulars and Richard Correll, Ken Osmond. The Four Queens; with regulars and Gaylord Cavallaro, Monica Lewis, Joyce Bulifant, Mary Moor, Tsuruko Kobayashi . No Highway in the Sky; with James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Glynis Johns, Jack Hawkins. Based on a novel by Nevil Shute. CBS 9:30pm CBS 1 Opm with William Conrad", Phyllis Avery; SD. with regulars and Joan Hackett, J. Edward McKinlev SD. SUNDAY MARCH 25 mmmmmmmirmmmmmmm CBS 10:30am Part III of Belief, Work and Charity: The Third Pillar; (O)David Ebin; with Sorrell BooFe-,' Sea'n Garrison, Philip Bosco; SD. CBS 11am Part II of the life and works of Robinson Jeffers; A dramatic adaptation of his poem. Margrave ;SD&Sw . NBC 1:30pm The Love of a Lawyer; (O)Louis E. Lomax. ABC 3pm The Death of Judas ;( 0 )Paul Claudel ; (A )Marie Ponsot; Frederick Rolf as Judas; SD. ROSS REPORTS 3/19/62 Page 12 -D TALENT RECORD (more)