San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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February 24, 1900 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW Frawley Honored By Fellol® Elks The members of San Francisco Lodge, No. 3, Order of Elks, gave a reception in their lodge-rooms Saturday night after the performance of An Unconventional Honeymoon, in honor of T. Daniel Frawley. Prior to the reception the members, numbering 300, made up a theatre party and witnessed the performance from the orchestra chairs of the California. A committee consisting of Exalted Ruler H. S. Manning and Thomas Heydenfeldt, escorted Mr. Frawley and his company from the theatre to the reception. Those in the party were Miss Wakeman, Miss Van Buren, Miss Barrett, Miss Barney, Miss Margaret Smith, Francis Byrne, J. R. Amor>', Harrington Reynolds, Frank Mathieu, Philip Hastings, C. J. Reilly and Selby C. Oppenheimer. The following officers acted as a Reception Committee: H. S. Manning, T. F. Bonnet, J. N. Odell, Philip Bulger, H. Kahn, Hugh S. Rogen, F. W. Bloomdale, T. E. Deene, J. P. Broder, Z. R. Ulman, D. McMillan and J. P. Dunne. The affair was in the hands of the following Committee of Arrangements: J. P. Dunne, A. J. Carmany, T. O. Heydenfeldt, F. J. Sinne and H. Kahn. cMacdonough Stock Co* on the Road The already popular Macdonough Stock Company of Oakland goes out next week for a short tour, in order to allow a few dates engaged by traveling companies, before the stock company was organized. The company, which has proved to be a very strong one, will undoubtedly, (at least it should), meet with substantial success in the cities it will visit, as it is an exceptionally strong aggregation. Under the directorship of Mr. Walton, it has been giving Oakland some extremely satisfactory productions. The following is the tour as mapped out: Santa Rosa, 26-27; Santa Cruz, 28 to March 2; Vallejo, March 2; Sacramento, March 4-1 1; Marysville, 12; Sacramento, return engagement, March 13, one week and then back to the Macdonough, where they will play steadily, probably opening with one of David Belasco's pieces, and follow withdramas of that class. Paderewski has bought an estate of 3,000 acres in a valley of the Tara mountains, between Galicia and Hungary, for the purpose it is said, of founding an orphanage there for children of members of the musical and dramatic professions. The Mechanics' Institute has awarded diploma for superior work to Mr. Louis Thors, Photographer, 826 Market St. DRY GOODS COMPANY Cloak and Suit DEPARTMENT SPRING 1900 The Latest Parisian Styles POPULAR PRICES ft Geary and Stockton Streets fl 0 Opposite Union Square Mail and Express Orders Receive Immediate Attention W iwoooooooooooooeoeeeer PROFESSIONAL CARDS CHAS. MAYER Jr. rpHACHKK OK THE ZITHER. Reception hour JL I:90to3P. M. Studio 22 J4 Geary Street, Easterbrook Building, Room 41 H. L. HASTINGS rpKACHER OF BANJO. 312 Post Street. Phone J_ 4982 Steiner. Residence 814 Shradcr St. MRS. C. J. TOOKER and MISS ELSIE TOOKER rpKACHERS OF THE lU'lTAR. Pupils prepared J. as soloists. 722 Powell St., Snn Francisco CLAIRE M. COLE mBACHBR OF PIANO. Pupil of Roscoe Warren _L I.ucy. Painist of the Corona Club. Concert engagements accepted. Reception Hours, from 9 A. It., to 1:30 r. m. Thursday excepted. Address, 1317 Hyde Street. Telephone i.arkiu 281. MRS. FANNIE DAMHILTON (Recently from Milan) rpKACHER OF SINGING. ORATORIO. CONCERT _L and Grand Opera Studio, Byron Mauzy, 308 Post St. Mondays and Thursdays. Q P CONSERVATOKV OK MUSIC. 130 Powell O. street. A thorough musical edcuation in all branches ol music. Piano department In charge of E. S. BONELI.I, Director. Terms moderate. MISS ELEANOR CONNELL SOPRANO. Teacher of Singing. Begs to announce that she has resumed teaching at her residence 14fi!l Sacramento street. Reception hours 12 to 2 daily. Mrs. Eva Tenney QOPRANO at Trinity Church and Bush St. Temple. O Reception Days, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 4. Telephone Larkin 110:i. 1199 Hush St. CECILE VON SEIBERLICH DRAMATIC SOPRANO, CONCERT ACCOMpanist and Coach for Operatic Singers and Stage Specialties Studio1043 Polk St., cor. Clay, San Francisco. 'Phone Polk 104C. MISS JE5SIE FOSTER LYRIC SOPRANO. Vocal Studio 915 Hyde St. ( taliau Method.) Reception Hours, 11 a. m. to 1:30 p.m. F:iigagenients accepted for Opera, Concert, Church, Etc. MUSIC Complete departments in all branches o( MTSIC, ELOCUTION, DRAMATIC ART SCHOOL OF PIANO TUNING Pacific Coast Conserva'ory of Music The Leading Conservatory ol the West. Unequalled Free Advantages. Send for Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue. H. TOURJEE, DIRECTOR, 528 Sutler Street, San Francisco Cal. Adelaide Roddy T YR1C SOPRANO. Studio, 981 Sutler St. RecepI J tion Hours, Mondays 2 to ft p in.; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 1 p. in. Church or concert engagements. Phone Polk 9iVr.. F. H. IRVINE PROFESSIONAL, STAGE DANCING Taught, 421 Post St. Private Lessons taught. Circular. STAGE DANCING, BAI.I. ROOM AND STAGE Juveniles. Thursday at .130; Saturday at 2. WM. J. O'BRIEN Scottish Hall, 107 I.arkiu SI., San Francisco O. V. EATON ATTORN HY-AT-LAW. 4:16 Parrott Building. Professional Litigation and Contracts. s Dr. Pierre Bernard PECIAUIST — Brain and Nervous System Instruction in Hypnotism. 825 Ellis St. ST. GERMAIN COLLEGE OF PALMISTRY MME. NEERGAARD, President Reading from 1 to 8:30 p. 111. By mail, $1 Engagements made for parlies, teas, etc. 016 Geary St. H. JEROME FOSSELLI OICIKNTIPIC PALMIST. 'Phone Black ML. M7 Mason Street, near Sutter. Hours 9 A. If., 8 !■. M. MRS. M. BIRD Spiriiual Medium Day and Evening Prophecy a Specialty, ftlc and Jl. 242 Taylor Street. Calhoun School of Natural Elocution Acting and Physical Training Latest and Best American and European Methods MRS. JESSIE CALHOUN ANDERSON DlKI'.CTOR Golden Gate Hall, 625 Sutter Street I'HOFIiSSIONAL FEET DR. G. E. LLOYD r\NI,Y GRADUATE SURGEON CHIROPODIST, \J Office, Room 76, Chronicle Building. Corns. Ingrowing Nails, Chilblains, elc, successfully treated