San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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16 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW April 21, 1900 Western Amusement Exchange E. W. FROST, President and Manager telephone main 5169 HORACE EWING, Secretary 143 Powell Street, San Francisco Conducting and arranging every feature pertaining to the amusement world. Companies organized and routed. Vaudeville houses furnished with talent. Sketches and plays furnished, rewritten and revised. Productions undertaken. Plays staged by competent directors. Dramatic and vaudeville people furnished upon short notice. Talent furnished for private entertainments, clubs and socials. There is no proposition in the amusement world too gigantic for us to undertake. Best service at closest figures. If your program is not complete in any particular consult us, and we will gladly send you a list of our best. A number of features are controlled by us. Complete casts furnished if desired. Good acts can be placed by us at any time. Wire or write. Performers please send open time, complete description of your acts, photos, newspaper clippings, billing and lowest salary immediately. No charge for registering. Interior managers wishing attractions please send open time. Connected with this exchange is a conservatory of stage technique. Pupils instructed in all branches of the dramatic art by competent teachers. On the %oad Barlow's Minstrels Seattle, 16, week; Portland, 22, week; Astoria, 30. Elleford Company Santa Barbara, 16, week. Girl from Chili San Diego, 26. Evil Eye Company (Chas. H. Yale, Mgr.) — Denver, 22; San Francisco in May. In Darkest Russia Duluth, 21; Calumet, 23; Houghton, 24. Have You Seen Smith f Taconia, 20-21; Seattle, 22-28; Ellensburg, 30; North Yakima, May 1; Spokane, 2; Wallace, 3; Missoula, 4. Willie Collier Vancouver, 21, Seattle, 22-24; Spokane, 26-27; Wallace, 28; Butte, 30-May 1-2; Helena, 3; Fargo, 5. Ward and Vokes Co. (E. D. Stair, Mgr.) — San Jose, 21; Frisco, 23-May 6. Suwanee River Co. Portland, 15-22; Astoria, 24; Olympia, 25; Port Townsend, 26; Tacoma, 27-28; Seattle, 29-May 5. Sam T. Shaw Company Vallejo, 15, week. Pudd'nhead Wilson Fargo, May 7. F raw ley Company L05 Angeles, April S, six weeks. Morosco Opera Company Los Angeles, April 8, indefinitely. Frawley-S tockwell In Paradise Co. Crookston, 21. Boston Lyric Opera Company Tacoma, 20-21; Vancouver, 23-29; New Westminster, 30; Nanaimo, May 1; Victoria, 2-5; Seattle, 6-13; Walla Walla, 17; Spokane, 18-19. Harry Corson Clarke Co. Portland, 19-20-21; Boise City, 23; Park City, 25; Salt Lake City, 26-27-28; Aspen, 30; Leadville, May 1; Cripple Creek, 2; Victor, 3; Pueblo, 4; Colo. Springs, 5; Denver, 6, week. Dailey Stock Company Nevada City, 16, week; Grass Valley, 23, week. Reno, April 30-May 6; Virginia, 7-13; Carson, 14-20; Auburn, 21-27. West's Minstrel Jubilee S. B. Ricaby, General Manager. — Oakland, April 23-24; Marysville, 25; Portland, 27-28; Victoria, 30; Vancouver, May 1; Seattle, 2-3; Tacoma, 5; Spokane, 7-8; Anaconda, 10; Butte, 11-12. Imperial Stock Company Ford H. Keith sends to the Review the following roster of the Imperial Stock Company, which goes out on tour, opening at Auburn, April 30: John Abbott, Harriette Lee, Ford H. Keith, Alec. Cochran, Joseph Finney, William Townshend, Herbert Jones, John Carey, Maggie Francis L-eavy. Following Auburn, they play Nevada City, week of May 6; Reno, Nev., week of May 13; Virginia City, week of May 20; Carson City, week of May 27. ' Oberon Changes Hands Dr. De Kennett has retired from the Oberon management, having sold out to Mrs. Minnie Joerdens and Henry Joerdens, and the firm name will now be Joerdens & Martini. Dr. De Kennett goes to Europe to visit his father, who is seriously ill, and on his return, after seeing the Exposition, avers that he will bring out a novel attraction, unlike anything ever seen here. The Amateurs The New Century Dramatic Club made its first appearance before a full house in a new and novel production, A Seminary Escapade, at Dietz Opera House, Oakland, April 17, 1900. The cast comprised a number of promising young people who impersonated the characters in a very efficient manner. During the evening excellent specialties were introduced. A Trip To Nome, a new and original melodrama, will soon be put in rehearsal. Ij. DUVAL Theatrioul Wig? Maker 112 Eddy St., San 1 rancisco New Theatre for Seattle A corporation called the Pacific Amusement Company, of which John Cort is president, has been formed, for the purpose of building a new theatre in Seattle on Cherry Street, between Second and Third Avenues. The capital, $50,000, has been subscribed by the stockholders, most of whom are local men. One of the stockholders however, is a Dawson thearical manager who made a large fortune in the Klondike. The theatre will be a four-story structure of Moorish architecture. It will be built of pressed brick with stone trimmings and will cost when completed about $35,000. Its seating capacity will be 2, 100. The plans are for a three-story building to seat 1,400 and to cost about $20,000. The promoters of the new theatre announce that it will be finished by September 1 . The main entrance will be 120 feet. The stage will be 70 feet wide by 40 feet deep. The foyer will be elaborately decorated. The vestibule will have a tiled floor and be wainscotted with Washington marble. Mr. Cort has already begun negotiating for attractions. Only traveling companies will be contracted with, and both first-class and popular-price attractions will be played. Sunday night's crowd at the Grand was the biggest assemblage in the theatrical history of this city. People were simply packed — aisles and every available foot of space filled. Next Year's Big Farce Comedy Show Will be Launched Early in September. It will be the Limit of all that is Big, Artistic and Funny. It will be Presented by a Company of 30 People. It will be Sumptuously Mounted, Magnificently Costumed. It will Cost $5000 00 to Raise the Curtain on the First Performance. It will be Presented by Those Prosperous Comedians, MURRAY and MACK California Tour Limited to Two Weeks and Three Days. Time all Filled. In Big Cities Only, September iS to May 1. A NEW PLAY ON NEW LINES OLLIE MACK, Sole Owner P. 5. MATTOX, Representative ORPHEUAV THEATRE 110NOL.UL1U 11. 1. THE ORPHEUM CO., (Limited) Lessees. J. C. COHEN, President and Manager Professionals intending to visit Australia, Japan, China or Manila are invited to communicate with us for dates and appearances, address The Orphbum Co., Ltd., Honolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 400 Or, L. F. STONE, Langham Hotel, Sole San Francisco Agent. WILLIAM T>. WASSOJV Fnruislies Site to hes, Songs n n d Plays ADDRESS, PRESS CLUB. SAN FRANCISCO