San Francisco dramatic review (1899)

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8 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW July 5, IM13 THE 8AK FBAHCISCO Dramatic Review Music and Drama CKAS. H. FASBi:i.I>, Editor Xssnad Every Saturday Address all letters and money or- ders to Th« Ban Franolsoo Dramatic B • Tl« w 1095 Market Street Cor. Seventh Room 207 Telephone: Market 8622 Entered at San Francisco as Second-class Mail Matter. Kstablislied 18.'')4 Jane Lambc The very attractive picture <>n our front page today is a splendid like- ness of the hancl-ionie character wo- man of the Dick Wilbur Company, who is one of the decided favorites of the organization. Miss Lambe takes naturally to character roles, especially those that have a vein of comedy in them. Anglo - American Players Hit Hard Times The dream of the cniuiuest of the Orient by the .\nglo-.American Play- ers, under the management of Arthur Fox, and featuring \'ictor Gillard and May Robert.s, is having its finish these days. Up to the time the comi^any jilayed through China, they did a fairly good business, but as soon as they struck Manila the frost began. Their business there was an absolute fizzle. Two of the comi)a!iy, (iene Yarbor- ough and Charles Stokes, got home on the Nile last Monday, and the others are coming by another boat, the Monteagle, to Seattle, and should get in by next week. There was a good chance of doing business had the company been prop- erly organized, but the com- l)any was in no way representative of our .\merican talent, or youth, or beauty. As it is, the actors had a good long vacation, saw a fine lot of the earth they probably would never have seen otherwise, and all quit Manila minus any salary, or what is jiractical- ly any salary, for the entire tour. Ziegfeld In A Mix Up .\KW YORK, June 29.—Despite the out-of-doors lure today, Flor- enze Ziegfeld, manager and di- vorced husband of Anna Held, re- mained .secluded in his a])artments in the Jlotel .\n.sonia. Me was ten- derly nursing certain painful inju- ries to his left eye and right jaw. According to Ziegfeld. he sustained these injuries late Saturday nigln at the haiuls of Frederick (ires- heimer, husband of Lillian Lorraine. l'V)r several seasons Miss Lorraine was in Ziegfeld's company, and was known to stand high in his favor. "Yes, it is jierfectly true that I have been assaulted by 1-Veddy (iresheim- er," said Ziegfeld to a reporter to- day. "I do not know why he at- tacked me. It happened this way: After the close of the evening per- formance at the New Amsterdam Theatre I went to Louis Martin s restaurant. I had a friend with nu- —a man—and as we were about i" enter the restaurant I caught sight of Miss Lorraine. She was in a cab in fnjnt of Martin's. We are old friends, you know, and in a most natural and ])roper way she nodded Harry Bishop, After an Elaborate Trial, Has Decided That Dramatic Stock Will Have to ao Aloncr in the Good Old Way Ik'ginning last Alonday, Manager Harry Bishop, of Ye Liberty Play- in Oakland, returned to the old fashioned custom of presenting in stock one bill a week, with the usual matinees. And with this res- toration there i)asses a dream of es- tablishing a new order of things that had the actors shivering in their boots, for had the new i>lan worked out it would have been in all probability nothing less than two shows a day for all our stock houses, whereas now tlir rule is only two inatinees a week in addition to the night" performances. Mr. liishoj), it will be recaljed, con- ceived the idea of adopting the i)lan of utilizing two sttKk companies, and giving two shows at night with a reg- ular matinee each afternoon. This was to be given for the prices of twenty-five and fifty cents, in order to coni])ete with the vaudeville houses. But in order to do this it was necessary to start the first evening show at 7 :oo o'clock, while at 9:45 the second show wouUl go on. The first week tlie novelty of the scheme drew well, but after that the idea didn't draw worth a cent, and to stimulate trade Mr. Bis- ho]) offered two night shows for the one admission of twenty-five cents, but still the crowds did not come. They were offered two much for their money and could not api>reciate it. So at.ler a four weeks trial, the old order of things has been restored, and as if to show their satisfaction and ajipre- ciation of the very wonderful sliows and productions which Oakland has been enjoying, the fonicr ])atrons of Ye Liberty turned out en masse all week. 'i'his experi- ence of Mr. Bishop has called at- tention to a state of aflPairs which we have discussed for many years, viz, llie theatregoers of this State are and liave been for years getting too much tor their money and have grown super-critical and have lo.-,t the enthu- siasm that is necessary in a theatrical community for the best results. Our managers have lavished everything on jiroductions, have imported stars to the detriment of the stock company's ( powers, and have been con- tent to be imijosed u])on in the way of royalty, paying in most cases fully twenty-five per cent more than New York or Eastern stocks are called up- on to pay. The strength of a stock company is in the appearance and per- sonal qualities of its members, the publicity methods used and, of course, in great degree, the selection of plays! .\fter all is said and done, the acting ability of the actors is absolutely sub- ordinate to these. Personal jjouplarity will carry mediocrity a long way on the road to success. and l)eckoned to me. Of course, I joined her at once and stood chat- ting with the lady through the open window of her cab. Then, 'biff, bim!' st)mething struck me on the head and down I went. The thing that hit me was a cane in the hands of this man Gresheimer. He came up behind me and swung on me with all his strength. After he hit me, (iresheimer jumped into the cab and drove off. There was no chance tor me to get at him." Eve wit- nesses of the afifair give a .somewhat ditferent version of it. Thev say ,that Ziegfeld and Miss Lorraine emerged together and rai)idly from the rear door of Martin's, which opens on Seventh avenue. Close upon their heels came a wildly-ex- cited man brandishing a heavy walking stick. Confronting Ziegfeld he sht)uted: "Say, you know that this woman is my w^ife!" Then, crash! Down came the walking stick on Ziegfeld's head. THEATRE THE IUDIN6 PlAYHOtJM Columbia GOrTI,(>B, M.AUX (& CO.. Managers Corner Geary and Mason Phone Franklin 150 ("oniincm inn Sunday nifrlil. July i',. ( time luTf. till- KiiU'inaiolor 1 "umiiimtin- m1' .Xnn-rira i)r«'St*n1s KINCMACOLOR PICTIRES AniMiat.Ml l'li.itoi;iapli.\ in N'm1iit:iI I'dors \>y llii- Sun's Kuys 1 uil.\ l'r<i«raiu I uc 1 u.lins: THE MAKING OT THE PANAMA CANAI., ACTUAL SCENES OF THE BALKAN WAR, JAPANESE WAR MANEUVERS. THE UNITED STATES NAVY, U. S. BATTLE- SHIPS AT PRACTICE. ■i'wii liuuis pronrani. InliM-istinR •'Travil Talk" Matintf Mondiiy and Daily Tlu-reafter Price.s KvoniuK. L'.'>c. S'lc. and ."lOi-. Matinee.': cents. OrpKeum O'Farrell Street. Bet. Stockton and Powell Safest and Most MaKuilicent Theatre in .\nierira Week Beginning This Sunday Afternoon Matinee Kvery Day ANOTHER WONDERFUL NEW BILL CLARK and BERGMAN in Jesse L. Lasky's new tatloi.-l musical play. The Trained Nur- ses; PROFESSOR OTA GYGI. violinist to the King- of Srain: THE LE GROHS; WAL- TER DE LEO":? and "MUGGINS" DAVIES; CECILE BERESFORD. Eng-lish comeLlieune; THE LONDON PALACE GIRLS; MISS NORTON a-.i'i PAUL NICHOLSON; OR- PHEUM MOHCN PICTURES, showing cur- rent events. Si.-eoial added feature. WIL- LARD MACK, MARJORIE RAMBEAU and FELLOW PLAYERS offeriugr Kick In. Kvening prices: 10c. 25c. 50c. 75c. Box Seats. $1,00. Matinee prices (except Sun- days and Hnlidavsl: 1 Oo. '2r>c. 50c. FKONES: DOUOLAS 70; HOME C1570 LEADING THEATRE EUls and M»rk«t mu. Phone. Sutter 2460 Last tinii liini^'lit Everywoman <'iininieiu-ing Sunday Xiglu. .July li. two Weeks. Hest seats $1.50 at Wei., Kri,. and Sat. Matinees. New York Winter Garden Show to Invade tlie West. The Passing Show of 1912 OriKMKii. I'lKilleic-;! .\,-\\ \iirl< Cast Tiisie Fiiganza, Charles J. Ross (of Ross and Fentcn), Adelaide and J. J. Hughes, Howard and Howard, Texas Guinan, Clar- ence Harvey, Louise Brunnell. Moon and Morris, Ernest Hare and Frederick Roland. .ViKlits, .'."<■ til $:'.oii, Wednesday and Sat- urday Matinees. 25c to $1.50. Waldron Divorce .\ suit for a .se])aration was siaitc in tlu Supreme Court, in New \ or) City. June lo, by Mrs. .Mice M. W a! (Iron against lier actor husliam Charles I). W'aldmn. It was learnc that there is a statement in the com plaint that the actor i, in receiiii a .salary of $300 a week. The ] l.un tiff asked for alimony. This suit i the aftermath of Waldron's infatu ation for a young actress. 1 )ur ing \Valdron"s recent engagcmen at the .Alcazar. Mrs. Waldron c m filled to friends that she would • rob ably be comDclled t<i sue for a sc]iar ation as things were rapidly Li un from bad to w<irse in the lioi fan)ily. .Mrs. Wnldn.n is a tall. liaiK some .\ustraliaii woman, whom W al dron niarrie 1 din ing an engagement ii the .Antipodes. Thev Iiave a daiighte about six war- o|.l. Alcazar Theatre O'FARBELIi ST., NEAR POWELL Plione Kearny 2 Monday evening, July 7, and tlirou«h.iUi tli week, the Alcazar Players in I^. ,. Ditrichstein's Funniest Farc e (Vmn .I Are You A Masonl Prcidui-ing Si.xty Lauglis an lloni Prices—Night, 25c. to $1; Mat.. 25c. to .-,0( Matinees: Thursday, Saturday, Sun.]:i y Week id" .luly H — Heluin i>f llessie i;aiii> eale, Forrest Stanley and Hnward ll.rkrnai pantages Unequaled Vaudeville MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE MASO: Week ('oinnu ni ing Jul v ''■ CORA YOUNGBLOOD CORSON SEXTETT: ADAIR and HICKEY in Songs and Dances MYRTLE VANE .and COMPANY in An Obliging Wife HENRY FISHER and COMPANY Two Bicycle Experts THOSE FOUR KIDS School Act GRACIA NABDINI Piano Accordionist Empress Theatr Sid Grauruati. Mkp,. Frank H. Dnnm llan Publicity Manager Direction Sullivan & Considlne Market St.. Bet. Fifth and Sixth Weel; .,r .lnl\- 1; THE ACME OP VAUDEVILLE PER- FECTION HUGH HERBERT, supported hy Martft Williams and Thomas Evert present Tl Son of Solomon: CRAIG and DAVIS. Moi els Be Luxe, offer a series of beautiful a; studies; MAE DOLLY and CHARLE MACK, skilled instrumentalists; GILMO& and LA TOUR, songs and imiiersonationi ELLIOTT and WEST, dancing boys; MBI FRANK FARNUM, Coloratura Sopran assisted by Harty Simpson; BOB WILTO and TOM MERRICK, comedy liorizont bar gymnasts; E33ANCEESCOFE, late Motion Pictures. J. m. OAmBLK J.R.ROOHK K.O.L.HOrBKR THl 'FranciS'Valentihe Co. PRINTERS or FOSTERS 777 MISSION ST. We Print Everything ^^""rOi"^ HEADQUARTERS FOR THEATRICAL AGENTS Sena Bills of Lading to us, ws will t»ks eare ot your Rapor