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Screen and Radio Weekly (Apr 1934 to Aug 1937)

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Po ite eit a ie eld ele et le ‘ elgg: wap: wal Siam wie 2 phe Film Star Tells Her Ideal of Home, a Big Table Crowded with Children’ Gloria Enthusiastic over New Free Press Weekly . ; ¥? + a ‘? t . & : ious ; ; ; GLORIA SWANSON * Re tej 20 wears trunks here and three in New York. At the hotel she changed into a negligee of dusty pink crepe with a girdle of blue silk cord, with —_— ee a ‘Miss Swanson has five | which she wore silver sandals, For | | By Helen C. Bower Gloria Swanson's pet subject is “the children, those darlings.” Scarcely had Miss Swanson and Mayor Couzens settled down for a little chat, in His Honor’s office at the City Hall Thursday morning, than they were agreed that nothing could be nicer in a home than a great big dining room table with children all around it. Just now the three children of the screen star whose name and personality suggest adjectives like her nameé-—glorious, glamorous, grogeous—are in Europe. Thirteenyear-old old Joseph are at school in Gstaad, Switzerland. The baby, Micheele Bridget, 2 years old, is in Paris with the governess who has taken care of all three youngsters, “Gloria is musical, and she draws | very well,” said Miss Swanson later | in her suite at Hotel, the Book-Cadillac “She sent me a drawing of a new dress recently, with a! Gloria and eleyven-year . her visit to the City Hall she wore | May 25 for a five-months’ cruise |4 Hattie Carnegie model which had ;}around the world. Miss Swanson |, red and white dress striped hori| /and the children will be together | zontally, and a long, gray, light| this summer during the children’s ‘weight tweed coat with deep revers | | vacation, perhaps in California,/and cuffs of the dress material, | | | where Miss Swanson has had 4a} parker gray suede pumps, hand-! |! | house for 12 years on Sunset Blvd., | bag and ‘gray felt hat with a pert | | the house built originally by King | white quill completed the ensemble. | | C. Gillette. | Miss Swanson isn’t as tall as she | | | “I adore to travel, but not on & seems on the screen—not much| « | schedule,” remarked Miss Swanson. | tajjer than Mary Pickford, in fact. | |“I've been traveling since I was 8/ hier face is piquant, with a nose | years old, but there are lots of | that curves faintly upward and places I haven't been. I'm going | very blue eyes under slightly slant|to wait until I have all the time | ing brows, Her eyes contrast ef| T qant.” fectively with her sun-tan complexMiss Swanson, who will present/ion and dark brown hair worn in| |a stage play at the Michigan for|)a long bob curled at the ends| |8, week, is under contract to M-G-M,/and a bit of a bang over her | So far as she knows, her next;forehead. She likes to think of | | picture will be “Three Weeks,” for | herself as a tall person, however, | which Zoe Akins is now writing|and the heels of her pumps are| the scenario. about four inches high, which helps. | } t “I saw Elinor Glynn in London,” | } she said. “She's a perfectly amaz| |ing woman. Red hair and green eyes; and she loves life so. She has more energy now than most full description, and added that she thinks she will find the dress very; The new Screen & Radio Weekly | useful. | published by the Free Press at “Joseph, who is my adopted son,| tracted Miss Swanson’s attention. is cute as he can be—Scotch-Irish, Before she came to Detroit she had with a magnificent sense of humor. | wired a message of congratulation, | women a third her age.” Detroit Free Press May 4, 1934, p. 2 I guess the things I sent him for Christmas haven't helped matters much. I sent him a mechanical set, a telegraph and telephone set, and a chemical set. The headmistress of his school writes that she expects the place to be blown up and she wanted to see a copy of | the weekly. | “Oh, I love the way it’s done,” |she exclaimed. “It's periectly splendid.” | D. M. Winkler, Miss Swanson’s | manager, was also most enthusi| any moment by his chemical ex-/ astic. periments,” “T've never seen anything like it,” | Miss Swanson’s husband, Michael! he declared. “No newspaper has Farmer, father of young Micheele | ever produced a separate section of Bridget, has just reached Paris on| the sort, and it's so good-looking.” his way from Norway and will sail! About the clothes the screen star Sats Paneth velit yi) AP >> ot cracbetaarcat tee. me Fate he Rhee