Screenland (Apr–Sept 1923)

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Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED BIG MONEY AND FAST SALES. EVERY owner buys gold initials for his auto. You charge $1.50; make $1.35. Ten orders daily easy. Write for particulars and free samples. American Monogram Co., Dept. 172, East Orange, N. J. LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER WANTS agents to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big values. Free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York. ASTROLOGY YOUR LIFE'S STORY TOLD BY THE stars, send birth date and twenty cents to E. S. Davis, P. O. Box 904, Dept. H. Houston, Tex. BEAUTY CULTURE "SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, ROOTS PERMAnently destroyed." Harmless Home treatment, testimonials, Guarantee, Booklet free. X. Isisco, Ann Arbor, Mich. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BIG CASH MONEY FOR YOU AS LOCAL representative of prominent songwriters. Fascinating spare time duties. No canvassing. No experience necessary. Write today for free details. OLMAN Inc., 148 West 46th St., New York City. $100 TO $300 A WEEK. MEN WITH slight knowledge of motors who can reach car owners can earn $300 weekly without making a single sale. If they can also make sales, their profits may reach $2500 yearly. Only proposition of its kind ever offered. Phillips, 1908 Broadway, New York. $200 TO $500 WILL START A CASH business. Free information ; Dept. N. Paul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. CIGARS BUY YOUR CIGARS DIRECT, 50 AROMAS prepaid, $1.50. Money back if dissatisfied. Agents wanted. Havana Smokehouse, Homeland, Ga. CRYSTAL GAZING CRYSTAL GAZING: CAN YOU SCRY? Five lessons 50c. Explanatory Book 75c. Crystal Gazing Company, 520 Station "B", Kansas City, Missouri. EMBROIDERY OUR ATTACHMENT FITS ANY MACHINE. Price $2 with instructions. Embroidery needle free with attachment. KEYTAG CO. 2, Cohoes N. Y. HELP FEMALE EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME, AT home addressing, mailing, music, circulars. Send 10c for music, information. American Music Co., 1658 Broadway, Dept. 11-W New York. PERSONAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THAT WOULD like to exchange Jolly letters with new friends, s'iruld write Mrs. F. Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, 111. If sincere enclose stamp. WILL YOU EXCHANGE LETTERS AND make new friends? You'll have lots of fun! Betty Lee, Inc., 4254 Broadway, New York City. Stamp appreciated. EXCHANGE JOLLY LETTERS WITH NEW friends. Lots of fun ! Enclose stamp. Eva Moore, Box 90S, Jacksonville, Florida. "EXCHANGE LETTERS BANISH LONE someness." Correspondents all over the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Information free, enclosing stamp. Mrs. B. Franz, 949 Montana St., Chicago. WISH NEW FRIENDS. MANY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DESIRE CORRESPONDENTS. WRITE GOOD FELLOWSHIP CLUB, WOODHAVEN, N. Y. (STAMP). Ladies and Gentlemen Exchange Jolly Letters. Lots Fun. Dolly E. Gray, Box 186, Denver, Colo. PIANO LESSONS BY MAIL PLAY PIANO BY NOTE IN 30 DAYS by my home instructions, taught by mail. No teacher required. I explain so you understand. Write for free particulars. Prof. Muench, (Tower Bldg.) Patchogue, N. Y. SONG WRITERS WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. WE compose music. Our Chief of Staff wrote many big Song-Hits. Submit your song-poem to us at once. New York Melody Corp., 438 E. Romax Bldg., New York. STAMPING NAMES MAKE $19 PER 100 STAMPING NAMES on key checks. Send 25c for sample and instructions. X Keytag Co., Cohoes, N. Y. SUPPLIES ARTISTS AND COLLECTORS SUPPLIES of all kinds for the sculptor Photos from life of famous models and actors. Prices and list on application. Elm Studio, 90 Elm Street, Cambridge, Mass. TYPING SERVICE AUTHORS' & WRITERS' TYPING SERVICE Bureau. 1653 Conway Bldg., Chicago. State 4396. MANUSCRIPTS TYPED 50c PER THOUsand words. R. Patterson, 420 East 21st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. WRITERS PHOTOPLAYS AND SHORT STORIES wanted. Free manuscript reading, listing, plot coaching and market information. Let us tell you about it. Author's Service Association — Boston 34 Mass. Box 82. FREE TO WRITERS— A WONDERFUL little book of money-making hints, suggestions, ideas; the A B C of successful Story and Photoplay writing. Absolutely Free. Just Address Authors' Press, Dept. 156, Auburn, N. Y. BIG MONEY IN WRITING PHOTOPLAYS, stories, poems, songs. Send today for FREE copy America's leading writer's magazine, full of helpful advice on writing and selling. Writer's Digest, 638 Butler Building, Cincinnati. SCENARIO WRITERS AND SHORT STORY Writers will learn something of advantage by writing to The NATIONAL, Box 497, Portland, Oregon. WRITERS— ATTENTION! STORIES, POEMS, plays, descriptive articles, etc., are wanted for publication. Good ideas bring big money. Submit manuscripts or write Literary Bureau, 121, Hannibal, Mo. MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS OF MOVIE STARS, PARISian Beauties, Models, etc., Catalogue 10c. Bert Hedspeth, 3021 California Street, Denver, Colorado. WILL YOU EXCHANGE LETTERS AND make new friends? You'll have lots of fun I Betty Lee, Inc., 4254 Broadway, New York City. Stamp appreciated. GENUINE INDIAN BASKETS, BLANKETS and wampum — wholesale. Catalog. Gilham, Kelseyville, California. "LAUGH PRODUCING PROGRAM," $1.00. Circulars Free. Balda Art Service, Dept. 26, Oshkosh, Wis. MARRY! BIG DIRECTORY WITH DEscriptions and photos, mailed in plain wrapper for ten cents. Bonafide Co. Dept. 59 Kansas City, Mo. MAKE MONEY SILVERING MIRRORS, all kinds plating, knives, spoons, auto headlights. Outfits furnished. Free booklet. International Laboratories, Dept. AS, 311 Ffith Ave., New York. FREE— A BEAUTIFUL GENUINE PHOTOGRAPH, 8x10 inches, of your favorite Film star with a five months' subscription to Screenland for the special price of $1.00. Name stars preferred when answering. Dept. P, Screenland Magazine, 119 W. 40th St., New York City. 3 PHOTOGRAPHS HANDSOMELY FINished, size 8x10 inches, of your favorite Film Star can be had FREE with a year's subscription to SCREENLAND. Send names of stars desired and $2.50 for 12 issues of SCREENLAND to Dept. T, Screenland Magazine, 119 W. 40th St., New York City.