Screenland (Oct 1923-Mar 1924)

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She never knows at what minute her most elaborate evening gown will be torn off bead by bead by the heartless villian who has no respect for Paris dresses. And then there are the hospital bills, doctors and nurses to attend the bruises acquired while leaping from one crag . to another. Ruth's example led many stars to follow suit by going into business other than pictures. I Viola Dana: Garage Owner magine Viola Dana attired in overalls, with tousled hair and greasy hands, telling an irate tourist that it is impossible to have his car done the day promised. Well, she almost does this, by proxy, at least. Her weekly salary hits the four figure mark. But gas was selling for ten cents a gallon and she realized that something must be done to save on the midnight oil. So she bought a garage. On one of Los Angeles' many well paved suburban boulevards there is a garage owned and managed by Viola Dana. Ask any successful garage man you know what his yearly profits are, add this to Viola's salary and you will realize that it is possible for her to get along. When you have achieved the feat of visualizing La Dana as a mechanic then think of Wanda Hawley's perfectly manicured hands covered with soap suds. If she cared to get at the heart of her business she would work right along with her washers and pressers. But she realizes what steaming water does to a dollar marcell and she leaves this work to more efficient ones, in her laundry. That is Wanda's hobby. Wanda Owns a Laundry CCan our stars, with an overhead including Rolls Royces, silken attire, cigarettes, jewels, photographs and lawyer fees, live upon their simple salaries? ©.Something should be done about it, before the thing becomes a national problem. ©, Screenland accordingly is starting a movement for more humane salaries for our stellar celebrities. ©.Must our favorites live in actual need? ©.Read what Miss Albert has to say about the subject here. Hugo Halperin, has formed a real estate club. The list of members reads like a who's who in Hollywood. Every week each member deposits five dollars of the little old pay check with the treasurer. The membership is limited to one hundred and the money is used to buy real estate for the mutual good of the club. We admire Halperin. But we would not be in his shoes. For picture people are a peculiar lot where money is concerned. If you don't believe this ask the credit department of any store in Hollywood. Even leading men have their financial worries. There's Valentino, for instance. He was earning one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars a week when he worked for Lasky, but it is rumored that during the height of his career another company offered ten thousand for his services. But money means nothing to Ruddy. He does not care a snap for filthy lucre when art is also entailed. Valentino refused to continue when he was not allowed to play the roles for which he thought himself best fitted. No siree, Rudy will not be dictated to by anyone. So he left pictures flat and started his career elsewhere. ut in the wilds of Hollywood where comedy stars are evading the custard pie with little success, the necessity of many laundries is obvious. And Wanda Hawley (who's salary was only seven hundred and fifty dollars a week) saw where she could make some real money in a less romantic but more lucrative business. Therefore, gentlemen, when the best silk shirt comes back from the laundry, torn, abstain from vociferous comment. Think, we adjure, how Wanda would weep if she thought that you were not satisfied with her work. Helene Chadwick, who's salary was also seven fifty, has left pictures for good and has, like Wanda, become a daughter of the soil. In a different way, NOTE SCREENLAND'S CONTRIBUTORS ©Where else will you find a motion picture maga zine with an editorial staff numbering: ©.Frederick. James Smith ©George Jean Nathan ©Susie Sexton ©Harriette Underhill ©.Grace Kingsley ©Katherine Albert ©Eunice Marshall however. Her forte lies in real estate instead of laundries. Her shingle is hanging on Hollywood boulevard along with the other realtors. We are told by a facetious philologer that the word realtor comes from the Spanish real and the word toros meaning bull, but who could refrain from buying one of Hollywood's many architectural atrocities when told by Helen Chadwick that it is a "wonderful buy." This real estate craze has become so popular that one young and enterprising producer, Victor 64 High Cost of Living for Vamps he vamps have the most terrible time of all making financial ends meet. Incense is so expensive and the French labor under the delusion that their perfumes are worthy of a price which looks like the expense account of a traveling salesman. And batiks, well, my dear, you simply cannot touch them without digging deep into the old First National. Mae Busch has to struggle along on five hundred dollars or so a week, which barely keeps her in negligees. So she took to writing poetry. As yet we have had no report on how these sell, but if she is like most of the poets we know she can save money only by decorating her walls with rejection slips instead of original paintings. The former come in all colors and have a decided decorative value. It is a novel idea, Mae, try it. As a matter of fact Mae Busch writes very good poetry, if you like that sort of thing. At present writing Gloria Swanson has been able to get along on her little five thousand per. We have had no word to the effect that she contemplates other work. Lacking though we are in financial genius we can imagine doing nicely, thank you, on five thousand a week. Of course, she has many expenses. She must entertain in her new home, but with proper economies she can, perhaps, make her salary do. ©.Anna Prophater ©Luella O. Parsons ©.Robert E. Sherwood ©H. B. K. Willis ©.Delight Evans ©.As for art, you will find the work of the two foremost caricaturists in America today: Wynn and Covarrubias. ©Here, too, you will find John Held, Jr.'s most famous belle, Phyllis. ©And the work of such leading artists as Everett Shinn, Charles Ennis Stivers, Oscar Frederick Howard and Eugene McNerney. Babies' and Barbara's Bank Roll „AisiNG babies is Barbara LaMarr's only other occupation besides getting disentangled from law suits and acting in pictures. And if we are to believe the mothers of the (Continued on page 91 )