Screenland (Oct 1923-Mar 1924)

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F Mov —like BEN HUR "J test a Real Good Car" THE LEOPARDESS "The Skin You Love to Touch" THE GOLD DIGGERS "Because You Love Nice Things" LITTLE CHURCH AROUND THE CORNER "Eventually— W rhy Not Now?" BLACK OXEN "Keep That School Girl Complexion" WHY WORRY? "No Metal Can Touch You" ies were Ad other merch By ^Delight ~Evans THE COVERED WAGON "Anyone Can Put It On" THE THIEF OF BAGDAD "Mary, I Owe It All to You" NAME THE MAN "You Are Mr. Addison Sims of Seattle" THE TEMPLE OF VENUS "Built for Sleep" THE TEN COMMANDMENTS "Read the Book" THE SHEIK "I'd Walk a Mile for a Camel" A WOMAN OF PARIS "Accept No Substitutes" vertised andise THE STONE AGE "Sound as The Rock of Gib? -alter" THE EXTRA GIRL "Others Have Succeeded — Why Not You!" FIRES OF YOUTH "It's Toasted" LILIES OF THE FIELD "Say It With Flowers" LOVE IS AN AWFUL THING "Before and After Taking" BACK HOME AND BROKE "Let Us Develop Your Bust" {Censored) WE TRAVESTY OUR CONTEMPORARIES 0 With all due apologies to our motion picture contemporaries, Screenland is this month presenting its conception of a few of their pages. We hope our readers will recognize their distinguishing characteristics. For their presentation, the editor is indebted to aid from Anna Prophater, Delight Evans, and John Held, Jr. These burlesque pages will be found immediately following. Key to the Personnel of the Screenland Curtain 1. Master Peewee Hickford 2. Mrs. Steinskywitz, wife of the owner of the Bijou Dream 3. Mr. Steinskywitz, sole owner of the Bijou Dream 4. Al Green, whitewashing, ashes removed and leaves raked 5. Rebeena Steinskywitz, eldest daughter of the owner of the Bijou Dream 6. Joe Windick, the popular soda dispenser in Green's Drug Store 7. Mrs. Henry Hickford, wife and best pal of the undertaker 8. Mr. Ai. Ravioli, the popular farrier and wheelwright 9. Miss Minnie Petter, day tele phone operator 10. Mr. Fred Necker, who drives the hotel bus 11. Mr. Sammy Steinskywitz, eldesi son of the owner of the Bijou Dream 12. Mi.le. Sluoda Svens, Culinary Engineer for the Wallaces who live in the Big House 13 Miss Ella Glob, door-tender, ticket-taker and piano-player at the Bijou Dream 14. Mr. Eb Whiffletree, popular constable and night-watchman at the Embalming Fluid factory 15. An empty seat 16. Ditto 17. Mr. Jason Jensen, banker and financier 18. His Brother Chris 19. Goldif. Steinskywitz, youngest daughter of the owner of the Bijou Dream 20. Betty Blythe Hickford, daughter of the Hickfords 21. An Empty Seat 22. Mr. Adam Hickford, the popular undertaker 23. Mr. Hy Low Jack, the enterprising laundryman 24. Mrs. Florence Watson, whose husband told her he was going to the movies. 33