Screenland (May–Oct 1925)

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SCREENLAND Discovers New Way to Seal Hernia with Magic Dot! JOHN G. HOMAN Member American Association for Advancement of Science Associate Member American Physical Society No more torturous steel springs; no more dragging, weighty cushions; no more barbarous chafing leg straps; no more dangerous trusses. At last there has been discovered a new and entirely different way to seal rupture which does away completely with cumbersome, annoying, undependable, ineffective, oldfashioned devices. Now every hernia sufferer can try this marvelous invention FREE and be convinced that Magic Dot is the only real advance in the nonsurgical treatment of hernia during the present century. Read Mr. Homan's comforting message — then learn at once how you can use the Magic Dot FREE for a time. Don't be a tortured truss victim another day when relief and comfort can be yours if you will accept this free trial offer. An Entirely New and Amazing Invention That Revolutionizes Hernia Treatment [By John G. Homan] MY FRIEND, why suffer? At last you can throw away the abominable truss or make-shift contraption that may have been sold to you under another name! You can be through forever with the gouging and pushing into that tender spot that keeps you from getting well and may have made life a burden to you. You say that I am very positive? Yes, I am! Not merely because I have made a wonderful discovery which has amazed doctors— a discovery which you will at once realize is the only real forward step in the non-surgical treatment of hernia during the present century — but I am going to make it so easy for you to use this astonishing method, to try it yourself without the risk of a penny, that I know you will not let another day pass without taking the first step to put my claims and my new discovery to the test. Repair the Hurt Without Surgery When I set about, years ago, to develop this invention, I asked myself this simple question : Is it possible that hernia is the only hurt that nature fails to heal quickly?" My final discovery, and the exhaustive tests to which it has been put, proves beyond question ordinary hernia ishing new method means more than not of too long standing can quick the support of hernia. It also embodies ly, surely and safely be healed by the physical culture principles which have aid of Magic Dot. Old-fashioned actually made hundreds of hernia trusses and similar devices exert such sufferers well. great pressure upon the injured spot $en£ fto Monev T7T> I7T7 that the free circulation of healing _ _ . ^Jr~, r^^Z, r* ffv s* T* blood, which is absolutely necessary if Try MAGIC DOT 1 1XJ-.1-I nature is to heal the hurt, is completely 1 don' 1 want you to send me a penny of , i i i rr ' tit your money — but 1 do want every hernia or almost completely shut off. Magic sufferer in America to fill in and send me Dot, which weighs less than 1-25 of the coupon below. I want every one of an ounce, acts in support of the hernia these to learn the real and true facts about to allow the more free circulation of hernTia and *e non-surgical treatment of « , * it. 1 want them to know the lull details ot healing blood without exerting harsh the astonishing new discovery-especially pressure. the Magic Dot. I want to give every truss victim an opportunity of using this new Physical Culture Methods and revolutionary method without the risk J iiiii • °'a PennY °f their money. Simply write to Heal Hernia for my free book or send the coupon today , and learn how you can quickly, safely, and Think, then, of the immense relief surely obtain relief the equal ofwhichyou to be gained from substituting for this have never before dreamed of having, intolerable shifting, gouging, pushing NEW gg mSTITUTE condition, a tiny disk no larger than a Laboratories: Steubenville, Ohio quarter, weighing almost nothing at .— i all, which effectively seals the hernia JOHN G. HOMAN es^ ciay Street. K . mi r i New Science Institute. Steubenville. Ohio, and makes possible a Support SO light I Send me at once your Free Literature and I thvt wrtii Wrllv rp^livp 1'r ie Kpino wnrn I ' te!1 me pf ' our Frce Trial offcr by which 1 can 1 tnat you naraiy realize it is Deing worn ! test the New Sciencc system. And even of greater importance is the [ fact that Magic Dot enables you to i yamc | walk, run, climb, bend, even exercise, | Address j in far greater security than you have i • likely known before. But this aston I ''' " _lJ