Screenland (May–Oct 1925)

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SGREENLAND 7! ow a Crazy Invention" Ended My Baldness G they' EORGE, don't b e foolish. You ought to know there's no help for baldness. You're just throwing your money away. " "But listen, Bill—" ' ' Nothing doing. You can't convince me that anything will grow hair on that bald head of yours. And especially that crazy invention! Take my advice and hang on to your money. ' ' That was how my friend, Bill Jenkins, felt. I had been telling him about a new treatment for baldness I wanted to take, wouldn't listen to me. He was all against it a way I didn 't blame him Sixty days ago they called me "Baldy." Now 7Ve amazed at my new growth of hair At the theatre I always felt that the people behind me were doing nothing but giggling at me He just And in For I certainly had wasted an awful lot of money on other treatments with no results. I had tried countless tonics and salves. I had tried singeing and massages. I tried crude oil and even mange cures. But every new thing I tried actually seemed to make my hair thinner. Still, this new treatment "was entirely different from anything' I had ever tried. Other methods treated only the surface skin. This one consisted of a new invention which provided, for the first time, a method of getting right down to the dormant roots and nourishing them. The results it was bringing seemed really L astonishing. Men who had been partially bald for years, who had long ago given up hope, were getting brand-new growths of hair in surprisingly short times. Women, too, were using it with equally remarkable results. But the best part of it all, as I later learned, was this — I didn't risk a fenny in taking the treatment. The discoverer . of this new method — Alois Merke — founder of the famous Merke . Institute, Fifth Avenue, New York — absolutely guaranteed an entirely new growth of hair in 30 days, or the trial would cost me nothing! I just couldn't resist such an unusual offer. I had nothing to lose, and perhaps a lot to gain. So I sent for the treatment. Read This! "Kesults are wonderful. My hair has stopped falling out and I can see lots of new hair coming in. I preach your system to everyone." — F. D. K., Washington, D. C. "My hair was coming out at an alarming rate, but after four or five treatments I noticed this was checked. My hair is coming in thicker and looks and feels full of life and vigor."— W. C. Great Neck, N. Y. "I have used your system for eight weeks and although the top of my head has been entirely bald for six years the results up to the present are gratifying. In fact, the entire bald spot is covered with a fine growth of hair." — W. B., Kenmore, Ohio. "The top of my head is almost covered with new hair. I have been trying for last five years, but never could find anything that could make hair grow until I used your treatment, and now my hair is coming back." — Tom Carson, Ohio. (Original of above letters ou file in the Institutes.) The Biggest Surprise of My Life When I first saw this invention I laughed out loud. My friend Bill had called it a "crazy invention. ' ' It almost looked the part. But that didn 't keep me from trying it. The first two or three days, nothing happened. True, my scalp felt very much invigorated. And I didn't see anywhere near the amount of hair on my brush that I used to. Then, a few days later, I looked in the mirror. What I saw almost bowled me over! For there, just breaking through, was a fine downy fuzz all over my head! Every day I spent 13 minutes taking the treatment. And every day this young hair kept getting stronger and thicker. At the end of a month you could hardly see a bald spot on my head. And at the end of sixty days — well, my worries about baldness w ere ended. For I had regained an entirely new head of healthy hair. Here's the Secret According to Alois Merke, in most cases of baldness the hair roots are not dead, but merely dormant — ■ temporarily asleep. Now to make a sickly tree grow you 'would not think of rubMng "growing flu-id" on the leaves*. Tef that is just what I had b°en doing, w>-«n I used to douse my head with tonics sa'ves, etc. To make a tree grow vou must nourish the roots. -And it's exactly the same w"th the hai'-. This new treatment, which Gierke perfected after 17 years' experience in treating baldness, is the first and only practical method of getting right down to the hair roots and nourishing tlieni. At the Me-ke Institnte many have paid as high a $500 for the results secured through personal treatments. Yet now these very same results rcay be secured in any home in which there is electricity — at a cost of only a few cents a day! New Hair in 30 Days or No Cost Merke very frankly admits that this treatment will not grow hair in everv case. There are some cases of baldnes that nothing in the world can help. But so many others have regained hair thi new way, that he absolutely guarantees it to produce an entirely new hair growth in 30 days, or the trial is free. In other wo^-ds, no matter how thin your hair may be, he invi*es you to try the treatment 30 days at his risk, and if he fails to grow hair then he's the loser — not you. And you are the sole judge of whether you pay or not. To be bald is certaiuly a real misfortune. In my own case, it was more than embarrassing. Most of my well-meaning friends called me "Baldy." At the office they were always "kidding" me. And at the ball game "or theatre, I always felt the people behind me were doing nothing but giggling at me. I never felt comfortable. So when I saw Merke's offer of new hair in 30 days or no cost I determined to give it a trial, anyway. And without a doubt in the world, I will always consider the day I sent for the Merke treatment one of the luckiest days of my life. Coupon Brings You Full Details I was once skeptical. And I suppose you are, too. ■ But no matter how fast your hair is falling out — no matter how thin it is — no matter how little hair you have left — I certainly advise you to at least learn more about this treatment. This story is typical of the results that great numbers of people areS securing with the Merke treatment. "The New Way to Make Hair Grow" is the title of a vitally interesting 34 page book describing the treatment. It will be sent you entirely free, if you simply mail the coupon below. This little book explains all about the treatment, shows what it has already dona for countless others, and in addition contains much valuable information on the care of the hair and scalp. Kemember. this book is yours free — to keep. And if vou decide to take the treatment you can do so without risking a penny. So mail :he coupon now. Address Allied Merke Institute. Inc.. De:it. 6"10, 512 Fifth Avenue, New York City. GET THIS BOOK Allied Merke Institute, Inc. Dept. 6710, 512 Fifth Avenue, New York Please send me— without cost or obligation — a copy of your book describing the Merke system. (State whether Mr.. Mrs. or Miss) Address City State.