Screenland (Nov 1925–Apr 1926)

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94 GRAY HAIR Is Not Necessary You are only as old as you look! WmJ.Brandt Liquid EAUDE HENNA Hair Color Restorer will, cover gray hair in 10 to 30 minutes so that you would not know it ever was gray. It is liquidOne application with a toothbrush does it all. No pack. No mess. You get the natural color. No one will suspect your hair has heen dyed. Leaves it soft and lustrous— no dead color — no streaks — no spots — just a uniform color. ANYONE CAN PUT IT ON It will not rub off. It stays on several months. Shampooing, sea bathing, sun, permanent waving, curling or straightening iron — nothing takes it off. Tou can cover (try gray no matter how stubborn or how caused. It also takes at the roots. Wonderful For Touching Up Tou can put it on just where needed. Can be used over other dyes or where powdered hennas have been used. Does not break the hair. Does not interfere with permanent waving. Full directions in each box in English and Spanish. Colors: Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Drab, Blond, Auburn (in ordering please state color desired). Price $2.50, C. O. D. *2Accept no substitute for Wm. J. Brandt's Eau de Henna. HAIR SPECIALTY CO. Dept. 65, 112 East 23rd St., New York Men as well as women can use Eau de Henna to advantage. THE BROTHERHOODof LIGHT Most complete stock of books in America on Occlutism, Psychic Phenomena, Spiritualism, Astrology, New Thought, Theosophy and Nature Study. Correspondence courses in all tranches of occult science. Send for "Clouds Dispelled." You will he delighted. Absolutely free. The Brotherhood of Light, Dept. P, 1525, Los Angeles Calif. LEARN FANCY DANCING Gain Health, Grace, Popularity, Wealth! Right at Home — Easily — Surely! Let Madame Ludwig— America's foremost teachermake YOU a wonderful fancy dancer. Thousands have been taught successfully by these marvelous methods. Your success guaranteed. Write today for Complete FREE information and our New Low Special Offer. MADAME LUDWIG STUDIOS 1105 Lawrence Ave. Dent. 865P Chicaoo. III. The New Freely-Lathering (titicura Shaving Stick For Tender Faces EMOLLIENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC ^ RED U— Removes fat and leaves the smile. Read about it in the Shopper's Guide. " 7<[ot a Sic\ening Drug " S C REE N LAND Not one line of form was lost, however, "That's his kid," muttered Tallion. How did -I learn these things? The jungle laid bare our instincts. We were near the earth, so we felt and heard the strain of human emotions, and sight was the least necessary of our faculties. Only Julie Kinane -remained inscrutable, . How many times Tallion ventured to that house I knew; how he watched foi the half-caste girl and conjured his desires from momentary glimpses; how once he sprang upon her in darkness, grasped her arm but was tripped and eluded — I knew all this, although Tallion made no mention of her. Each day he brooded at me, unable to understand these revelations. He tried -to blind himself to my knowledge. He wished to see nothing of what he could readily have observed in me. I -had been alone with men before; he had not. I could afford to laugh, imagining myself an omnipotence able at any time to intervene, while he hid himself, and by that very fact defeated himself. Surveillance made him afraid to act. Then malaria struck me powerless. The rest joins together queerly like the threads of my delirium. I disbelieved it, yet in the end it was true. TOM-TOMS, which had beaten while natives danced around the glow of many fires, were silent and the village slept. The one moving figure was Tallion who passed and repassed from store to launch, putting supplies aboard. That done, he mader his way towards the fazenda, tiptoed across the verandah and, once inside, listened to the wheezy breathing of the man who had forgotten his name. Tallion was prepared. Spying each night, he had seen the diamond cached. He lifted mats, a bamboo beam, and possessed it. A rustle startled him; just the tail of his eye caught a movement that was the elusive half-caste gliding out and across the clearing. Tallion leaped. But the girl was receding into distance. Panic took him and he ran, his ears keen for the first alarm. Still there was no sound, no pursuit save his own steps. Onlv when he had reached the launch, cast off and set the motor whirring gently, did Tallion feel secure. Beneath his coat he rubbed the diamond and looked back for the last time. Already the river sang by his bow. Again the rustle startled him. "Who's that?" He pried out a form, and his jaw fell wider. "Daughter! Her! His kid!" Thrusting forward the lamp so that he saw her face, she was Julie Kinane. "Keep going," she said. "Faster!" And all Tallion's questions were unuttered. "We planned it simultaneously, Julie smiled. , „ "But I got it and I'm not halving it, Tallion retorted. Drawing a rug about herself, Julie commenced to remove brown stain from her arm. "He has no daughter. I pretended to be his camarada, one of the native girls who were his servants. Dim lights got me by; he couldn't tell the difference.^ You were right though, Mr. Tallion. I'm fair enough here where anything goes, but back home I won't stand a chance. I don't need a chance," she added tightly. "I've got it." There was no fathoming her. Tallion fumbled his loot again and a warmth glowed through him. "How far do you expect to go?" he demanded. "To New York as soon as I can leave Manaos." . "That'll be a long — long — time — unless " Those greed eyes of his! You Need This Amazing New Book 'PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE JUST OUT! Reveals Daring Truths of Life Can you be attractive to the man or T OVK woman that you want for your lif< cr/ni,™ mate? Will you marry soon ant btiCKJc, 1 b live happily? Can you develop charm, personality, and understanding for success in life, love and marriage? Do you make friende easily? Are you shy? Do you worry and fear ^t/foT/r AMV DES. 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