Screenland (Nov 1925–Apr 1926)

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96 Mary Astor Nita Nalda Marie Prevost Mae Busch Irene Rich Aileen Pringle Pauline Stark Clara Bow ind dozens of other famous movie stars wear Beauty Prize Silk Hose. And when a movie star wears one brand of sills hosiery consistently you can be sure that it Is the best money can buy. For no one puts a pair of silk stockings through a more severe or critical test for durability and beauty than a screen star. As Mary Astor writes us: "I lust want you to know that I think Beauty Prize silk stockings are truly 'Prize Beauties' and they are just as much at home in outdoor scenes as they are in a gorleous ballroom scene." And Edna Murphy tells us: "One of my biggest problems has been to find a brand of silk stocking which will stand up under the most wvere strains of picture work. I am delighted to find: that Beauty Prize stockings solve the problem." Beauty Prize Silk Stockings are the personal hose of the screen's most beautiful and best dressed actresses. Now, througli a unique selling plan, these same stockings are available to you at the amazingly low price of $1.85. Just think! Beautiful stockings made of 100% pure Japan silk that extends well above the knees, tops of finest heavy mercerized lisle — a double wear, full fashioned stocking for only $1.85. You owe it to yourself to try a pair of Beauty Prize. SEND NO MONEY Your name and address bring your Beauty Prize Silk Stockings. Pay on arrival $1.85 plus few pennies post»ge. State size and color. Beige, Peach, Tan Bark, Blonde Satin, Windsor Tan, Harvest, Neutral Gray, Atmosphere, Champagne, French Nude, Nude, Skyne, Gunmetal, Black, White. Satisfaction or money refunded. Order now. Representatives wanted. BEAUTY PRIZE HOSIERY, Inc. .18 W. 44th St. Dept. S New York MONEY IN PHOTOPLAYS! Big demand and high prices paid for the right kind. Can you write them? Here is an easy and sure way to find out. Send 10c. for our Test-Lesson and TalentDetector which will quickly show whether or not you are adapted to this work. Get this unique and instructive publication at once and learn if you have or have not the necessary imagination and ability to produce picture-play scenarios. Delay may mean lost opportunities. Send dime or ten cents in stamps today. PHOTOPLAY INSTITUTE, Dept. 5, Jackson, Mich. ^Peel Off Your Skin |if you don't like it, and have a beautiful new skin. Youth-Ami Liquid Skin Peel A Scientific Discovery, harmlessly and painlessly peels off the old skin and removes surface blemishes; tan, discoloration, sunburn, blackheads, whiteheads, large pores, pimples, freckles, etc. Not a clay or cream but a liquid free from acids and mercury. Booklet, "The Magic of a New Skin" sent free in plain sealed envelope. Youth -Ami Laboratories, Dept. F ,30 E. 20th St., New York RUBY FREE I To introduce our imported Mexlcan-BLU* I FLASH GEM, the only low priced gem exactly matcaing genuine diamonds, with same blue-whlto brilliancy and rainbow fire, guaranteed for life, we'll send Iree this beautiful, flashing fiery red Mexican Ruby. Just clip out this ad, mail with your name, address and 10c to partly cover handling cost and we'll mail FREE with catalog of gems and special half price offer. Write today. Mexican Gem Importing Co,, Oepl.SL-S Mesllla Park, N, Mel, " Salesmen and Salesladies will do well to investigate the proposition Martell Co., Inc., luis to offer. Write or calL Flatiron Bldg., New York City." Movie Acting! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know If you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent-Tester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. A novel. Instinctive and valuable work. Send dime or stamps today. A large InUresting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting Included FREE. FILM BUREAU Station 5 Jackson, Mich. SCREENLAND Easl CoasJ Confidences IN the Algonquin — or as some put it, the All-gone-clean Hotel the other day at the noon hour, a visiting lady from Dubuque, after gazing round at the tables crowded by celebrities of the stage and screen, saw in a corner a little girl, not more than sixteen, in a severely simple tailored suit and school-girl hat, without a trace of make-up, and all alone. The lady sniffed and remarked, "I wonder what she's doing here? She ought to be in school. She's not an actress." Nevertheless, when the little girl left the dining-room she was greeted by Dick Barthelmess and asked to play the leading feminine role in Just Suppose. You guessed it — the plain, quiet little thing was Lois Moran. When we were told she rides a bicycle to work every morning we didn't think it possible; now that we know Lois, we believe it. She's an old-fashioned girl; she's an actress, too. * * * Word got about that the Marquis de la Falaise was anxious to return to his native France for a visit. Immediately the wiseacres whispered, "Aha! Just as we heard. They're not getting along." If the Marquise heard the whispers, she gave no sign. She finished work on StagcStruc\ and then, without any fuss, slipped away to Europe with her beloved Henry. They are getting along, and don't let anybody fool you. * * * POOR Edna Murphy. Who would think to look at her that she has a deep sorrow in her life? Too true. Edna, a golden-blonde with big innocent eyes, is invariably cast as the shy, sweet ingenue. And Edna is getting sick and tired of it. Won't some nice, kind producer give her a real role that she can put her pretty teeth into? Meanwhile, the Murphy tresses get curlier and curlier, and she can't do a thing about it. * * * hen Lois Wilson and Virginia Valli came back to New York — Lois from Ireland where she played with Tommy Meighan; Miss Valli from Germany where she made a picture and got awfully homesick—they had a reunion. Tommy was the cause of it all. Both girls pestered him as to his preference in leading ladies, both having appeared often with him. Lois won because she happened to be playing in the current picture. It's a lucky star whose leading ladies fight over him. Incidentally, Mrs. Meighan was referee. * * # fter many rumors and contradictions, it looks as if Maude Adams actually is going to appear on the screen. The latest is that the famous actress has gone to England to confer with Rudyard Kipling about her contemplated picturization of Kim, one of the most lovable boys in all fiction. If made, the picture will be in natural colors; and will make the first public appearance of Miss Adams since her lamented retirement from the stage ten years ago. Her company, it is said, will also make pictures of several Blasco Ibanez stories. * * * Richard Talmadge at the Rits! The thing really happened when F. B. O. gave their cowboy star a high-toned party in the Crystal Room at the hotel, and Richard amused his guests by a sensational entrance jumping down the grand staircase. Talmadge — no relation to Norma and Connie— is a nice, unassuming boy, and it's a safe bet that he never uses a double for his breath-taking stunts. He doesn't have to. He was a "double" once himself. Shoppers' Guide COLOURA DARKENS EYEBROWS 1 PERMANENTLY Baggj Won't Wash Off Eyebrows and lashes perfected and darkened with Coloura are not affected by perspiration or creams. Lasts for weeks; harmless and easy to apply. Box, with instruction, $1.10 postpaid. Treatment, 50c by experts at SPIRO'S, 26 W. 38th St., and 34 W. 46th 8t.,H. Y. DIME. NAFTAL (Established more than 30 yean) 69 WEST 45TH STREET New York City GOWNS — WRAPS — FURS TO RENT FOR STAGE AND SCREEN AMATEURS OR PROFESSIONALS Telephone Bryant 0670 BEAUTY CULTURE MADAME JAQUET offers you trial samples sufficient for several applications of her wonderful beautifying facial creams and Face powder. Send $1.00 for botn with full directions for using to 141 West 33rd Street, N. Y. City, N. Y. VIROZOL SWEDISH FACE BATH $2.00 Refreshing. Reduces large pores. Refines the textura of the skin. Improves unattractive complexion. In leading Dept. Stores and Beauty Shops. Send for literature and sample of a perfect Face Powder. The Virozol Co., 248 E. 34th St., N. Y. C. MINIATURES Your favorite photograph painted on Ivory In water color. Inauireis given prompt attention. EDWARD HATJSER 15 East 26th, Street New York, N. Y. RENT AND SELL HIGH CLASS SLIGHTLY USED EVENING GOWNS WRAPS AND SUITS Duff, 151 West 46th Street Bryant 8247 For Satisfaction Try LILLIAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 674 8th Ave. (near 42nd St.) Phone Lackawanna 7273 Nestle Lanoil Permanent Waving, Hair Dyeing and Hair Goods, Facial and Scalp Treatments and Masseuse. FINEST LINENS THE WORLD PRODUCES at prices surprisingly low. Madeira tea napkins i dozen for 2.49; Madeira drei 1.00; Madeira baby pillow top 1.00; Madeira 15-inc pure linen centers 1.00; Italian guest towels I .Of Porto Rico show towels 1.25; Italian bridge sets 4.9! Mail orders promptly filled — approval plan write fi1 24-page illustrated catalog. MADEIRA LINEN SHIP 77 W. 38th ST) Classified Advertising Bate 20c a word. Forms Jan. close Dec. 1 AGENTS — WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE Sell Madison "Better-Made" Shirts for lar, Manufacturer direct to wearer. No capital i experience required. Many earn $100 week) and bonus. MADISON SHIRT, 562 Broadwa; New York. SONG POEM WRITERS — Have propositioi Ray Hibbeler, D14, 2104 N. Keystone Ave Chicago. MEN WISHING TO ENTER DINING, SLEEP' ing car service as conductors, porters, waiters,| write 123 Railway Exchange, Kansas City. HOW TO GO ON THE STAGE ? COMPLET1 course $1.00. Acheson, 2288 West Cary,| Richmond, Va. EVERY OUTDOOR GIRL NEEDS A POCKET compass. If you want to travel North, South East or West, a reliable pocket compass wil! point the way. Indispensable to hikers, camperej or scouts. Price 50c delivered to any addresr in the United States. Outdoor Equipment Corm pany, 711, 236 West 55th Street, New York City, INVENTIONS INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. What have you? Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 527 Enright St. Louis, Mo.