Screenland (Nov 1925–Apr 1926)

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94 S CREENLAND A Lovely Marcel m 5 Minutes Witk Tins Marvelous Invention! Whether you belong k 'A to the bobbed-hair bri |*/ grade or wear your hair long, you can have a glorious marcel, the envy of all, and snap it. It makes a beautiful and deep wave in a your fingers at the professional hair dress few minutes' time — needs no skill or outers! The minute you have your own side assistance. It attains the right tempera"Superior" — the electric marcel waver we ture for the best results. It imparts an exare telling you about — you are emanci quisite wave of alluring loveliness, leaves pated from the "tax" you've been com the hair soft and lustrous — a glorious transpelled to pay to beauty parlor hair dressers. formation into undulating waves and seGood gracious! Have you ever ductive curls of lasting beauty and charm. stopped to figure up how much you can Olir Amazing Offer: save in a year by doing your own marcel , . . . , ling? Just sharpen your pencil and see! The Coupon below IS an out-and Enough to provide you with a lot of things out offer to let you try the "Superior you would dearly love to have, that's sure! magic method without cost, for ten days And on top of that you won't be tempted in the privacy of your own home. Send no to neglect getting a marcel many times, money — just clip the coupon. The Waver for "just one more day," because it's so is yours to use for 10 full days, without the expensive. You will always have a fresh slightest obligation to keep it! Hand the marcel and that confident feeling of look postman a $3.9? deposit plus a few cents ing your best every day in the week. when he delivers the Waver to you. You'll be Delighted! KeeP il and use {t for 10 days— use , . , , , it yourself — let your friends try it — test lo see how quickly, easily and in any way you wish. Then if you are not beautifully you can dress your hair with perfectly delighted with the results, sim MSMtar^ ply send it back to us in 10 days and we will return the $3.95 deposit without quibble or question. Fair enough, don't you think? Say! You're going to be so delighted with this waver — so thrilled with the joy of having your hair beautifully marcelled every single day — so happy over the money it saves you — that you wouldn't part with the little "Good Fairy" for many times its this Electric Waver-yet it's all delight whiIe this low Sn°Q ^net dowT^™^ fully simple! You simply attach the tory offer is in effect— and mail it TODAY! Waver to an electric light socket and SUPERIOR ELECTRIC PRODUCTS CO. marcel your hair just the way you want Dept. 28, 2208 Pine Street, St. Louis, Missouri — — — — — — Fill Out And Mail Now!— — — — — — — — cit--tv7T-x SUPERIOR ELECTRIC PRODUCTS COMPANY, oliiND Dept. 28, 2208 Pine Street, St. Louis, Missouri |\T/~v Please send the SUPERIOR Marcel Waver. I agree to deposit $3.95 (plus 1NU postage) with the postman when he delivers it. If I am not satisfied, I will „.,_. return the outfit to you within 10 days and you are to refund my money. MONEY Address 10 DAYS' Name I RIAL City State T ONLY ONE TO EACH PERSON Fleur D'Or (Flower of Gold) PAR FUM EXQUISITE To Introduce thia moat delightful of all flower C88ence»,we offer a large, imported, novelty vial filled with thia echo or a golden flower garden, for the insignificant sum of 25c--to cover packing and mailing coBtal Each Fleur D'Or container ie a hand-blown vial of a fairylike delicacy. Even the stopper is protected by a go! den screwcap. Ideal for carrying wherever you go , , » and a laatinp golden odor not eoon for* gotten. Get one full $1 size vial of Fleur D'Or for 25c — 35c if outBide U.S. Additional vialimt full price. Send your trial ordtr now! Send nd address. MAISON D'OR — Parfumera 147 Fourth Ave., Desk II, New York City A POUND EVERY DAY NATURE'S WAY EUROPEAN discovery makes it possible to reduce by Nature's method. PLORAZONA actually washes away excess flesh through the pores. No dieting, no exercising, no drugs. Simply dissolve Florazona, a fragrant powder, in your bath; stay in for 15 minutes and one-half pound to one pound of weight melts awayl Flo-Ra-Zo-Na Absolutely Harmless — Nothing Internal Physicians, nurses and thousands of users recommend this mituial way to reduce. Contains no epsom salts, no alum. Simple, safe, sure and natural! Send only $1.00 for 3 concentrated treatments postpaid, including free booklet. Money Back Guarantee. FLORAZONA Corp., Suite GC, 100 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. vard, and has a marvelous garden at the back, with a big lawn in the front of the place. Leta Gray, who is Mrs. Charlie Chaplin, was there, and didn't deny that she is looking forward to the stork's visit again. She is, gorgeously lovely these days — ■ far prettier than she was as a girl. And what a sense of humor she has! Leta told us of a trip that she, Charlie and Elinor Glyn took down to Tia Juana to, see the races, and how night, through an accident to their motor, found them on the road. They put up at a funny little inn, where the beds were none too clean. Leta fell asleep at once. In the morning she peeped into Mrs. Glyn's room, and found that fastidious lady asleep, but fully dressed, even to hat and gloves! She says that Charlie is one of those husbands who is good tempered even in the morning. And of course it goes without saying that he is crasy about his baby. Mildred Lloyd told us about her baby, too, and about how the youngster pretends that she is acting in pictures. As to managing her famous husband, Harold Lloyd, she says that he is perfectly ideal. But all the same, when she has been unusually extravagant about a dress or fur coat, if he happens to notice the garment, she just says, "Why, dearie, this is old! You never do notice what I have on anyway!" Mrs. Sam Goldwyn is a perfectly adorable hostess, so pretty and young and slim and full of life. "Aren't you ever going back on the stage?" somebody asked her. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, my husband never saw me act, and he thinks that on the stage I'm a good actress. I don't want to disillusion him." Mrs. Goldwyn keeps in form by going horseback-riding. That brought it to Mrs. Montague Glass's memory that both Mrs. Goldwyn and her husband are perfectly wild riders. "But Mr. Goldwyn told me I was perfectly dreadful as a rider," said his wife, "never once realising that he himself is just as bad. Neither of us rides conventionally at all. We just stick on and go any old how." Harry Carey always keeps open house at his great 3,000-acre ranch near Saugus, California, between Christmas and New Year's. You are welcome to drop in any time you wish, from dewey morn to midnight within those seven days. It is exactly like the old California days of the Spanish population. On one or two days a barbecue is held. On other days you go hunting or horseback-riding, or just stay at * home and sit around the big open fireplace. Always there are food and Christmas cheer. C[ Jacqueline Logan bargaining with an Indian "on location."