Screenland (Nov 1925–Apr 1926)

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SCREENLAND 101 Shoppers' Guide GOWNS — WRAPS — FURS For Stage and Screen Amateurs and Professionals FOR RENT OR SALE MME. NAFTAL (Established over 30 years) 65 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Bryant 0670 VIROZOL SWEDISH FACE BATH $2.00 Refreshing. Reduces large pores. Refines the texture of the skin. Improves unattractive complexion. In leading Dept. Stores and Beauty Shops. Send for literature and sample of 3 perfect Face Powder. The Virozol Co., 248 E. 34th St., N. Y. C. JAQTJET'S original French facial creams favored by discriminating women for years to retain that passing freshness of youth. To become familiar with what other women know, send $1.00 for demonstration set. Jaquet. 141 W. 33rd St., New York City, N. Y. Classified Advertising Rate 15c a word. Forms May c:ose April 15th. AGENTS — WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES. Sell Madison ''Better-Made" Shirts for large Manufacturer direct to wearer. JSTo capital or experience required. Many i'arn $100 weekly and bonus. MADISON SHIRTS, 562 Broadway. New York. LEARN MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHY. Instructions given by professional cameramen now actively engaged in the Motion Picture Industry. For full particulars write, Box 44 c/o Screenland. SONG POEM WRITERS — Send for proposition. Ray Hibbeler, D14, 2104 N. Keystone Av., Chicago. EVERY OUTDOOR GIRL NEEDS A POCKET compass. If you want to travel North, South, East or West, a reliable pocket compass will point the way. Indispensable to hikers, campers or scouts. Price 50c delivered to any address in the United States. Outdoor Equipment Company, 711, 236 West 55tli Street, New York City. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. What hare you'i Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 527 Enrighl St. Louis, Mo. A Baby In Your Home So many married couples yearn" for children that thousands of copies of a new book by Dr. H. Will Elders are being distributed without cost to childless women. Any family interested In overcoming conditions of nature that hinder the gift of children should write for this fre« book today. It describes a simple home treatment based on the use of Steriltone, a wonderful scientific tonic that has had marvelous success all over the country hi relieving constitutional weakness. Every woman who wants to live a normal, bappy home life with little ones around her should consider it her first duty to know what Steriltone Is and why it should be so wonderful an aid to her. Read this little book which la •ent without charge or obligation in a plain envelope. It unfolds facts that most women never have had explained to them. Send NO Money, NO Obligations. Simply name and address to Dr. H. Will Elders, 2018 Ballings*. Bldg., St, Joseph, Mo. They stood in the back of the darkened room and waited for the last of the film to be projected. A number of people, when the lights went up, hurried over to congratulate the producer. Francis greeted them all with his indulgently amused smile. One newspaperman caught Castan's admiration by a summary in a single word: "Unintelligent!" Then he added, "but you can figure on half a million net before it's exhausted the first-run houses." Then there was Tessa. Castan scarcely recognized her, after the lapse of time and the naive view he had just had of her. The easily weeping, doe-eyed girl who had been on the screen, was a mature, sloe-eyed woman in the most modishly tailored of garments and the most exquisite coiffure. Her skin was a dazzling, sheer white; her hair and eyes were equally dark. Castan bent low over her hand, smiling slightly at Colonel Francis1 ironic enconium: "One of my oldest friends — who seems determined to sink more good money in Holly wood. Please be nice to him, Tessa." She looked at Castan with a puzzled, querulous expression. He waited, determined not to recall their acquaintance at once. "Your picture was most interesting to me, Miss Quent," he offered enigmatically. She laughed and half turned away. Castan caught a trace of some wistful carelessness in her attitude, as though she detected the real meaning of his words and ignored it. As though she might ignore anything; it all mattered so little. Francis suggested tea together, warning his companions that he would have to leave; At the star's acquiescence, they hurried to the hotel. An hour later, ignoring his tea, Ronald Castan found himself facing Tessa Quent, her half-turned profile like an exquisite cameo cut against the bronze tones of the wall behind her. The Colonel had gone. For a moment, the two remaining sat silent, Castan's tanned face immobile, his gray eyes slightly amused; the woman's ivory pallor undisturbed, her aloofness impenetrable. "Bored," murmured Castan under his breath. "Bored insufferably. What admirable company we two make!" "There is nothing that will interest you, Miss Quent?" he ventured at last. She turned back to him with a faint smile in which lay a certain understanding, and again that puzzled look came into her eyes when she looked full at him. "How did you knc sne murmure d. "For one thing. I detest riddles. Why do you want to talk with me? You're every bit as disinterested in the present moment as I could possibly be." "How can you know that?" he demanded. She shrugged. "Your eyes, for one thing. They look as though they had seen too much that was incredible, and — unpleasant." "But I'm on the verge of becoming interested," Castan retorted. "Besides, I want to know something. Do you remember, I wonder, the boy who gave you the brooch you wore in that violently artistic masterpiece, 'Souls Ablaze'?" She started involuntarily; then looked at him again intently. At last a slow smile came to her red lips. "Of course," she murmured, and Castan knew she lied. "I've been trying to remember you. It must have been you." "In fact, it was I." Castan added: "You remember my full name, of course." u/f jSeauiy Secret f^lke 0ld%encli Court Amid this splendid grandeur andmulti' tude of beautiful women Gouraud's Oriental Cream was a cherished beauty it be yours to-day a greater beauty. Flesh Rachel Send loc. for Trial Size F. T. Hopkins & Son. New York Gouraud's ORIENTAL CREAM Learn Classic Dancing At Home! Only secret. Let and know White A Month Ton, like thousands of others, will find it amazingly easy to learn classic dancing at home by this wonderful new method. The cost is surprisingly low. Charts, photographs, easy text, and phono* graph records make this home instruction method delightfully simple and fascinating. FREE OUTFIT including costume, phonograph records, dancze sent absolutely FREE with your leBsons. Learn at home. Write today. M. Sergei Marinoff School of Classic Dancing Studio xa»14 1924 Sunnyslde Ave., Chicago. III. BARGAINS IN GUNS No. M2. Swing Out Cylinder, Blue Steel. 6 Shot, Rifled Barret Sure Fire, Accurate, Powerful, 32, 32-20 or 38 Cal : $14 50 No. S4. Blue Steel, Solid Frame, Double Action, 22, 32 or 38 Cal 495 E° 5Z-S>lid„s,eel Blue Finish Accurate, 22, 32 or 38 Cal_: 6 85 No. T5. Top Break, Blue Steel, Self-Ejector, 32 or 38 Cal 7 7s No. A8. Automatic, Blue Steel, 32 Cal. 6 shot $7.75, 25 Cal. 7 shot 645 ORDER BY NUMBER. GIVE CALIBER WANTED. Send no money Fay your Postman price [plus postage on, delivery. Money refunded if> f^LKHf ^ ctSdVSSPISR1 AU new uSe Standard American! Cartridges. STERLING CO. F-19 BALTIMORE, MD. youDorit Have To UFAT LOSE S to 15 Pounds In Two And you don't have to exercise or diet to get thin! It ia easy to reduce the O. B. C. T. way. You get results so quickly your friends won't believe their eyes. Reduce to any weight you desire and then stay that way. No back-breaking exercises and torturous days of starving! The method is as simple and pleasant aa eating and the results are marvelous. Thousands have gone back to normal weight by taking the O. B. C. T. prescription—the fat simply meits away! This modern fat-redacing method is under the direct supervision of a Licensed Practicing Physician. It is absolutely harmless and positively guaranteed to do the work. You can be as elender and graceful and attractive as when you were sixteen! Write Today for Our Two Weeks' Treatment Send No Money. Simply write letter asking us to send treatment Pay postman only SI. 60 on arrival. If you do not actually lose from five to fifteen pounds in two weeks we will cheerfully refund your money. The two weeks' trial treatment will convince you that O. B. C. T. ia the most marvelous fat reducer ever prescribed. Safe, sure, reliable. Remember, you don't have to be fat. WRITE TODAY. START REDUCING RIGHT AWAY. NOTICE: Until all drug More, have been oupplied we will Bend O. B. C. T. direct. D. B. C. T. Laboratory, 40 1 6 1 Inco In Ave,, D ept. 24 Chicago. IH.