Screenland (May-Jul 1926)

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SCREENLAND 97 ty of the mind. As exemplified by Russell, t is clear that a voluntary power may be :xercised over the mental processes; that :hey may be controlled, directed and reguate'd at will. Had the young athlete been billing to accept the decision of surgeons hat he must be a cripple for life — as probibly most persons would have done — he sould have remained so, and he himself and :he world of motion pictures would have >een the losers. Love Ships With Volga Boatman (Continued from page 27) (Continued from page 31) Midshipman"! I think that is when I fell in love with him— when I saw him in that! For when I found I was to play opposite trim in Mr. DeMille's "The Volga Boatman" I confess I was thrilled. He didn t know that tho!" — She laughed with a sly, mischievous glance at the very uncomfortable Bill who desperately took this chance to broadly shake his head at her to stop. Her eyes grew big and the pantomime that passed between them was worth screening. He registered in desperate reproval "Dearest, PLEASE don't say any more about me!" She registered a hurt "Why, what's the matter? What have I said!" Then fell a heavy, uncomfortable silence. I took pity on them then and said, "Then you just met each other on this picture?" Eleanor just nodded a vigorous assent and William murmured a subdued — "yes". The interviewing party was spoiled I could see that! Eleanor Faire was a Wampus Baby Star in 1924. She played in "The Miracle Man", "Kismet" and "Thru the Bac\ Door" with Mary Pickford and is to play opposite Rod LaRoque in his next picture. So the bride and groom will at last be on the same lot. I asked them if they had been on a Honeymoon. William said, "No, we are on our Honeymoon now and expect to keep on our Honeymoon all the rest of our lives." Eleanor's answering smile w-as near to tears, and I could see that even Screen brides are sensitive and that Screen husbands wonder like ordinary ones — "Well, what is thunder have I said that hurt her? What a big brute I am anyway!" I could plainly see it was time for my Honeymoon interview to come to a tactful end so that a readjustment could take place and a Bride's injured feelings assuaged in the usual groomy way — with perhaps a little cursing of his brutal self on the side, etc. With hearty hand shakes and wishes for years and years of Honeymooning I left them. As I left the Studio I felt sorry for the next interviewer for I felt sure Eleanor would never be quite so delightfully frank and voluble again.. On Location with Richard Dix (Continued from page 25) in the most amazing winning streak the cowpunchers ever bucked! Sure, it was luck. Rich was a fine guy; they didn't mind losing their rolls to him: but. dawgone it, poker is to Texas what culture is to Boston, an" it kinda bumped a Texan right in the dignity when an actor from New York could come along and beat not one cowpuncher, but six! The poker ASY NOW TO GET A PERFECT MARCEL While You Dress or Sleep! Marvelous Neiu Invention Cites Beautiful Professional'Like Wave Without Muss, Bother or Expense, 'fsJO'W in a few minutes'' time any woman can A ^ give herself a Perfect Marcel All Milady lias to do is place in her hair a Ready'Set ^larceller which immediately conforms the hair into a series of beautiful waves similar to those given by the most experienced of beauty specialists. It's no trick to put it in. The illustrations show how. neat it looks in the hair while in use and what a beautiful wave it gives to perfectly straight hair. The READYSET Marceller Can't Go Wrong Regardless of what texture hair you have, the Ready'Set Marceller never fails. It will delight you. It comes in two parts. One for the side of the head as shown in illustration. The other for the opposite side and back. It is adjustable for those who prefer the back shingle bob with sides waved. The secret of the Ready-Set is the folding crossbar which "automatically" puts each one of the flexible combs in the hair at the proper angle flat to the head and in the proper place to give a perfect marceL The crossbai works bellows fashion. When you close up the crossbar the hair [which should be dampened] works up between the combs forming beautiful waves. The Ready'Set must not be confused with cloth waving caps — hot oil — hot irons — or intricate adjustment of combs. It is automatic, self-waving, self-adjusted silver-like waver with flexible special made combs. It weighs but a few ounces; comfortable to put on; nothing to get out of order, produces an automatically perfect marcel. Any woman who has lost time and patience with so-called heme wavers is invited to try the Ready-Set entirely at our risk and expense to demonstrate that it is based on an entirely new and different principle. Your mirror tells the story! By the time you are dressed, your hair is beautifully done! Or put it on at night — you'll never notice it — and in the morning you look as if you had just stepped from the beauty shop. Note: For re-setting permanents there is nothing better or more economical than Ready'Set, If you have a permanent you need one. Ideal for retracing. For those with naturally curly hair who use the Finger wave, the Ready-Set will delight you. It is a way to safely marcel white hair. It gives the perfect wave to any tvpe of hair. Cash must accom These Pictures Tell the Storyl 1— Straight Undressed Hair. 2— The Ready'Set Slipped Over the Hair in 3 Seconds. 3— The Resuit — A Beautiful Toilet Everytimel Miss Ray Morse, well known beauty specialist, says : "After seeing the wave any woman can so easily get by simply using the Ready-Set Marceller, I would be selfish if I did not admit that it will save American women thousands of dollars formerly spent with beauty parlors. Send No Money We want you to be convinced the Ready-Set will give satisfaction. Later we plan to sell through stores, and we want your good wilL We are offering a special introductory price to women who make this test. Send in the coupon today for a 5-day trial of the Ready-Set MarceZler. pTHE READY-SET MARCELLER CO. 1023 Colonial Bldg., Kansas City-, Mo. (Please send me your Ready-Set Marceller. I agree to deposit S2.97 (plus postage) with the postman upon delivery. If I am not satisfied with results in every way I will return outfit within five I days and you are to refund the purchase price. I Name _ . I J Address _ I City State J NOTE : If you expect to be out when the postman calls, enclose. bJ $3 with order and the Utady-Sct HaraUtr will be sent postpaid. pany all orders outside of United States.