Screenland (May-Jul 1926)

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104 SCREENLAND JOSEPH CONRAD The new Kent Edition of his works, 26 volumes, is now published at a saving of $140.75 over the limited Autographed Sun Dial Edition Ml OST bookish people have heard of the famous Sun Dial Edition of Conrad. The great novelist autographed it, and wrote a special preface to each one of the twenty-four volumes. The ' sets sold for $175.75 each, and 735 wealthy book-collectors paid a total sum of $129,176.25 for this edition. The new Kent Edition, offered here, is printed from the same style and size of type as the Sun Dial Edition. It contains the same fascinating special prefaces by Conrad. It includes two additional volumes by Conrad, Suspense and Tales of Hearsay. But, instead of selling for $175.75 cash, like the autographed Sun Dial Edition, its price is only $35.00, and even this sum may be paid in convenient small amounts, if desired. For those who want to own Conrad complete — ■ and what intelligent booklover does not ? — this is the best opportunity ever presented. "Romance Is Dead — Not Conrad" The story of Conrad is one of the most amazing in the annals of literature. For thirty years he traveled up and down the Seven Seas. He did not speak English until past twenty. He had never written a line before he was forty. Yet, the world's most famous authors ultimately paid homage to him as the greatest of them all; his original manuscripts, at an auction before his death, sold for $110,998 (probably no such tribute had ever been paid to an author while he was still alive). The Secret of Conrad The secret of Conrad's fascination lies above all in the exciting narratives he had to tell. No one could ever tell a story like Conrad, and no one has ever had such tales to tell. He himself had met these men he wrote about — the riffraff of the world thrown up in the mys terious East — outcasts, adventurers, sailors, rough traders, thieves, murderers. He had met, too, these strange and everbewitching women who move through his pages. They were real people, all of them ; he knew their lives, their "stories." And what breathless narratives they are ! "Such tales as men tell under the haunting stars" — ■ that, in a phrase, typifies them. Sent for Examination One of the truest things ever said of Conrad was the comment of Gouverneur Morris. (It is among those in the panel at the right.) No one who professes to appreciate good literature can' afford not to be familiar with every one of his great novels. If you do not as yet have Conrad among your books at home, this is an exceptional opportunity. The new Kent Edition — twenty-six volumes — -will be sent to you for examination. Eead some of Conrad's own prefaces and some of his stories. You will realize quickly why the world's greatest writers acclaimed him as Master of them all. The publishers advise immediate acceptance of this offer, for at this popular price this edition is fast being exhausted. What Other Writers Think of Conrad: Those who haven't read Conrad are not well read. — Gouverneur Morris Here, surely, if ever, is genius. — Hugh Walpole The only writing of the last twelve years that will enrich t h er English language to any extent. ■ — Galsworthy Here, at last, is a novelist who understands as the poets do. ■ — Christopher Morley There is no one like him ; there is no one remotely like him. — H. L. Mencken To stand in a summer-stifled, man-smelling city street and to feel suddenly a fresh salt wind from the far-off pastures of the sea — this is a sensation wher one comes upon a bool by Joseph Conrad. — Mary Austh DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & CO., Dept. C1206, Garden City, New York DOUBLEDAY, Page & CO., Dept. C-1206, Garden City, New York. _ Please send for my inspection the New Kent Edition of Joseph Conrad m 26 volumes that includes the complete works and also the specially written prefaces. Within a week I agree to return the set, or else to send you $2.00 first "payment and ONLY $3.00 A MONTH until the special price of $35.00 is paid. Cash discount 5%. Name _ _ I Address j City _ state □ Check here if you want to inspect the rich half-leather binding, and change terms to $65, payable $5 a month.