Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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4 SCREENLAND THIS SIMPLE WAY TO HAVE Eyes that speak! The beauty of eyes is really the beauty of lashes. If your lashes look long and luxuriant, your eyes have a charm that thrills. For it is the frame of dark lashes that gives to your eyes the fairy play of lights and shadows. Make your lashes appear longer and thicker merely by darkening your lashes with Winx, the waterproof liquid. Applied with the brush attached to the stopper of the bottle, Winx dries instantly, is harmless, and will not rub or smear. At Drug or Department stores or by mail. Black or brown, 75c. Winxette (cake form) black or brown, 50c. U. S. or Canada. ROSS COMPANY 241'E West 18th St., New York OFFER To prove the merits of WIN.X, mail the coupon with 1 2c. for a generous sample. Another 12c. brings a sample of PERT moist Rouge — waterproof too! WINJC Waterproof MAIL COUPON NOW Ross Co., J41-E West lsth Street, New York. Enclosed are 12c. for a sample of WINX. Another 12c. brings a sample of PERT, the waterproof Rouge. Xame .. Address City State. Please PRINT name. <X Eddie Cantor, Clara Bow and Wally Beery discuss whose \nees are prettiest. The post' man won in a tval\. An Answer Page of Information. Address: Miss Vee Dee, Screenland, 49 West 45th Street New York City. Athlete. Yes sir, that's your Babe — /\\ Babe Ruth, in a First National y^X picture which will be released -^-soon. Just now it is called "Babe Comes Home", and it is, strangely enough, a tale of the diamond. Metro'Goldwyn says "Women Love Diamonds" and now Mr. Ruth will prove that gentlemen do. too — the baseball variety. "The Babe", while making his motion picture at the Burbank, California, studios, trained daily' with the result that before long he became quite svelte — for the Babe. Anna Querentia Nilsson plays opposite him — I suppose he wins the game and gets the girl, and why not? The movies seeni to have captured all the famous athletes — Gene Tunney in Pathe'-s serial, "The Fighting Marine"; Red Grange in his F. B. O. pictures, and now the Bambino. Joan >{., Toronto. Your friends are very very much mistaken if they think I don't answer letters from Canada. I always do-r what's more, I like to", for you and your countrymen seem to me extraordinarily po' lite and charming. Now. bow! I'm sure Vilma Banky will appreciate your drawing of her. Did you send it care Samuel Goldwyn Productions. Culver City, Cal.? Vilma is not married or even engaged. Stranger still, she hasn't even been the heroine of one of those betrothal rumors. Let's start one! F. B. I have no pamphlet entitled "Getting Into the Movies", but how I should love to write one! But you wouldn't like mine. It would consist of one word: "Don't". I think what's the matter with me is that no producer has ever pointed at me and said: "You — yes, you over there! I want you for my next super-special, 'The Split-Second'." (Yes. one of those sex dramas.) Darn it! Sure, I'd be in the movies if I could — who wouldn't? Richard Talmadge is not really a Talmadge, you see, which explains why he isn't related to Norma and Connie and Peg, etc. Richard's real name is something else. He's Italian. Clara Bow, Mary Brian, and Betty Bronson all work at the Lasky Studio. Hollywood, Cal. Clara is about twenty-six; Mary and Betty around sweet nineteen. Jackie Coogan is with Metro-Goldwvn. Culver City. Cal