Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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r~7h& (ji/^i> H AIR touched with the gold of morning's sunshine . . . Face so radiantly beautiful that no man ever saw and forgot her . . . Eyes tender, alluring, shining with an intensely magnetic person ility...<ZW Cleopatra dim them with twin panes of glass? The Soul of a Woman projeds itself through her eyes. It is Soul which attracts. All women may become attractive. It is Soul that dominates personality. SOUL . . . that wonderful thing that peers from behind the curtain of consciousness through the eyes of a woman... is always dominant. To Influence People you muse bring them into contact with your Soul. The Soul is contacted only through the eyes. Just as you look out through your eyes to see me. so must I look in through your eyes to sec You. Make your eyes mean more. Learn the new secret of regaining and maintaining the lustre and loveliness of your natural eyc.undimmed by time. ''Natural Eyesight," a beautiful book, tells in word and picture of this New Knowledge of the Eye that marks the dawn of the New Age of Vision. It is FREE! The coupon below, is for your convenience in sending for it. Send for your FREE copy of "Natural Eyesight" today. It may answer vour question, "What Shall I Do for My Eyes?" Natural Eyesight Institute, Inc. 1423 Pershing Square BIdg. Los Angeles, California Please send me your free book " Natural Eyesight ' SCREENLAND Teddy. Sorry to blast your beautiful dream; but those love scenes between Ronnie and Vilma are just — acting; nothing more and nothing less. They like each other, of course; but all their love, love, lovin' takes place before the camera. Too bad. Another illusion busted! Mr. Colman is one of those quiet, moody Englishman but I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you and may even answer — be still, fluttering heart! The great lovers' — at least, two of them — address is given elsewhere. Ralph Graves Admirer. What a lucky break for you! I hear that Ralph was all set recently to desert acting for directing and his first effort was to be a picture called "The Fast Mail" — not Male — for Columbia Pictures. Then the producer couldn't seem to find a leading man to suit him, so he grabbed the megaphone away from Ralph and ordered him back into harness — or make-up. Now what do you think of that? Address Mr. Graves, care Columbia Pictures, 1438 Cower Street, Hollywood, Cal. Josher. Don't you wise-crack me. I know a couple of nifties myself. Just the same, your letter tickled me: and don't you know you shouldn't tickle a lady? Your idol, Shirley Mason, is married — so there! That's revenge for you. Her new husband is a director for the films — Sidney Landfield by name. They were married at the home of Shirley's sister, Vi Dana. Shirley's first husband, director Bernard Durning, died several years ago. Incidentally, Miss Mason, or Mrs. Landfield, has just signed a new starring contract. No undiluted domesticity for little Shirley, bless her heart. H. O. H. Also hah-hah, and hee-hee. All I know about Alice Terry? Well, to deliver a blow right off the bat — right now she's in far-off Africa, in the Garden of Allah, to be accurate, with Ivan Petrovitch. But before you judge her too harshly, remember that husband Rex Ingram knows, and approves — in fact, he's there, too, directing like mad. Alice, Ivan and Rex are engaged in re-making that good old passionclassic, "The Garden of Allah". Lest you forget — Alice has blue eyes, is five feet six inches tall, weighs 130 pounds, and has pretty, reddish-brown hair. That's a blonde wig she wears in her pictures — except in "The Arab", in which she appeared in her own auburn tresses. Mickey. I apologize. I said Raymond Keane is twenty-one and he's only twenty. In fact, he told you so himself. So it must be true. And you ve met him and everything. Lucky you! Fenton Fans. Leslie has been and gone and done it, in the language of the poets — freeverse poets. He married Marie Astair, on February third, in Santa Monica, Cal. Mrs. Fenton is a screen actress, though I can't seem to find out in what films she has appeared. Bet she's proud of her husband's performance in "What Price Glory?" Mr. Fenton combines stage and screen work — and he's swell at both. Too Curious. Curiosity may have killed that cat, but it can't kill us, tan it? I should say not. If it weren't for curiosity, where would Miss Vee. Dee be, anyway? And Miss Vee Dee's docile lizzie? Thanks for inquiring about Lizzie. She looks very pretty in her new gray coat — of paint. I only wish she would get over her distressing asthma. How that flivver does wheeze! You seem to care for Ramon Novarro His first name is Jose, but he doesn't use it for screen purposes. He has brown hair and brown eyes — and what hair, what eyes! If he's in love he hasn't taken me into his confidence. (That's one way of putting it.) His latest is "Old Heidelberg" with young Norma Shearer. Whether or not he is sarcastic is a matter you'll have to take up with Ramon himself. And I hope you find out. Brown Eyes. Why are you blue? Just so they're not black. So Larry Gray is your one best bet. He was born in San Francisco and is now working at Lasky Studio. Hollywood, Cal. He isn't married but the report that he's engaged to Marion Coakley, New York stage actress, persists. It's Mr. Gray's real name as far as I'm able to find out, and you know-how far that is. If it isn't, all will be discovered when, and if. Larry signs the license. Come again. Pat, Houston. Lloyd Hughes' clean-cut good looks seem to have found as many followers as some of the more dashing boys. Lloyd is a First National featured player; married to Gloria Hope, who used to be in the movies herself, and the father of little Donald Hughes. Write to Lloyd care First National, Burbank, Cal. Gloria won't mind. (Continued on page 103) SV'jmc — CUy 1927 C The training camp of "Knoc\out Reilly" was as realistic as the popularity of Richard Dix himself.