Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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"So This Is Paris" revealed Monte to be a persuasive and subtle comedian. ^Bhe Kindly MONTE /3LUE By Helen Sloan Welles G[ In Monte Blue's new film, "The Brute," his Indian blood gets into the picture. A frightened young writer after her first interview! A well known /A actor behind that forbidding door. What would he be like? What / N\ should she ask him: how had she dared come! True, he had taken ' ^ a sporting chance in answering her lit' tie note; answering it and granting her an inter' view. He must at least be a good sport, but what else? How she wished her ' hands were not so chilly; he would know she was (Com. on page 98) C[ Monte Blue who has ever been interpreted by experts gave this interview to a beginner. That's Monte.