Screenland (May–Oct 1927)

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with sitting through the picture twice by pleading that it is based on an actual historical happening of the Civil War. Any bov who ever wanted to be an ' * "_J J C[ Buster and his Gen.' eral get all mixed up in the Civil War. engineer when he grew up will like "The General", no matter whether he's grown up to be a magnate, a clerk, an actor, or an — engineer. RED ■JMill I have to hand it to Marion Davies. She seems to jump at a chance to play any part which calls for pig' tails and freckles. "The Red Mill" gives her the opportunity of a life-time to look homely, and she seizes it and holds on. Gosh — I thought she never would turn pretty! She glories in slapstick. "She C[ Marion certainly does the right thing by our \iddies. <j( Marion Davies and Owen Moore and it would take more than a Red Million dollar.; to make, us tell who's in love. 4?